Entertainment: God-Level Director Starts With Low-Cost Challenge

[94] After Summer: Oops! This Is The Feeling Of Being In Love! 【3 More】

Deng! Deng! Deng!

Tang Han held the guitar and played the melody of "Hello Zepp" in front of Xia Fan, which was quite a bit of a classy axe.

But after playing it a few times, it doesn't feel right to be honest.

The guitar can't play the oppressive, tense and hysterical feeling of this piece at all.


"Not the smell I had in my head!"

Tang Han gave up a little, but Xia Fan, after playing through Tang Han for a while, has already written down the score for this soundtrack.

"How do you want to feel?"

Xia Fan, who was holding the pen in his fingers, couldn't help but raise his head: "Tell me, maybe I can help you!"


Tang Han said the most essential element of the song HelloZepp.

The dead character of industrial metal rock!

You must know that the composer of Chainsaw's soundtrack is the industrial metal tycoon, the internationally famous soundtrack master Charlie Krause, who is not well-known in China, but is actually known in the circle.

He is a famous keyboard player, composer, producer, mixer and film scorer in Tang Han's previous life. Good at playing keyboard synthesizers, theremin and percussion, but also doing music programming and mixing!

From 1994 to 2000, he joined the famous industrial metal band Nine Inch Nails, and at the same time, he is also a famous film soundtrack producer. In 1997, he was nominated for two Grammys for Best Heavy Metal Performance.

Like the "Chainsaw" series, "Resident Evil" series, and the terrifying soundtrack in the famous "Dead Silence"... all his works.


Xia Fan frowned slightly, she picked up an electric guitar, and strummed her fingers on the strings. 08

Tang Han's eyes lit up slightly: "What is this?"

"Heavy Metal Wind!"

Xia Fanchao rolled her eyes at Tang Han, she could see that Tang Han...don't know much about music.

Is "Old Boy" his accidental work?

"Working Metal!"

Tang Han's body shook violently, and he finally recalled in his mind: "The feeling of industrial metal, you... does this have a theremin?"

Tang Han said a very unpopular instrument, but of course Xia Fan who plays music knows it.

"Yes, I have!"

"Are you going to play the tune just now with that?"

Xia Fan looked at Tang Han with interest, and the strangeness in his heart became stronger and stronger.

This guy doesn't know much about music, but he seems to know a good musical instrument?

The song just now made her want to sleep, it was so boring.

Xia Fan saw that Tang Han was a little insistent, so he took him into a nearby electronic musical instrument room: "Here, the theremin is there!"

A telegraph-like musical instrument was placed in the corner.

This musical instrument is very strange. People who don't know how to do it will never think that it can make sound, because it is similar to a typewriter, but without a keyboard, there are only two antennas, one is vertical and the other is circular.

"Can you play?"

Xia Fan raised an eyebrow at Tang Han.

Tang Han shook his head: "No!"

But he had heard the legend of the theremin.

This is the world's first electronic musical instrument, invented in 1919 by the former Russian physicist Professor Liv Thelman.

The principle is to use two LC oscillator working units that sense the distributed capacitance of the human body and the earth, respectively generate changes in the frequency and size of the oscillation to work. It is the only electronic musical instrument in the world that does not require physical contact.

Played purely by air, it is the theremin.

"So...there's a man called Theremin in this world?"

This is something Tang Han didn't expect.

However, the history of China has also changed in modern times, and Russia has not changed in modern times, which is normal.

"Can you use this instrument to play the tune I just played?"

Tang Han said to Xia Fan, and Xia Fan curled his lips slightly: "I'm not very good at this stuff either!"

In Tang Han's previous life, there were only 20 theremin players in the world, but there were quite a lot of players who knew the theremin.

"let me try!"

Xia Fan took the theremin out and put it by his side.

She tried, and at a certain distance, her hands began to touch the antenna on the theremin.

This is how the thereman is played.

The circular antenna is used to adjust the volume, the closer the hand is, the quieter the sound.

The vertical antenna is used to adjust the frequency, the closer the hand is, the higher the tone.

The key to playing is to understand the position of the hands and the relationship between the notes being produced.

Distance is just a note.

When Xia Fan played the theremin according to Tang Han's tune just now, a creepy voice suddenly rose in this room.

"This is it!"

Tang Han's eyes suddenly brightened.

Ha ha!

It's the feeling of the oppression of death.

"Wait a minute, I'll record it!"

Tang Han hurriedly went out, picked up the phone, Xia Fan glanced at him angrily, in fact she felt... that the song just played on the theremin was even more unpleasant.

But Tang Han felt good, she could only play according to the score.

Sections of metal and playing electronic sounds resounded deep among the electronic instruments.

empty empty...

The sound of beating from time to time made Tang Han feel goosebumps all over the place.

Although it is slightly different from the soundtrack in Chainsaw, but the taste is the same, Tang Han felt that Xia Fan should be able to help her solve it.

Just add some electronic sounds, or percussion sounds, and you're done.

3 minutes later, Tang Han has reached out his hand.


"All right!"

Tang Han smiled happily, and handed it to Xia Fan with the phone: "Listen?"

Just now Xia Fan was concentrating on playing the theremin, but in fact she wasn't very proficient, so she could only concentrate on reading and controlling the score.

Although she heard the music, she didn't have time to listen to the tune at all. She just felt that the electronic musical instrument under her was poisonous. Why is this sheet music so dull and depressing? It's like the omen before death. Her heart was very uncomfortable.

However, if you play it yourself, Xia Fan has to listen to it.

So she took the headphones, stuffed them into her ears, and clicked the play button at random.

dang dang-

The electronic synthesis sound with heavy metal, like the death knell of death, suddenly rushed into Xia Fan's ears.


Xia Fan's pupils suddenly widened, and then he closed his eyes immediately.

The dead silence and dullness made people unconsciously fear, as if some kind of danger was coming, all flooded into Zhifan's mind.

The song completely subverted Xia Fan's assessment just now.

Heavy metal!

Complete heavy metal taste.

The full sound of death makes people unconsciously a little overwhelmed.

Although rough listening just feels scared, the more I feel.

The corners of Xia Fan's mouth could not help but grin. The music was uncomfortable to listen to, but in fact, she who loves music knows that this kind of music has such characteristics.

The more mourning and boring, the more people feel a suffocation surrounded by fear.


She couldn't help but let out a breath, her eyes were already a little translucent.


This piece is far from being as simple as it sounds, but rather a classic melody.

It's the kind of excitement that gets more addictive the more you listen to it, the kind of stimulation that makes people's hair stand up.

Despair, hair stand upside down!

"How about it?"

Tang Han said loudly there, and he actually saw some answers from Xia Fan's expression.

The bgm, which can be called the Divine Comedy among the Divine Comedy by the world's favorite horror, thriller, and supernatural movie players, and the soundtrack borrowed by countless variety shows, "Detective Charlotte", "Death Is Coming", etc., how could it not be in Xia Fan's ears? !


"You... how did you do it?"

Xia Fan's expression was astonished enough to fill an egg. It was obvious that when Tang Han was talking on the guitar at the beginning, he was like a rubbish.

But by changing a musical instrument, the feeling of the whole piece has been completely lifted.

That is no longer a qualitative mutation, but a leap!

The black chicken turns into a phoenix!

That should be the metaphor.

"Don't tell you!"

Tang Han grinned, revealing a touch of white teeth, as if watching a world-class queen staring at him now, but it was quite refreshing.

"The more you listen, the better it tastes!"

"It feels so good!"

Xia Fan took down an earphone and was in a surprisingly good mood.

"Come on, I'll do all the soundtracks for your movie!"

"No money!"

Xia Fan spoke boldly there. She was really too curious. To be honest, she has been making music for so many years, but this is the first time she has encountered such a strange thing.

It was also the first time that I couldn't see through a man.

Obviously, I don't know much about music, even heavy metal, but I created a song with such a strong taste of heavy metal.

This is extremely inconsistent.

"Feel it!"

"In fact, when I was making a movie, I always had the feature film of the movie in my mind, including the plot, the character's direction, and of course 803 also included the soundtrack!"

"I need some kind of death-like feeling, but the melody has it, but I don't know what instrument fits!"

Tang Han was talking nonsense there, it was complete nonsense of the special code.

But Xia Fan in front of him believed it.

She exclaimed excitedly: "Genius, Tang Han, you are truly a genius in music creation!"

"You have a strong sense of melody, you know?"

Tang Han knows that he is barren, he is just a song copy public.

"You... can you please not make a movie!"

Xia Fan suddenly stepped forward and grabbed Tang Han's arm, his eyes glowing, some coquettishly said to Tang Han: "Me, form a band with me, okay?"

Nice Nima!

"Forget it, I still.......like to make movies!"

Tang Han's words made Zhenfan's eyes suddenly dim.


"You really wasted your musical talent!"

"You know, you must have a better future as a director than a director. You don't know how to play musical instruments, and you don't know how to compose music. You can have such a sense of music. If you learn it, you can still get it?"

Xia Fan's words are true.

If Tang Han can do this, maybe he will really be a song copy public.

If he directly releases the classic soundtrack, music and songs of his previous life as an album, he does not need 5 copies, and he estimates that he will be able to completely shock the world.

"Ahaha, but I think.... I'm more talented in filmmaking!"

Tang Han suddenly flicked Xia Fan's smooth forehead: "Okay, don't persuade me, I've made up my mind!"

"I will dedicate my life to movies!"

Xia Fan touched the slightly sore forehead that was shot, and for some reason, his face... turned red all of a sudden.

An ambiguous feeling pervaded the entire electronic musical instrument.


"I....I'm going out for a walk!"

Tang Han also felt it. He saw the shyness in Xia Fan's eyes. Don't look at her usually acting like a diva. In fact, she was a 25-year-old Aojiao Hui who had never been in a relationship.

Tang Han......seeing through.

"No cowards!"

Xia Fan stomped his feet slightly, touched his hot cheeks, and laughed a little. .

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