Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 106 Smile and Confidence (3)

"Xia Ke Magazine" is like a small silent whirlwind, constantly gathering momentum.

The bad reputation of the past is like dust, gently brushed away by a force - this force is called smile and confidence.

The smile is Bai Yujing's appearance in "The Sword of Eternal Life" that is more terrifying than the sword, and confidence is the blood sprayed by Gao Li in "Peacock Feather" when he kills a powerful enemy with a non-existent peacock feather.

These two forces moved people's hearts, making those who saw the story by chance recommend it to their friends...

The fermentation of word-of-mouth is not an explosion that occurs overnight, but an accumulation that is spread from ten to ten. It is this kind of accumulation that makes many bookstore owners somewhat confused.

"Boss, please give me a copy of Chivalrous Magazine."

"Boss, is there a martial arts magazine called "Xia Ke Magazine" here?"

"Boss, give me two volumes of "Xia Ke Magazine". I want to give one volume to my friend."

At the end of the morning, the owner of Qiyue Bookstore inexplicably encountered several groups of customers who wanted to buy "Xia Ke Magazine".

In the past, only "Martial Arts Style" would receive such treatment, but today, for some unknown reason, "Xia Ke Magazine" suddenly seemed to have the momentum to counterattack.

"Boss..." A panting high school student came to the door of the bookstore and opened his mouth with the same sentence: "Boss, is there a "Xia Ke Magazine" here?"

The boss nodded: "Yes."

"What! Really?" The high school student was overjoyed and said quickly: "Quickly give me a copy!"

That's right, the high school student was none other than Zhang Qiang, a student who had already visited two bookstores but returned without success.

Zhang Qiang went to the first bookstore, but it turned out that "Xia Ke Magazine" had been sold out. The second bookstore he found was even more pitiful. He didn't even buy "Xia Ke Magazine" at all, because this magazine could never be sold and kept the bottom of the box, so that bookstore The boss simply stopped working...

Zhang Qiang was unwilling to give up and took a long detour before finding the third bookstore, which was Qiyue Bookstore in front of him.

I originally asked with the idea of ​​giving it a try, but I didn't expect that this bookstore actually had "Xia Ke Magazine". Zhang Qiang couldn't help but be overjoyed.

The owner of Qiyue Bookstore took out the last two copies of "Xia Ke Magazine", handed one to the high school student, and asked in confusion: "Little brother, let me ask you something, why are so many people buying "Xia Ke Magazine" today? Could it be that this magazine held some activities?”

"Hey, what kind of activity is this?" Zhang Qiang took the magazine like a baby and said with a smile: "This issue of "Xia Ke Magazine" is really exciting. The stories in it are hard to put down!"

"Really?" The boss didn't believe it: "How can the story published in "Martial Arts" be even more exciting? This "Xia Ke Magazine" has always been hard to sell."

Hearing this, Zhang Qiang was a little unhappy: "Boss, you must not have read this issue of "Xia Ke Magazine" yet, right?"

The boss nodded and said: "I haven't read it. I have read this magazine several times. The stories in it are really uninteresting. If it weren't for a few old customers who have feelings for the magazine, I wouldn't even be able to enter... …”

"Well, don't you have one copy left? Take a look at it, mainly the two stories featured in it!"

Zhang Qiang said, put the "Xia Ke Magazine" he had bought with so much hard work into his arms, and left happily, leaving the boss with a deep puzzled look on his face.

"Is it really so mysterious?"

The boss was still doubtful, so he found a chair to sit down and opened the last "Xia Ke Magazine" in his hand.

"A freshman at Tiandu University, a genius martial arts novelist whose stunning masterpieces include "Sword of Eternal Life" and "Peacock Feather"!"

When he saw the slogan on the cover of the magazine, the boss frowned subconsciously: "Is it possible that the work of "Xia Ke Magazine" is actually promoted by a college student? What kind of good martial arts can a college student write? Who did I think it was? Where are the respected martial arts masters..."

The boss shook his head, a little disappointed, but remembering the strange eagerness of the customers who came to buy magazines during the day, the boss still patiently read "The Sword of Eternal Life".

Time passes bit by bit...

The boss's expression gradually turned from calm at first to shock.

The writing is as sharp as a sword, the layout is exquisite, the unexpected and reasonable turns are very different from the popular martial arts style, and it constantly conflicts with the boss's heart.

This type of martial arts, which can be called a model of evil, made the boss murmur softly: "Bai Yujing's Sword of Eternal Life..."


"Boss, do you have "Xia Ke Magazine" here?"

At the door of Qiyue Bookstore, a customer wearing a suit suddenly came in.

The boss seemed to be looking down at something and made no reply.

"Boss, do you have "Xia Ke Magazine" here?" The customer in a suit asked again.

The boss didn't even raise his head, and said in a somewhat impatient voice: "No, no, it's sold out. Come back tomorrow."

"That's wrong!" The sharp-eyed man in a suit suddenly saw the "Xia Ke Magazine" in the boss's hand: "Boss, don't you have another copy in your hand?"

The boss shook his head quickly: "This book is not for sale!"

Just kidding, I have just finished watching "The Sword of Eternal Life" and "Peacock Feather", another work by a college student named Luoyang. I have only read the beginning. How can I sell it?

You can read whatever you want after selling it, but the boss doesn’t want to. People who open bookstores are usually people who like to read novels, and the boss is an out-and-out book fan.

"You are the one who runs a bookstore!" The man was not happy either: "You have magazines, but you are not willing to sell them to me."

The boss was unmoved: "This is my private collection and cannot be sold. If you want to buy it, come back tomorrow. I will go and restock it after get off work tonight."

"Boss..." the man's voice softened: "Sell me this "Xia Ke Magazine", I'll pay double the price! My colleague lent it to me today, but I ended up watching "The Sword of Immortality" Halfway through, I felt really itchy..."

The boss raised his head, sighed and said, "Let's talk about it. Wait for me here for half an hour. I'll give it to you after I finish reading "Peacock Feathers". There will be no charge."

"What... OK, OK, thank you, thank you!" The man thanked him quickly.

The boss smiled and said: "No need to thank me, I can see that you are also a person who really likes martial arts, otherwise you wouldn't be so humble for such a magazine."

"That's right!" The man nodded and said with emotion: "Martial arts is in decline. I haven't seen such spiritual and innovative martial arts works for several years, so I am really happy to see it!"

The boss nodded.

It was also for this reason that he was reluctant to sell the last "Xia Ke Magazine".

But he was a businessman after all, so he didn't really want to make his customers wait for that long. In the end, he just took a rough look at "Peacock Feathers" and then handed the magazine to the man.

"Take it back and read it. These two novels... are worthy of every martial arts novel fan's devotion."

"Originally, I didn't like this college student author named Luoyang because the magazine's promotion of him was a bit exaggerated. But after reading it, I realized that this Luoyang definitely deserves the title of a genius martial arts novelist!"

(Second update arrived, 39 people gave rewards!! You dirty monsters are a little crazy today, "The Godfather of Entertainment" will be officially released on April 1st. I hope everyone can stay crazy and save a few guaranteed monthly passes for Bai!)

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