Entertainment: God-Level Director Starts With Low-Cost Challenge

[69] Netizens In Tang Han's Live Broadcast Room Are Collectively Autistic! 【4 More】

Stained actors, this is the so-called title that Huaxia has set for some actors who have made mistakes, but are not particularly bad.

In this world, all stars are strictly regulated.

There are corresponding regulations for the level and income of a superstar; for example, Xia Fan, she is a world-class singer, and for that concert, there are qualitative standards for ticket fees; there are also price limits for song releases and single albums.

The purpose is to curb the so-called sky-high appearance fees and remuneration.

Actors, apparently too.

And the tainted actor, the income is even worse. Once he is certified as tainted due to negative news such as tax arrears, then if he wants to turn over in this industry again, it will really take countless times more effort than the same person.

The taint is actually a warning from the state.

Still give them a chance to make a comeback again.

It just depends on whether they will change their minds, the prodigal son will not change the money and so on.

They may have been smeared because they didn't owe a lot of taxes and paid it up in time; or they were exposed for playing big names, smoking in public, playing a bad leading role, etc., and so on.

Like what sucks D, cheats, 08P Chang, it is not a stain at all, but a ban.

This is called a bad actor, and they will never be made to pay.

Tang Han obviously won't use these people, he still understands some of the rules of the world's film and television industry.

"Stained actors, and also find some people who are more recognized by the public!"

Tang Han flipped through his phone there, then looked up the actors who had been smeared.

He first looked at the other party's downgrade for what reason, and if it was due to tax arrears, he would not look for it.

"Just these few!"

"Let your dad ask if he wants to, especially this guy!"

Tang Han pointed to a name on the list - Wu Xingzhuo!

The former Golden Statue and Golden Jue Actor was known as the man closest to the Best Actor Grand Slam, but in the end...he had a fist-fighting conflict with an actor in the crew.

After this incident was exposed, the impact was quite bad, and it was almost banned by the film bureau.

But the final result of the investigation was that he was actually dug into a hole and shot out of nowhere; because Wu Xingzhuo has been throwing big names all the time, and relying on his old qualifications, many directors and crews were very unhappy with him.

Knowing that he would hit someone if he was provoked twice by words, that's why he was stumped.

The reason is that it is too expansive.

In recent years, Wu Xingzhuo has also been trying to pick up some movies to restore his personal image, but many film and television companies he worked with before were unwilling to pay attention to him.

So it didn't mix well.

The crew is also like Sun Tzu, and many media often expose it, and he has indeed paid the due price for his past behavior.

"Okay, I'll call my dad right now!"

Wei Dong took the mobile phone and dialed Wei Jianbi. A few minutes later, Wei Dong smiled and walked over: "It's done, wait for my dad to reply!"


The last big stone in Tang Han's heart finally fell.

The crew, actors, starring... This was all implemented on the first day, and the next shooting time was quite loose.

"Hope... all goes well tomorrow!"

Tang Han held the script and suddenly thought of something.

"Oh, right!"

"The script, you are familiar with the script these days. Qianqian, you play the female lead and the cute female second; A Fei is the third male police officer, and Lao Wei is the fourth male police attendant!"

Tang Han told everyone the corresponding roles, and everyone basically remembered them.

Tang Han sent the printed script to them.

"The Chainsaw?"

Jiang Qianqian read it out with some fear, and when all the netizens in the live broadcast room heard the name of the movie, they all got a little excited.

It's not that the name of the movie is awesome, but this should be the first live broadcast room to expose the name of the movie.

Other directors, many netizens don't even know what the script looks like, let alone the movie name.

Many directors don't even decide on the final name until the film is finished.

"The Chainsaw Horror... This sounds like a horror movie!"

"Why don't you say it, Tang Papi said when he was recruiting the crew and actors to make a modern horror film!"

"Chainsaw... tsk tsk tsk, there is a picture!"

"I have it too. It must be a murderous pervert, cutting people with a chainsaw?"

"Huh? Why is it like what I thought!"

"Damn it, that's what I think too?"

"Who spied on my thoughts?"

Countless netizens are guessing there, and many people have already discussed the plot there.

"If that's the case, this movie is too boring!"

"Yeah, we can all shoot!"

"Hopefully it's not what I thought..."

Tang Han was also free at this time, took time to look at his live broadcast room, and saw that all the netizens were discussing the plot, he couldn't help grinning.

"Especially if you guess the plot [what is the originator of the chainsaw blade?"

Obviously, everyone guessed wrong.

The horror of "Chainsaw" is indeed a chainsaw, but not because of a chainsaw maniac, but because of the chainsaw sawing legs!

The picture is quite classic, so I even made a poster for it!

"Fuck, Brother Han, your script is exciting!"

Wei Dong only took a few glances, and the whole person was a little excited: "Shit, I wish I could play one male and two males, this role is very challenging!"

"Yes, Zhidou, and the layout... When did you write it?"

"Why didn't I know you had such an awesome script!"

Obviously, in terms of plot design, it is a lot higher than "Old Boy".

Ding Mo raised his head in shock, really amazed by this script.

The most basic quality of directing students is to be able to read scripts and analyze them, and some even take screenwriting courses concurrently.

"It's just three days!"

"Didn't you watch me type?"

Tang Han said lightly, but he actually finished writing it in one day.

But he was afraid that one day would frighten them to death, so he temporarily changed the time.

But he didn't know at all that the sky was actually a terrifying number.

After listening to the crowd, they raised their heads in unison and looked at Tang Han as if they were looking at a monster.

3 days?

Is this Nima still human?

Jiang Qianqian looked at him blankly.

The audience in the entire live broadcast room was also extremely dumbfounded.

Although they are not professionals, they also know that it is impossible to write a script in 3 days.

"I believe you so much!"

"You Tang Pipi is very bad!"

"The effect of the show must be the effect of the show, don't believe him!

"Yes, 3 days, how is that possible?"

"If it was written in 3 days, I would eat the table!"

"Eat together!"

"I am an online writer, and I can tell everyone responsibly that it is impossible to write a script in 3 days!"

Countless netizens posted a bullet screen there, watching everyone in the live broadcast room were suspicious, Tang Han suddenly took out his computer, and opened a script file at random, which showed the time when the script "Chainsaw" was created.

The lens does a good job of giving a close-up.

Script "Chainsaw", edited: July 3rd at 15:33:08 pm!


Everyone in the live broadcast room closed themselves collectively.

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