Entertainment: God-Level Director Starts With Low-Cost Challenge

【62】The Race Begins! What Is The Ceiling Of The Variety Show Industry? 【2 More】

"What's the matter, Brother Han, you're so surprised?"

Xu Feiwen glanced at the excited Tang Han, who didn't know what kind of prize this guy had won.

"It's nothing, because I know, the first issue of "Low-Cost Film Challenge", the cost of 1 million, what film is being made!"

Tang Han smiled slightly, feeling really happy inside.

There's nothing like the excitement of knowing what movie you're making.

Because other directors have to search for the script, and have to calculate the cost, and finally decide whether to make it or not; but Tang Han, after confirming the film, he can start shooting directly. The hardest step.

Next, just follow the plot of the movie in your mind and shoot step by step.

All this is in order.


This is the film that Tang Han is going to shoot for the first issue.

In the previous life, this film has set records for its short shooting time, low cost and high box office, so it is regarded as a classic horror film.

In the previous life of Tang Han, the popularity of this movie was simply too high, so high that basically 99% of the audience who liked movies had heard his name.

As for the friends who love to watch horror movies, it is definitely a must-see.

Even "Chainsaw" was too popular because the first film was too popular, and the production team successively shot 6 sequels in the next 6 years.

There are as many as 9 380 series in the whole series.

Although each one is unfinished, the "Chainsaw" series is indeed a masterpiece of horror movies - a masterpiece of masterpieces.

The first film was directly conferred with a score of nearly 9 points; and his director, Wen Ziren, directly locked the title of horror master with this film.

The same directly conferred gods.

What many people don't know is that this "Chainsaw" is actually Wen Ziren's debut.

His first film in his directing career.

The total investment cost is 1.2 million US dollars, and the final box office is 103 million US dollars; the key is that it is not on the theater chain at the beginning [but at the Sundance Film Festival.

It caused a huge stir when it was released.

If the announcement is in place, 1 billion US dollars will definitely not be a problem.

So sometimes, whether the director has talent or not can be known by watching his debut.

Nolan is like this, so is Wen Ziren.

And Tang Han's previous life in China, that is Ning Hao, Wen Muye... "Crazy Stone", "I'm Not the God of Medicine" are invincible when they are born.

"The chainsaw is frightening..."

"Although it cost 1.2 million US dollars, the prices at home and abroad are different!"

"At the beginning, the actor's salary was half, and I definitely don't need that much... 1 million, definitely enough!"

Thinking like this, Tang Han turned on the computer aifh and began to conceive the script for the movie.

Speaking of ideas, in fact, it is to write down the shooting scenes one by one.

I guess it can be done overnight.

Three days passed in a flash.

One hour before the live broadcast of "Low-Cost Movie Challenge", Tang Han sat in the backstage of the program group, waiting for the program to start.

Along with him, of course, were Jing Chu, Sun Gang, Kong Hanjing and Jia Boyan.

As for the five great directors, they did not sit in the same room with them, but in the past three days, Tang Han also knew about the three great directors except Chen Mougang and Hong Ye.

Sun Xueyi, Gao Tianyou and Wang Gong!

When the list came out, Chang Yan netizens were in an uproar.

the reason is simple.

Sun Xueyi, the father of Sun Juan, is the leader of the fourth generation of directors in China. He is still active in front of and behind the scenes, and even founded the National Film Group [and owner and director Yu Shishen.

He won the best director of the Golden Goblet in his early years, and his works have also been nominated for the Golden Goblet and the Oscar for several times, and even won the best picture of the 85th Golden Goblet.

It's just that he has switched to shooting commercial films in recent years, and has not won any awards for a long time.

But he was also extremely successful in commercial films, otherwise he would not have created a big company like Guoying Group.

The director's strength can definitely be ranked in the top ten in the country.

But in fact, these are not the most critical, the key is that he will be on the same stage with his son.

This is what netizens are most looking forward to.

Father and Son Bureau!

How many variety shows can see such a PK scene.

I have to say that China Television Media is definitely the ceiling of the variety show in terms of hype and marketing.

Put the heat and what the audience wants to watch, and play it clearly.

As for Gao Tianyou and Wang Mei.

These are actually two things to watch.

Gao Tianyou is the first person in domestic literary and artistic films. It is estimated that he has won the most awards among all directors. He has swept through countless film festivals.


What does that mean?

Just one step away from a Grand Slam director.

He is only one Oscar away, and he can collect the three highest prizes in the world's film and television industry, the Golden Goblet and the Oscar for Best Director Grand Slam.

Definitely the closest one to a Grand Slam in the country.

And Wang Mei is the only woman among the five great directors.

At the same time, she is also one of the most famous female directors in China, and she is the first among female directors in terms of box office and awards.

None of the kind.

The fact that China Television Media was able to invite her really shocked countless netizens.

In addition, there is also a female director among the five new directors. It has to be said that it should be deliberately done by China Television Media.

The PK between Kong Hanjing and Wang Mei, the contest between new and old female directors, must also be one of the highlights.

"Playing......or China Television will play!"

"Five rookie directors have a female director, and five big names even have female directors!

"The first female director..."

Tang Han had to sigh that the variety show "Low-Cost Movie Challenge" by China Television, with their ten participating directors' lineup alone, has already whetted their appetites, making the audience a huge attraction and a sense of anticipation.

Not to mention the novel variety show mode of 24-hour live broadcast.

This show is destined to be the first to catch fire.

The number of topics discussed on the entire network this month has reached billions. It is conceivable how much attention this show will attract after it is actually launched.

"Director Tang, Director Jing...

Get ready, you'll be on stage later!"

"Before the 'Low Budget Film Challenge' show, there was a director introduction session!"

At this time, the emcee came to Tang Han's ear and talked to him about some matters about the show later.

In Tang Han's ear, he also heard the voice of the host speaking.

At this time, there is still half an hour before the start of "Low-Cost Movie Challenge", but audiences across the Internet can actually see the pre-match live broadcast of this show on China Television's variety show and online China Television.

"Everyone in front of the TV, the audience of China Television, good evening!"

"I am the host of this show - Benin!"

"I am Dodo!"

"Welcome everyone to watch our upcoming "Low-Cost Movie Challenge" from China Television Media. At this time, there is still half an hour before the show goes live!"

"As you may have seen, there's an hour-and-a-half countdown above the TV!"

"Huh, I am in the same mood as everyone else. I am both anticipating and nervous. Many people may have doubts. Why do we have to broadcast our show half an hour earlier?"

"Actually, it's because our program is quite special. After half an hour, it will be broadcast live 24 hours a day, and it will be pushed to the whole network!"

"By then, the way you watch may be very different from before!"

"So we will popularize and introduce this program with you before the game!"

"So first of all, let's invite the ten directors of our "Low-Cost Film Challenge" to come on stage!"


Passionate and enthusiastic music, with the introduction of Bening and Duoduo, the two hosts of China Television, spread from all directions of the stage.

Then, the emcee motioned for Kong Hanjing to be the first to take the stage.

Without it, she was fifth in the audition. .

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