"Rookie directors, I'm Jiang Yeyu!"

Jiang Yeyu has a strong aura, and after sitting down, she didn't say any polite words at all, and started to talk about some rules about the "Low-Cost Movie Challenge" to be launched next.

"There is a brochure in front of each of you!"

"There are some introductions about this variety show above. The reason why I call you here is mainly because I need you to sign some contracts before the variety show officially starts shooting!"

"Again, it's - right in front of you!"

Jiang Yeyu said, thinking about something, and then said: "Oh, you may be curious, who are the five senior directors who are on the same stage as you, let me sell it.

In addition to the known two Chen Mougang Chen Director, and Hong Yi Hong Ye, the other three have to wait until three days before the start of the main game, that is, tomorrow at 8 o'clock [will be announced on Chang Yan Shi Shi!"

"This is a commonly used method for variety shows to warm up, please understand!"

Jiang Yeyu's beautiful eyes swept across Tang Han and the others before a slight smile appeared: "Is there anything else you need to ask? You can ask me!"

"Director Jiang—"

"Just call me Sister Yu, everyone calls me that!"

Jiang Ye Yu smiled at Sun Juan, and Sun Juan shrugged: "Sister Yu, I want to ask, three days after the main competition, that is, starting on July 6, is there no need for rehearsal?"

General variety shows are recorded in advance, and then wait for the day of the launch, and start to update 1-2 times a week.

But listening to Jiang Yeyu's meaning, it seems that the main game starts, and the online... is also open at the same time?

"Yes, this time, we adopted the industry's first 24-hour live broadcast on all platforms!"

"It's special, you may have to get used to it!"


Sun Yan's face changed a bit at that time.

live streaming?

He obviously did not expect such a variety show.

Kong Hanjing on the side also frowned slightly, but Jing Chu and Jia Boyan, the former seemed to already know, but raised his head slightly; while the latter, thoughtfully, finally lowered his head and turned over. He looked at the booklet in front of him.

"There are introductions in the booklet, you can read it first, and ask me if you don't understand after reading it!"

After Jiang Ye Yu finished speaking, Tang Han was already there to read.

Although the 24-hour live variety show surprised him, it didn't make Tang Han flinch.

In fact, he was very curious about such a fully open variety show mode.

At least in the past life has not used such a form.

"Low Cost Movie Challenge" Variety Competition Rules:

1. There is no rehearsal, 24 hours of live broadcast, the total estimated time is half a year, and it is divided into 4 phases.

2. The variety show adopts a knockout system. In the first phase, 10 people will challenge the cost of 1 million yuan to shoot. According to the score and box office, the list of 5 people who will advance to the second phase will be determined; in the second phase, 5 people will participate and challenge the cost of 100,000 yuan. Shoot, decide the top three; in the third phase, 3 people participate, challenge the cost of 10,000 yuan to shoot, and finally decide the champion, runner-up and third runner-up; the final fourth phase is the egg challenge, and the champion challenges the limit of cost!

3. The resurrection competition mechanism, the directors eliminated in each episode can have the opportunity to challenge the resurrection of the next episode.

For example, if you are eliminated in the first phase, you can participate in the 100,000 yuan cost challenge in the second phase. If the final score and box office exceed a certain player in the second phase, he can advance to the third phase or become the third phase. Resurrection candidate.

4. All interpretation rights of this variety show belong to the "Low-Cost Movie Challenge" program team.

"It looks a bit complicated, but...it's not incomprehensible!"

Tang Han watched it twice, and he almost knew the competition of "Low-budget Movie Challenge".

This variety show will take half a year from start to finish.

There are four phases in total, divided into 1 million, 100,000, and 1 party, and there is a limit cost challenge.

Then the participating directors are 10, 5, 3 to the last one, that is, the champion.

However, there is still a chance for the eliminated director to be resurrected.

"Have you read it all?"

Jiang Ye Yu's eyes swept across everyone present, and Tang Han nodded immediately.

"I believe that since you can get a place to participate in the "Low-Cost Film Challenge" main competition, they are all proud or beautiful girls, and the rules of this competition should not be difficult for you!

"Next, what I'm going to say, is about the variety show pay for each of you!"

Jiang Yeyu pointed to the contract in front of everyone: "You can also open it and take a look, but I'm here to explain it to you first!"

"You agree, just sign your name on it, and leave a copy of your ID code!"

"After signing, it means that you agree to participate in the variety show held by our China Television this time - "Low-Cost Movie Challenge"!'

"Of course there's nothing wrong with quitting before signing, we can all understand that!"

Seeing that everyone stopped talking, Jiang Yeyu acquiesced.


"Then please open the first page of the salary contract!"

"In principle, in fact, we should give a subsidy to each director who participates in their remuneration. However, in view of the particularity of this variety show, so for the five new directors of you.

There will be a corresponding examination!"

"For the cost of filming, our program team will pay your filming account in advance, and will also provide various equipment for filming!"

"And what you have to do is to keep a record of every cost during the filming process. Our program team staff must conduct regular accounting!"

"Take the 1 million cost challenge of the first phase as an example, the shooting cost cannot be exceeded, only the remaining!"

"More than 1 yuan means that you will be eliminated directly, and there is no possibility of participating in the resurrection. I hope you can understand this!"

"The program team will also publicize your costs!"

What Jiang Yeyu said, Tang Han obviously saw it in the contract in front of him.

It's all written in great detail.

1 yuan!

If it exceeds 1 yuan, the cost of the first phase of shooting will cost 1 million and 1 yuan, then this is not allowed, it will be eliminated directly, and it is not eligible to participate in the resurrection.

is a hard and fast rule.

"Except for the cost of funds and the provision of various shooting equipment, our program team is no longer responsible for any projects!"

"The venue, actors, crew, etc., all need you to find it!"

"And the remuneration of the corresponding actors must be paid in accordance with the state's requirements for the level of actors!"

0 ...... ask for flowers ......

"The film crew, also follow this rule!"


Jiang Yeyu told everyone the details of the contract.

It can be said that it is written in great detail and avoids countless loopholes in terms of cost.

Tang Han glanced at it, and there was almost no loophole to exploit.

The only good thing is that Wei Dong and Jiang Qianqian have not been rated as second-tier by the state. They are only newcomers. At the end of each year, the rating of entertainers will be conducted.

This is, for Tang Han, the only good news.

Because this means, you can save costs.

For new actors who have not been assessed, the remuneration range stipulated by Huaxia is between 0-500 yuan / day!

So Tang Han can not give money.

"Okay, having said so much, I think what you most want to know is the salary I said at the beginning!"

"That's it, we will give a subsidy of 1 million yuan to all the contestants!"

"It's the hard work for you to shoot the movie!"


The word "hard work", Tang Han felt that it was the key point.

Because it's not the same as pay.

"The box office of all the movies during the shooting period belongs to our Huawang!"


When Jiang Yeyu said these words, Jia Boyan, who had been silent for a while, was obviously unable to sit still.

"I... do we only have the right to film?"

He couldn't help but question.

"Yes, that's why I said it was hard work. All the shooting costs, equipment, and promotion are all funded by our China Television. Why isn't this movie owned by our China Television?"

Although this is an overlord clause, Tang Han felt that Jiang Yeyu was right.

Most importantly, Tang Han knew that she must not have finished speaking.

"But, I said but!"

"One million is hard work, but we will give it to the champion who gets 50% of the box office for all the films he shoots!"


That's what Tang Han was waiting for.

"Isn't it exciting to hear it?"

"There are even more exciting!"

Jiang Yeyu smiled: "Second runner-up, 40%; third runner-up, 30%!"

"The 1st place, 20%; the 5th place [10%!"

"What about sixth place?"

Kong Hanjing raised his head.

"sorry, we do not have that!"

"Sixth to tenth place, no box office share!"

"So, you should understand the contract in front of you, right?"

"Sign or not, it's your own choice!"

"After signing, you can leave, and the program team will report after three days!"

"During this period, you can think about the script of the first issue, as well as the cast members, etc. After the provincial program started, you were in a hurry!"

Jiang Ye Yu smiled brightly, Tang Han couldn't help but sign his name.

To starve the timid, to endure the daring.

Tang Han's goal must be the champion, which is 50% of the box office share, so he signed it without hesitation.

Although he knew that this contract was an overlord clause.

But to win the championship, this is a sky-high check!

Two-way choice, it depends on how you decide 100 million!.

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