"What do we do now?"

The morning laning was pretty cool, but you had to face the problem head on.

The pursuers already know the location of the fugitive. Whether they believe it or not, the fugitive is definitely coming.

However, people who are used to it are not particularly anxious.

On the one hand, Dongting City is not a small city and he is well hidden. It is not that simple to find him. On the other hand, because of the existence of the tool man, he has been running with the pursuer all night, and he must still be sleeping at this time.

"The next step is to leave!"

Ning Zhou's answer slightly surprised everyone.

Your head is stronger than iron, and you thought you were going to have a cat-and-mouse fight in Dongting.

"Hahaha, what are you thinking about?"

Ning Zhou looked at Xiaobai's slightly disappointed expression and couldn't help but smile.

"I really thought we could fight. As long as we are discovered and fired, we will be out, and there will be no resurrection tickets.

Head-on confrontation is the stupidest move. "

"Then I'm a little confused."

Xiaobai also said what was in his heart.

"Since we still focus on hiding and our current location is relatively safe, why do we want to self-destruct?"

"Yeah, I can't figure it out either."

"You said that our position might be exposed, but that's just a possibility."

Zhao Lushi hummed from the side: "I guess Mr. Ning was probably too proud and said it accidentally without any restraint."

"Who do you think I am? It's not like I'm conspicuously covering my forehead. Most of the time, I'm not!"

Ning Zhou thought of his performance on the first day.

“Think about it, before we came here, because we were too tired, we had to change cars two or three times once we arrived here.

Since we are not in the car, Qingyuan, or Rongcheng, and there are no clues, the focus of the investigation will naturally return to Dongting City.

I didn't care if there were any cameras near where I was riding.

But as long as you ask the taxi driver during that time, you might be able to find it.

Moreover, today is the 30th, the end of the month. "

"What do you mean?"

Everyone in the front could understand it, but when a date suddenly came up, they were all a little confused.

"Yesterday, I didn't go out for two hours. In fact, I didn't leave the community. I just wandered around in these dozens of buildings, chatting with the workers.

We found out something that might expose us. "

As he said that, Ning Zhou closed his mouth, obviously wanting to see if anyone could guess.

"Is it related to the date?" Yang Mi was the first to react: "Is it the water and electricity bill?"


Ning Zhou nodded approvingly.

“Although it’s just a possibility, the owners may not necessarily see the utility bill or care about it, but as long as there is a risk of exposure, we have to pay attention.

Ten people, not to mention electricity, and several tons of water were suddenly used. Maybe the other party would not guess that someone was moving in, but they would think that the faucet was not turned off or other reasons. If someone really came over, what accident would happen? It’s hard to tell. "

Upon hearing this, Huang Lei suddenly sighed.

"Ning Zhou, since you are so attentive, there is actually a job that suits you very well, that is, being an artist's assistant."

Others nodded in agreement.

Zhao Lushi had a more tricky angle: "Mr. Ning, did you have any subordinates before? They would be very annoying to you, and they would care about everything."

"I'm a very nice person, okay!"

Ning Zhou responded halfway and found that Zhao Lushi had turned away, so he had to give up.

"Then here's the problem," Huang Lei frowned: "There are ten of us now and we have no transportation, how can we leave?"

Before anyone else could think about it, Ning Zhou gave him a solution.

"I met a contractor next door. He had a small truck."

"Oh my god, Ning Zhou, why don't you give us some tips? If we get separated later, we'll be desperate."

Ning Zhou waved his hand: "Stop flattering me. Isn't it basic to consider a retreat?"

“It’s a pickup truck.”

"You can't drive on the highway, and it's definitely not comfortable to sit on."

Ning Zhou had already made plans.

"Don't be idle later, dress yourself up and follow Hou Minghao's standards. Remember, from now on, we are just workers.

I'm going to go find the contractor now and see if I can rent the car. "

"Move, move."

"Lin Rong, it's up to you."

"No problem, let's get our clothes dirty first."

"Bao, don't forget the bag."

"Ms. Zhao, you put on your makeup first and come with me."


It was easy to get her clothes dirty. Ningzhou gave her a mask directly. It was quite normal at a construction site.

It’s just that the hands are really not the hands of a working person, but it doesn’t matter.

After the two finished dressing up, they looked at each other and felt that there was no problem before going downstairs.

There is no need for an umbrella. The contractor's location is not far away. It can be reached by jogging only a few dozen meters.

“Just wait and cooperate.

The plot is that we work as a husband and wife. I do plumbing and electricity, and you are a small worker, which means you can do whatever you need. "

Zhao Lushi likes to joke, but she also knows when to score.

“Something happened at home, an old man got sick, and I had to rush back to see him, but he lost his ID card and couldn’t get on the train.

So I wanted to borrow his car to give him money.

I chatted with him once. He was quite enthusiastic and might be able to help. "

"Copy it, I'll cooperate with you!"

After getting on the elevator and reaching the tenth floor, Ning Zhou shrank his shoulders and the expression on his face changed.

"Brother Zhou, is Brother Zhou here?"

The cutting machine inside was working. He shouted several times, but no one answered, so he asked Zhao Lushi to stand at the door and walked in by himself.

"Hey brother, why are you here?"

The foreman who was smoking saw Ning Zhou and smiled and waved.

"Brother Zhou, I have something to ask you. Can we go out and talk about it?"

Looking at Ning Zhou's expression, Brother Zhou stopped smiling.


The two of them went to the door, and Brother Zhou specially closed the door.

"What's going on?"

"Brother Zhou, you smoke."

As he said that, Ning Zhou took out a box of Chinese medicine from his pocket. The corners were dented. Zhao Lushi caught a glimpse of it and realized why he was bending down when he entered the door just now.

He was too attentive, obviously trying to look like he had been hiding it for a long time and was reluctant to smoke by himself.

"What are you doing?" Brother Zhou pushed him back directly: "You have something to say."

What a warm-hearted person.

"Brother Zhou, I just received a call that the old man at home is seriously ill.

Let's go back quickly.

However, my husband and I lost our ID cards, and we are still in the process of getting new ones, so we can’t take the bus.

Juan, Juan, what are you doing standing there in a daze? "

Only when Zhao Lushi was pulled away did she realize that it was her who was the one who brought Juan. She quickly took out her pocket and took out the money from her pocket with a trembling hand.

Brother Zhou didn't feel anything was wrong at all. If something happened at home, he would definitely panic.

"No, how do you want me to help you?"

"Don't you have a small truck? Let's rent it. However, we can't drive. Can you find someone to help? Don't worry, we'll pay for it too."

"Where is your family from?"

"Anqi Village"

Zhao Lushi seemed to have recovered.

"Can you take us to Huadu City? There are buses to our town there, and we have paid for gas. Boss Zhou, please help us. There is really nothing we can do."


After a brief consideration, Brother Zhou nodded.

"It happened to be raining heavily today, and my truck was idle, so the flowers were far away. It would probably take six or seven hours.

However, I definitely don’t have time, so I’ll call someone else to help you drive. "

"Thank you, thank you!" Ning Zhou quickly stuffed the cigarette in his hand.

"You don't have to give it to me," Brother Zhou is indeed a good person: "You go back and share it. As for the cost, you don't need it. You can look back and see how much gas you added, and just give the gas money."

"That won't work," Ning Zhou forced the cigarette into his jacket pocket: "Then let's go back and wait."

"You're in Building 11, right? I'll have someone drive over. It'll take about half an hour. Please leave a phone number."

"Let's use WeChat. At the end of the month, I will run out of phone bills and still have some traffic."

Brother Zhou is not surprised by this. Those who work on the construction site save money when they can.

The two of them said goodbye with great gratitude and hurried back immediately.

About twenty minutes later, Brother Zhou sent a message that the car had arrived.

Ning Zhou went downstairs first.

He didn't recognize the driver. He was a little old man.

"Brother, let me tell you something."

Ning Zhou directly took out three hundred yuan.

"What are you doing?" Although the little old man couldn't understand, he kept his eyes on the money.

I came out to work for this reason.

"What did Boss Zhou tell you?"

"He said he would send the two of them to Huadu, and then we would see how much the fare and tolls were, and you would settle the bill here.

Nothing else. "

"Actually, it's not just my wife and I who are riding in the car," Ning Zhou said again: "There are also a few of my co-workers.

Now this boss is too stingy. I inquired about it that day and found out that the wages were forty yuan less than others. Not only had they just finished a construction site, but they also wanted to ask them to help with the work, but no one was willing.

I’m embarrassed to say it”

"Forty years younger is really bad!" The little old man expressed his understanding.

"There happens to be a job in Huadu, and they have to go there. There are several of us, so save whatever you can. When they heard that we were leaving, they asked if they could give us a ride."

With that said, Ning Zhou stuffed the money over.

"Brothers and brothers chipped in. Gas expenses and other expenses are not included. This is your hard work fee."

"Why is this so funny?"

Although the little old man said this, he put the money in his pocket.

"If anyone is out and doesn't have a problem, call them out."

"Okay, but brother, you'd better keep this matter a secret, if Boss Zhou knows about it."

The little old man nodded repeatedly, he had to say it.

Of course the boss is a good person, otherwise he would not have worked under him for more than ten years.

When going out, Boss Zhou specifically told him to drive slowly and put safety first, and he also gave himself a full day's salary.

Here I got an extra three hundred yuan, and I was even worried that Ning Zhou would tell the truth, so I wished both sides wouldn't tell.

A group of people came up behind the hula la, and the little old man took a look.

"This probably can't be used on the expressway, if it gets investigated."

"If you don't go on the expressway, if you don't go on the expressway, I'll take care of how much it costs you."


Seeing Ning Zhou being so generous, the little old man didn't waste any time and looked back.

"Hold on tight, let's go."

As the vehicle shook, the minivan began to move.

You can imagine how dirty the vehicles on the construction site are at the back, but no one cares.

When we first got on the bus, we found two tarpaulins on the side. They were spread out and eight people sat cross-legged.

Although the smell was a little pungent, everyone had a smile on their face.

It feels good at this time.

The car was swaying, the rain was pattering overhead, and a gap was exposed in the rear cover of the car, making everyone inside feel a sense of security.

Just like when I was a child, I would play alone in bed and like to surround myself with quilts and pillows.

"This feeling is so comfortable!"

"Hey, do you think so too?"

"It's so peaceful."

"Keep your voice down!" Huang Lei reminded with a smile: "You are all very happy. I have ridden in a car like this many times before. It was still winter, there was no cover, and the cold wind blew, tsk tsk tsk."

“Should we discuss where to go this afternoon?

You can't leave everything to Ning Zhou. They are all grasshoppers in the same boat and have to flutter. "

Bai Jingting scratched his head: "I'm afraid that after thinking about it for a long time, the result won't be as good as his idea."

Everyone was lost in thought, this was very possible.

Of course, not everyone enjoys such an atmosphere. Yang Mi, Zhou Xun, and Hou Minghao slowly began to feel motion sickness after leaving the city and getting on the national highway.

I can't really say that the three of them are delicate. They were sitting directly on the side of the car, without chairs, and the smells were all mixed together, plus the national road was curved.

I can only say that only those who have truly experienced it know what it feels like.

Fortunately, Yang Mi was the more serious one among the three. Huang Lei sent a message to Ning Zhou in front.

Soon, the vehicle stopped on the side of the road, and they changed places with the two young ladies behind who were motion-sick. The little old man got out of the car and smoked a cigarette.

Ning Zhou didn't know how to do it, but he lit one along with him. This was something he often did when he was a businessman.

After taking a short rest, Yang Mi calmed down, and the vehicle continued to move forward. The rain became lighter and lighter, and the people behind were also drowsy.

At noon, the little old man found a roadside restaurant. Naturally, Ning Zhou was the one to treat him. During this period, he bought two more packs of cigarettes and stuffed them in, which made the little old man extremely happy.

Thinking of arriving in Huadu safely, Ning Zhou, who was dozing off with his head down, was woken up by Zhao Lushi.

It turned out that the old man in front was driving with nothing to do and had been listening to the radio. As a result, he learned that Teacher He and Zhang Yixing had participated in the program and immediately conveyed it to the rear.

"How about we participate too."

After listening to the radio on his mobile phone for a while, Ning Zhou became interested.

After getting everyone's consent, I sent a message to Director Wang Kang and left a number at that time.

"I am Ning Zhou, and I want to face Teacher He."

After leaving this sentence, people from the radio station soon took the initiative to contact me. After confirming his identity, there was no need to mention how happy he was.

Regarding the hidden number proposed by Ning Zhou, I used my position to guarantee that it will never be leaked. The station director is on your side. The last time someone came over, they didn't give any information.

Chasers don't need it at all, there are too many ways to do it, but Fugitives are different.

As long as both parties cooperate happily, you can give us a call every once in a while, and we will serve as a window to contact the outside world, a win-win situation.

To put it bluntly, it is a real benefit.

Which one is more important, needless to say.

So, the battle began.

Yang Mi and Zhou Xun, who were sitting in front, were actually beating drums in their hearts, secretly observing the little old man's reaction.

Obviously, they were overthinking and didn't think about it at all. After listening for a while, they changed the channel. They couldn't understand the variety show and were not interested.

"Where are you now? If you're a man, don't lie."

Teacher He's last question was obviously a bit cheeky, that is, it was urgent.

The members beside him didn't say anything, and they were also curious about how Ning Zhou would answer.

It seemed that he was in a dilemma.

After a pause of more than ten seconds, Zhao Lushi came over.

"you guess"

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