Lin Fan thought that although he didn't have a part today,

but today's part was very exciting,

he planned to observe and learn on the spot in order to better improve his acting skills!

When he arrived at the set,

seeing that everyone was still doing the preparations, Lin Fan stepped forward to help.

The staff on the scene saw that Lin Fan got started directly without any airs,

after persuasion failed, they let Lin Fan help!

When Er Dongsheng arrived at the scene,

he saw that Lin Fan was setting up the scene with everyone, and smiled at Liu Dehua next to him.

"You'll get used to it!"

"This kid is full of strength!"

"If you let him idle, he really can't stay idle!"

Er Dongsheng's face was full of satisfaction, and the more he looked at Lin Fan, the more he appreciated him.

"Director Er, you think highly of Lin Fan!"

Liu Dehua turned his head to look at the expression on Er Dongsheng's face, and said this sentence affirmatively.

"Just telling the truth!"

"I really found the right guy!"

Er Dongsheng was glad for his original choice.

With Lin Fan's participation, the movie is even more eye-catching!

"Don't say you like it, I like this guy more than anything else!"

"For so many years, the film industry has been in a state of transition, and now we finally see a little light!"

Liu Dehua thought of everyone's evaluation of Lin Fan and couldn't help but sigh a few words.

After hearing this, Er Dongsheng just smiled meaningfully.

"Director Er, Brother Hua!"

After Lin Fan finished his work, he saw the two people standing aside and walked up to say hello.

After a few words, Lin Fan came to the field and sat down!

What will be filmed later is,

The scene where Lin Kun's wife asks Lin Kun to save the lives of his family and commits suicide!

Lin Fan is looking forward to it.

This scene is a confrontation between two actors!

It can be felt more real and profound on the scene!

After the preparations were completed, the sound of the field attendant shouting to start was heard.

As the camera slowly moved,

The sheriff played by Er Dongsheng pushed the things in his hand in front of Lin Kun played by Liu Dehua.

Liu Dehua turned his eyes away and put on a resistance expression on his face.

"From 1998 to now, all the photos, videotapes and telephone recordings are here!"

"If you are sentenced to less than 30 years, I will chop off your head!"

When Liu Dehua heard this, his brain was full of thoughts and his eyes were full of thoughts!

He crossed his hands nervously!

"If you are smart, shake everyone out!"

"Where is there a chance? Get out of the cell before you die!"

"See the one in your wife's belly, or hug your grandson!"

Er Dongsheng looked at Liu Dehua who was thinking, trying to break down his psychological defenses.

"Otherwise, you can even save the lawyer's fee!"

After listening to Er Dongsheng's words,

Liu Dehua's eyes became firm and he said,

"I want to see her, she doesn't know anything, I want to tell her clearly!"

After hearing Liu Dehua's words, Er Dongsheng's face was solemn and he refused directly,


Liu Dehua did not give up, his sharp eyes seemed to have seen through Er Dongsheng,

"You help me, you will also benefit!"

"I will tell you everything, I promise to get you promoted!"

After hearing this, Er Dongsheng's mind moved,

Immediately got up from the stool and walked directly to the door,

In the future, Lin Kun's wife, played by Yuan Yongyi, was carried in by two female police officers,

After seeing this, Liu Dehua's serious face immediately changed to a smile!

Lin Fan saw Liu Dehua's smooth expression and watched with relish!


Yuan Yongyi broke free from the female police officer and walked towards Liu Dehua.


the two hugged each other!

"Listen to me..."

The second Liu Dehua hugged Yuan Yongyi,

he immediately put on a serious expression.

Unexpectedly, he was interrupted by Yuan Yongyi,

"There is no time, listen to me!"

Yuan Yongyi's expression was calm, his eyes were red, and he was determined!

"You can't confess anything. If you tell us, we will all die!"

"I don't care, what about my two daughters?"

Shock flashed in Liu Dehua's eyes. Under this huge shock, he could only listen blankly.

"My second sister needs surgery, and this thing in my stomach..."

"What should I do with this thing in my stomach?"

Yuan Yongyi suppressed the pain in her heart, but the words spoken in her gentle voice were so indifferentRuthless!

"No whispering!"

Er Dongsheng interrupted the warmth between the two people sternly!

After hearing this, Yuan Yongyi let go of her hands that were hugging Liu Dehua, put her hands on his shoulders, and said in an unquestionable tone,

"For the sake of the child, you must go!"

"I have already collected the money. Once you leave, they can't do anything to us!"

Standing not far away, Er Dongsheng saw Yuan Yongyi's moving lips,

and emphasized it more sternly.

"Did you hear me? No whispering!"

After Liu Dehua understood Yuan Yongyi's words,

the expression on his face changed from shock at first to pain later, and then to numbness.

He let Yuan Yongyi put his hands on his shoulders without a soul.

For a moment, he felt like he was ten years older,

with no brilliance!

Under the police's obstruction, Liu Dehua directly broke free from Yuan Yongyi's hand.

He smiled and pretended to hug her, but actually put his mouth close to Yuan Yongyi's ear,


"I know what I should do. Actually, you don't have to say it, understand?"

After that, he faced Yuan Yongyi and tried to force a smile,

"Walk out of this door happily and live well with the children!"

Both knew that this was the last time they would meet,

so they reluctantly gave each other a farewell hug!

As the plot progressed,

When this scene was finished, Lin Fan heard the sound of the stagehand calling for a stop.

Thinking of the plot just now, many thoughts came to Lin Fan's mind!

Seeing Shi Shaolin sitting not far from him,

Lin Fan walked over and discussed with him in a low voice,

"Brother Shi, you said that Mrs. Kun is so powerful, is she the one behind the scenes?"

"Or, is she the one who contacted the upper house?"

Seeing Lin Fan's interested look, Shi Shaolin thought about it in his mind and deliberately kept it a secret,

"Can you use your imagination to think about it?"

Lin Fan smiled when he heard this,

"Brother Shi, this is not a secret, there is no need to hide it so tightly, right?"

Lin Fan's humorous words made Shi Shaolin laugh,

"Director Er and I set up a suspense here, just to trigger the audience to think, to discuss human nature, and deeper issues!"

"I didn't expect that the first person to think about this question was you, kid, it seems that you are taking it very seriously!"

After hearing this, Lin Fan nodded, but he had different thoughts in his heart.

"Actually, I don't know much either!"

"Only Director Er knows what effect he wants to achieve!"

After Shi Shaolin said so much, he looked at Lin Fan who was lost in thought and immediately began to clarify his previous guess!

After hearing this, Lin Fan waved his hand and said it was okay!

"It seems that Director Er is very good at this!"

After hearing this, Shi Shaolin nodded.

After all, a good movie should not only be interesting to watch,

but also let the audience participate in it and trigger their thinking. This is a very critical point!

After chatting with Shi Shaolin for a few words, Lin Fan sat aside and continued to watch the scenes on the set!

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