Entertainment: God-Level Director Starts With Low-Cost Challenge

【77】This Is A Crew Shuttle Bus That Costs 1 Million Yuan? 【1 More】

The night just passed by so quietly.

At 5:00 in the morning, Tang Han was woken up by the alarm clock.

Looking at the other three guys in the dormitory sleeping like dead pigs, Tang Han couldn't help giving each of them a kick.

"get up!"

"Hurry up, it's like this on the first day of filming?"

Tang Han woke all three of them up.

Obviously they didn't get used to the rhythm of the drama-group shooting.

In the previous life, Tang Han was actually a good commercial director. When the director of the crew was filming, it was common for him to wake up at 3-4 in the morning, but that's it, the director was already the most comfortable for the crew.

The hardest part is not running around, getting up at 4 o'clock is the norm.

The hardest part is the sets, props, and makeup. They have to arrive before the director and actors.

The shooting scene must be arranged first, the director and actors are in place, and the shooting can begin; then they are also the last to leave, and the aftermath of the shooting is finished.

The key salary is not much in the crew.

Absolute hard work.

The directors and actors have a hard time filming, but they can't stand the high income.

So they say that they are dedicated to their work, but in fact, that is what they should do.

Tang Han put his position right.

Self-discipline to get up and wash, regardless of the three guys who seem to be sealed by the bed board, Xu Feiwen still has the urge to get up; Wei Dong is procrastination, so Ding Mo is a little better, he likes to wake up and think about life for a few minutes.

After dawdling and waiting for Tang Han to finish, the three goods reluctantly got out of bed in turn.


"Tang Papi these three roommates are amazing!"

"Looking at it this way, Capital Tang turned out to be the most pleasing to the eye and the most diligent!"

"Admit, admit, all rely on peer support!"

"This can't be hacked, this guy is really dedicated to his work!"


After Tang Han finished washing, he found that the popularity of the live broadcast room seemed to be returning again. He just got out of bed and actually looked at it subconsciously.

At that time, almost 50 million people were online.

At 5 a.m., more than 50 million.

These guys are really.... become immortals!

A proper immortal party!

"Come on, raise your hand after staying up all night?"

Tang Han watched the live broadcast room quickly warmed up to more than 80 million viewers.

Of course, there was so much influx at one time, or it was because several other directors hadn't gotten up yet.

As a result, the audience of "Low-Cost Movie Challenge" can only come to Tang Han's live broadcast room to stroll around, and then find that... This live broadcast room is obviously much more fun than Hong Ye and the others.

What night? Did I stay up late?"

"No, I swear I'll never stay up late again in my life, if I stay up late, I swear again!"

"Hahaha, don't go downstairs, you are my same style!"

"Capital Tang, you know what a chicken, we are staying up late on a regular basis!"

"Yes, staying up late is not good for your health, I suggest you stay up all night!"



Seeing a bunch of viewers in the live broadcast room playing the barrage with tricks and tricks, even Tang Han was a little amused.

"All right, all you say is true!"

"Regularly staying up late really doesn't count as staying up late!"

Tang Han is really convinced, this year's audience is indeed talented.

Especially in his live broadcast room the most.

Hong Ye and Chen Mougang's agent just entered Tang Han's live broadcast room, and they saw Tang Han interacting with netizens in a frenzy. Looking at the online line of more than 80 million people, the two people....at the same time dumbfounded .

Yes, overnight, they found that Tang Han's popularity was not affected at all.

On the contrary, Hong Ye's live broadcast room has just opened, and the audience is only more than 10 million; then Chen Mougang is even worse.


"This closed the live broadcast room for one night, but it's cheaper for this Tang insurance!"

How could they have imagined that closing the live broadcast room would hurt so much.

"No, I have to report to Master Hong (Director Chen)!"

The two hurried towards the director's house.

At this time, Tang Han didn't care about the three procrastination of the dormitory, and walked out of the dormitory, ready to go to the school gate to wait for the bus.

Cui Dong, one of the members of the props team just recruited yesterday, is the monitor of the third-year props department of Huaxia Film and Television Academy. He said that his father is a tourist bus driver "who can take charge of the production team for the new year for free.

Tang Han was so happy that he had such a good thing, and he was settled on the spot, so he entrusted his father to deliver it this morning.

Originally, Cui Dong said it was free, but Tang Han said no matter what, he had to pay for the gas, otherwise his father would rush around early in the morning, and he felt very uncomfortable.

I can't bear it!

After walking out of the dormitory, Tang Han saw Jiang Qianqian dressed in crisp clothes, holding a breakfast in his hand, already waiting there.

Jiang Dameng next to her....... Tang Han automatically ignored.

"I told you not to bring breakfast..."

Even though Tang Han said that, his hand was already stretched out, and he naturally took the bread and milk in Jiang Qianqian's hand.

Asking a richest daughter to wait for him downstairs in the dormitory early in the morning and deliver breakfast, Tang Han told the truth in his heart, um, it's beautiful.

The daughter of the richest man has no prestige at all.

Instead, she is like a little girl next door, sunny and full of vitality. She bows her head shyly from time to time, just like the poem of Xu Zhimo in her previous life. !

"Father-in-law and mother-in-law have raised her daughter so well, it's just cheap!"

Tang Han thought shamelessly in his heart, and all the netizens in the live broadcast room couldn't help but feel sour.

It was almost possessed by lemon essence, and there was a barrage of barrages.

Tang Han of course chose to ignore it.

Lao Tzu's daughter number one, can you handle it?

Tang Han happily drank milk and nibbled bread, and walked out of the school with Jiang Qianqian, only to find that an old group of people had already surrounded the school gate.

Who else are the members and actors who are not their crew?

However, these guys are all around a person pointing and pointing, and the daring ones have already struck up a conversation there.

Yes, the one surrounded at the very center was of course the mythical figure of Huaying back then—the uncrowned actor Su Zhe.

How many Huaying juniors and juniors are the idols and husband candidates in the hearts.

Even after so many years have passed, there is still a legend in the school that he almost became a god at the age of 20.

But at this time, Su Zhe was obviously extremely frightened.

He found a place to stay in a nearby guest house last night, but he was so excited that he didn't sleep much all night.

So if you want to go to the crew on the first day, then go early!

Unexpectedly, this ... surrounded countless people.

Originally, his depression was just right, and he was a little introverted since he was a child. In the words of his previous life, he was a little socially afraid.

So being surrounded by people like "monkeys", to be honest, my heart is about to collapse.

At this time, Tang Han arrived in time.

"Do what?"

"Go in line one by one!"

Tang Han knew at first sight that he was going to suffer, and hurriedly scolded him.

The crowd of performers and students suddenly dispersed, making way for Tang Han.

Thank you Su Zhe!

I regarded Tang Han as my savior again, but luckily I didn't cry this time.

"Thank you.... Director Tang!"

Su Zhe was a little moved, but Jiang Qianqian, who was standing beside Su Zhe, looked at him curiously, and her beautiful eyes could not help but widen: "You... Are you Su Zhe?"

"hold head high?"

Su Zhe raised his head and glanced at Jiang Qianqian.

He didn't know the relationship between the other party and Tang Han, Wei Wei and Jiang Qianqian nodded.

"Your school girl, Qianqian!"

"Play the female No. 1 Amanda in the play!"

"Oh, hello hello!"

As soon as he heard that he was the lead actor, Su Zhe hurriedly greeted him respectfully. He didn't have the attitude of a former actor. Tang Han felt a little sad when he saw him. This guy is a little too humble.

Jiang Qianqian felt a little flattered.

"It's okay, Su-"

"Call Su brother!"

Tang Han made up his own mind, and Jiang Qianqian hurriedly said, "Brother Su, I......I'm your fan!"

"Really, I've seen all your movies!"

"Ah, I'm so happy, you...... Are you getting better from depression?"

Jiang Qianqian didn't watch the anchor yesterday afternoon. She kept reciting the script in the dormitory, so she didn't know the episode between Tang Han and him.

"Okay….… okay!"

0 ...... ask for flowers ......

Su Zhe pursed his lips, revealing a far-fetched smile.

Does the Philosopher Su Su also come to our show?"

At this time, an actor summoned up his courage and came to Tang Han and asked. In fact, this is what everyone in the room wanted to know.

"Well, since everyone is here!"

"Then I'll tell you!"

"Su...... Master Su Philosopher, the second male lead in "The Chainsaw", everyone is welcome!"

Clap! Clap! Clap!

He was the first to applaud, and everyone else immediately cheered.

"Ah, really?"


"Master Su Philosopher is coming back?"

For Su Zhe, many Huaying students admire him very much.

The shadow of the tree of names.

Even if the other party has fallen for 7 years, the previous achievements are still very eye-catching and brilliant.


"thank you all!"

Seeing the enthusiasm of the crowd, Su Zhe's heart was deeply infected to be honest.

He didn't feel well until he was unfamiliar just now; but now with the familiar Tang Han, he instantly found a sense of belonging in his heart.

This feeling is the same as when he first started filming.

"Sure enough... I chose the right person!"

Su Zhe looked at the high-spirited Tang Han, and his inner desire for filming became stronger and stronger.


"Huh, it's so lively?"

Wu Xingzhuo was wearing a mask and did not know when he arrived.

When he took off the mask, the students who were present were obviously boiling again.

Double actor!

A production and group performance team composed of students actually has such a luxurious lineup as a double actor. I have to say that this is something they never thought of before.

They originally got together for Tang Han, but now with the addition of Su Zhe and Wu Xingzhuo, the whole crew seems to be more harmonious!

A bunch of guys were already overjoyed.

With such a lineup, the movie is almost half done, right?

Chi! Chi! Chi!

Just as the crowd cheered excitedly, a super cool luxury electric business bus with silver and white body quietly stopped at the door of Huaying.

A pimple-faced guy, sitting in the second row seat, opened the window and shouted at everyone.

"Director Tang, Ah Zheng—"

Everyone was turned back by this shout, and when they saw such a big guy with a sci-fi feeling behind them, many people couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

This bus is so cool.


"Is this the shuttle bus you're talking about?"

Tang Han also straightened his eyes and looked at Cui Dong who was sitting in the second row waving.

This Nima is too much

A little extravagant?

The key is not the fuel bus, but the electric, pure electric super bus.

The most luxurious bus in the world!

Each one sells for nearly ten million.

Tang Han was really surprised by Cui Dong's generosity.

The key is that everyone in the live broadcast room also stared at the bus called "Future", with some tears.

"My mother, the future......use the future to pick up the crew?"

"What kind of specification is this?"

"Director Hong saw tears, Director Chen saw low self-esteem!"

"Hahaha, absolutely!"

"This Nima seems to be free..."

"I really want to see the expressions of several big directors when they see the crew pick up the car! 11

"Hurry up, hurry up and go to the live broadcast room next door to promote it!"

Countless viewers have already started to go to the live broadcast room of Lord Hong and Chen Mougang to sit and promote, while several directors, agents and assistants squatting in the live broadcast room of Tang Han are so collectively self-conscious.



This is a crew shuttle that costs 1 million to ride?!

Are we participating in the same variety show?


Several agents and assistants wanted to ask Tang Han, and some even went to Jiang Ye to complain.

This Nima made, the difference is too obvious.

There are a few directors who haven't even been contacted by the crew, not to mention the bus!

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