Each director's live broadcast room is played in a loop like this.

From the poster, to the genre, to the introduction, and finally to the promotional video.

The same is true for the ten directors' live rooms, and all viewers can see an extremely clear countdown.

When the countdown ends, in the early morning of August 7th, they can click on the live broadcast room and they can directly see the feature film; or, they can watch it in offline theaters.

All viewers also know that the first live broadcast is coming to an end.

In the end, who can advance to the next round of the ten directors depends on the total box office score of the film within 10 days of its release.

There is also a bonus to the rating.

China Television Media, the organizer of "Low-Cost Movie Challenge", has also started a new round of publicity; although the traffic in the live broadcast room has gone from bad to worse because of the director's closure, even tens of millions of people are not online.

But Jiang Yeyu didn't care about the number of people in the live broadcast room at all. After all... The original intention of "Low Cost Film Challenge" was to finally release the films of each director.

rather than the number of people who continue to live in the live room.

The live broadcast mode is only to drive the popularity and attention of this show, and to increase the final box office popularity of the performances.

The publicity driven by the live broadcast for so many days has long been enough.

Every viewer who watched the live broadcast of this variety show before has actually been gearing up for a long time now, and 530 is waiting for the release of these ten movies.

And the premiere of the ten movies is what Jiang Yeyu values ​​most at the moment.

is the top priority.

Once the ten films are released, the box-office returns will be enough for China Television Media to eat.

After all, except for the top five who can get a share of the box office, other directors have only poor participation in the remuneration.

The rest of the box office revenue belongs to China Television Media.

No matter how you do it, you have already earned it, and it is a big profit.

And among the top five, in addition to the first place who can get the final 50% of the box office loss, China Television can actually earn 1-2% of the box office revenue even if the runner-up loses 40%.

Because generally speaking, when a movie is released, you can get almost 40-43% according to the picture!

The premise is that the issuer and the investor are one body!

The box office of a movie release needs to be divided into half with the theater and the platform.

Taxes, it's to die for.

3.3% business tax + 5% film special fund!

The remaining 91.7% is the divisible box office of a movie.

In the split-account box office, cinemas and theaters account for 57%, and the remaining 43% belongs to the issuer/producer!

If the issuer is not the same, it generally charges about 10% of the issue fee.

As for the ten films with a cost of 1 million to be released, China Television Media will be responsible for the distribution and production, and the final box office share will reach about 40%.

"This wave, China Television Media has definitely made a profit!"

This is something that all viewers and directors, know.

But as the organizer of the show, a variety show run by Jiang Yeyu himself, earning so much, in fact, it can only be said that it is the ability of China Television.

Days passed by in a flash.

In the early hours of the evening, it was the day when ten films premiered.

Tang Han was able to finish the production of "The Saw" early in the morning. The reason why it took so long was not because he was too late, but because he wanted to keep improving and make this film even better.

For almost three days, he compared the editing of the "Chainsaw" in his mind frame by frame.

It is not to say that it is completely copied, but Tang Han adopts the good parts; Tang Han tries to make up for the rough parts.

After all, this movie was only Wen Ziren's debut in the previous life. Although the talent and plot are amazing, and the photography skills are unparalleled, there are still some flaws in the shooting.

This is an experience from the advertising director of Tang Han's previous life!

Of course, not much has changed.


After hitting the finalized Enter key, Tang Han couldn't help but stretch.


Xia Fan, who was doing yoga next to him, straightened up slightly. The two stayed together almost every day this week, except for sleeping at night.

(aifi) "Well, it's done!"

A look of satisfaction appeared on Tang Han's face.

If "Old Boy" is Tang Han's debut in this world, then "Chainsaw" is really full of all Tang Han's efforts.

"Put down the movie copy and you can leave!"

Xia Fan made a gesture to go out, in fact, this is not to drive Tang Han away.

But Tang Han had to leave.

Because in the evening, he had to attend the ten movie premieres held by China Television Media at the headquarters, and at the same time, he was still handing over the master tape of "Chainsaw" to the program team.

They have to take it for review as soon as possible, and then release it as soon as possible.

This time is still quite urgent.

"it is good!"

"The mother took me away, the one in the computer, you can see for yourself!"

"Or copy it yourself, take it home and cast it on the screen!"

Tang Han carefully put away the master tape of "Chainsaw", said hello to Xia Fan, and walked out of Fanxing Music Studio.

But after walking a few steps, I suddenly thought of something, turned around and walked back: "By the way, friendly reminder, this is a horror movie, if you are timid, I suggest you shout

"You are dismissed!"

Xia Fan picked up the doll at hand and threw it towards Tang.

Tang Han smiled, dodged the attack, turned and walked out again.

"Hmph, you actually said I was timid?"

"Mother, don't you know where I am when I watch horror movies alone at night?!"

Xia Fan hummed and crawled to Tang Han's mobile workbench, watched the movie marked "Chainsaw" on the desktop, and sent it to his mailbox.

She is ready to go home and watch it a few times.

Then according to the plot of the movie, create a theme song for the movie.

In the previous life, "The Chainsaw" only had the classic soundtrack of "Hello Zepp", and there was no theme song at all.

Xia Fan, however, was going to write a song based on this tune.

This was something she had thought of a few days ago.

"When this guy hears it, he will probably be startled, right?"

Xia Fan smiled playfully, hummed a song and cleaned up the workshop, then turned off the power supply, turned around and walked towards his home.

Tang Han, who left, made a phone call with Su Zhe and others.

Tonight's premiere held by China Television Media, in addition to inviting the director to attend, there are also a number of creative staff who must attend together.

Then, each director's live room will be opened to watch their films with the audience!

After watching the movie, there will be interaction between the director and the netizens in the live broadcast room.

This can be regarded as moving the offline premiere mode to online. I have to say that such a publicity method is also quite novel! .

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