""Old Boy", the first scene of the first day!"


Tang Han was standing in the corridor of the school where the filming took place, wearing a high school uniform, holding a guitar in his arms, and gestured ok to Ding Mo behind the camera.


Ding Mo pressed the shooting button, and the first scene of "Old Boy" officially started.

This is a scene in which the male lead, Xiao Dabao, is in the corridor, expressing his confession to Ban Hua.


Pooh! Pooh!

Tang Han spit a little saliva on his hand, and slapped his hair in an extremely coquettish manner, and set it up.

His eyes were also a little shy to look around, and then he put his hand on the string of the guitar, and with a spring-hearted look, he sang a song while playing the piano there.

"I love you forever and ever!"

"loving You!"

Tang Han rested one foot on the wall of the corridor and sang a very nostalgic song in this world - "Love Ever"!

This is an old song that was popular in the 1980s. It can be said that as long as it came from that era, it will basically be sung.

The original "Old Boy" in the previous life, here is "Xiao Fang"!

But without this song in this world, if it appeared in a movie, it would be very abrupt. Not only would it not cause resonance and nostalgia, but it would be counterproductive.

So like Michael Jackson, Tang Han has made a few modifications here.

Replaced with this song "Love Ever"!

The effect seems to be pretty good.

At least Wei Dong and Xu Feiwen on the sidelines were obviously laughed at by Tang Han's performance.

It is really Tang Han's performance at this time, which is a bit exaggerated.

But this is not to say that the acting is not good, but the need for the plot, because Ban Hua and Fat Girl will pass through this corridor.

The reason why Tang Han is playing the piano here is actually to attract Banhua's attention.

In the campus, many male students have actually done such silly things.


"Hanzi's acting is good!"

"A little underestimated!"

Xu Feiwen and Ding Mo were talking quietly beside them.

tread! tread! tread!

At this moment, the chubby Jiang Meng, with a shocking double ponytail, wearing a school uniform and carrying a schoolbag, passed by Tang Han.

Of course Tang Han was very dismissive of her, but when he saw Jiang Qianqian who was playing the role of Ban Hua behind her, Tang Han's singing tone suddenly rose a few decibels.

Here comes his goddess.

"I have always loved you, and I have never dared to confess!"

"But now, I'm ready!"

Tang Han sang very hard, and Jiang Qianqian, who played the role of Ban Hua, also paused beside Tang Han.

Tang Han thought that Jiang Qianqian was attracted by his singing, and a bright smile appeared on his face.

The camera caught it very well.

"This expression... in place!"

Ding Mo couldn't help but shout.


But the next second, Jiang Qianqian took out an earphone from her arms.


The earphones also emit the sound of English listening.


Jiang Qianqian stuffed it into her ear, and without looking at Tang Han from beginning to end, Shi Shiran walked down the stairs.

This scene is quite dramatic.

Tang Han was still singing there, but his eyes looked at Jiang Qianqian's direction downstairs affectionately. After the figure disappeared, the singing voice became more and more pale and weak.


Accidentally, he swayed and almost rolled down the stairs.


Many people watching from the sidelines were already laughing and pissing.

Including Jiang Meng and Jiang Qianqian who walked out of the shooting site.


Tang Han leaned against the wall and shouted to himself.

This interactive scene between Tang Han and Jiang Qianqian between the corridors is now complete.

Very smooth, before and after 3 minutes did not arrive.

But Tang Han showed Xiao Dabao's thick skin and expressiveness, and performed very well.

"Ha ha ha ha!"


"It's a pity that you are not an actor, Hanzi!"

Wei Dong and Xu Feiwen couldn't bear it any longer, and burst into laughter there.

It was just that part, it was really funny.

Tang Han played a saucy student who had a crush on the goddess.

"Let me see!"

Tang Han walked over to the camera and started watching the replay just now.

In the case of a large production crew, there are actually monitors, but the 8K fully automatic camera in front of Tang Han is already his most expensive possession.

If it wasn't for the directing department requiring students to have filming equipment, it is estimated that Tang Han's parents wouldn't even buy it for him.

Hundreds of thousands of units, not all families can afford.

"No, there are still some flaws in this shot!"

Tang Han watched the playback and was a little dissatisfied: "It's a little stiff, my body should be shaking with the guitar playing..."

"Depend on!"

Wei Dong and Xu Feiwen next to them couldn't help raising their heads.

"pretty good!"

"I just watched it, and the acting is very good!"

The two of them didn't expect that Tang Han had such high demands on him?

Snapped! Snapped!

Tang Han clapped his hands: "Dameng, Qianqian, let's do it again!"


Jiang Qianqian nodded expressionlessly, while Jiang Meng shrugged, not complaining much.

After all, director ng is also a very common situation in the crew.

But what they didn't expect was that this "director" seemed...a bit harsh.

"Qianqian, I think Senior Tang is very powerful!"

Jiang Meng suddenly came to Jiang Qianqian's side and whispered, "Did you think that his aura was completely different when he was shooting just now?"

"Well, I see, he has already entered the play just now!"

"Senior Tang's seriousness in filming shows that he really wants to make this movie well!"

Jiang Qianqian raised her head slightly and glanced at Tang Han who was focused in front of the camera: "Now, I'm a little bit convinced, what he said before!"


Jiang Meng turned her head and looked at Jiang Qianqian.

"He wants to be in the Low-Cost Movie Challenge!"

"At least, his attitude is there!"

Jiang Qianqian raised her eyebrows and walked up to the third floor again, preparing to enter the country for a while.

Tang Han continued to hold the guitar.


5 minutes later, Tang Han watched the replay just now with satisfaction.


"Next time, we will try to finish the school scene this morning!"

Tang Han shouted at the crowd and walked towards the shooting classroom next to him.

Here, 11 scenes of "Old Boy" will be filmed, all of which are scenes of slapstick and play among students.

After the filming, except for Tang Han and Wei Dong, the school scenes of several starring actors have come to an end.

"Tsk tsk, I can't see it, this kid Hanzi is very good at acting!"

"I really didn't expect this kid to learn acting secretly?"

"Elective, right?"

Behind the camera, Wei Dong Ding Mo and Xu Feiwen shook their heads as they looked at Tang Han who was getting more and more into the camera.

The three of them did have some admiration for Tang Han.

Almost all of Tang Han's performances just now were performed in one passage, and his acting skills were also remarkable.

Of course, it is normal for the director to act.

There is a jargon saying that an actor may not necessarily direct a play, but the director will definitely act.

That's the difference between an actor and a director.

After all, sometimes the director has to discuss with the actors how to play a plot. For example, right now, Tang Han is teaching Jiang Qianqian to play a scene where the two interact.

Wei Dong and Xu Feiwen were envious.

"Damn, how come I have no impression of such a beautiful junior in the acting department?"

"Me too, 'Director Tang' has both talent and talent right now!"

"envy, jealousy, hate!"

The two were talking secretly, but Tang Han suddenly turned his head: "Old Wei, it's your turn!"

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