Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 1061 Enlightenment

After the press conference ended, it caused an uproar in the country. Whether it was the news that "Luoyang is wearing a green shirt and wields a sword" or "Luoyang is preparing to close the martial arts novel", it brought about a lot of controversy and discussion!

Needless to say, the media.

Tieba, forums, Weibo and other major platforms have already exploded!

A netizen posted on the Xia Fan Tribe: "Case, wipe, I finally thought of it. In fact, there are traces of the fact that Luoyang is wearing a green shirt and wielding a sword. I still remember when Luoyang University was writing the movie called "Infinite" When I was writing an online article, I once wrote about "Double Dragons Going to the Sea" in the introduction, which obviously refers to "The Legend of Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty". However, I guess I was afraid of losing my vest, so I secretly changed the introduction!"

Many people who have watched "Infinite" have a sudden realization.

"I guess, after what the poster said, I also remembered it. There was indeed such a thing at the beginning. Later, the introduction changed and we didn't think too much about it. It was such a mistake. In other words, from that time on, Luo University Already have plans to create "The Legend of Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty"? "


"It's so scary!"

"The problem now is that Luo Da said he won't write another martial arts movie. I still can't accept it. He is the emperor of martial arts. If he doesn't write it, what will I watch in the future!"

"Book Desolation!"

"Plus one upstairs."

"Add 10086 upstairs!"

Some netizens will explain for Luoyang: "Didn't Luo Da make it very clear at the press conference? He can no longer surpass himself and create a martial arts that is better than "Tian Long Ba Bu", so he plans to give his own martial arts The road ends..."

"In the end, you still want to be responsible for your readers, right?"

"That's right. After all, he is the martial arts emperor of the Dragon Kingdom. If the quality of his works begins to decline, the reactions will be chain-linked. That's why I decided to write another one and stop..."

When it comes to the discussion that Luoyang is about to close martial arts, the forum will be filled with a layer of regret.

In the Dragon Kingdom, no matter whether you like Luoyang's martial arts works or not, you cannot deny the influence of Luo's martial arts on thousands of households in the Dragon Kingdom. It is undoubtedly a big thing for such an existence to withdraw from the field of martial arts. Compared with Luoyang, it is a green shirt and a sword. , even bigger things.

Of course, there are still very few people in Long Kingdom who don't like Luoyang.

Otherwise, Luoyang would not have the reputation of a national writer.

The reason why I like Luoyang is very simple, because Luoyang has been consistent with Liu Qin for many years since his debut. He is a man with a single-minded relationship. Unlike other celebrities who are always surrounded by beautiful women, they will break up if they disagree with each other. In addition, Luoyang is the only Nuo in the Dragon Kingdom. Winner of the Bell Prize for Literature, he is also known as the world's number one fairy tale writer and is well known to children around the world!

Also, he is handsome!

Therefore, from all aspects, Luoyang is popular.

Think about it, who would hate such a character who can not only bring enough honor to the country's literary world, but also serve as a role model for young people in terms of character, and his appearance is still online.


After the press conference, Luoyang stayed at home.

As Liu Qin's belly gradually swelled, Luo's father and mother also came from their hometown to take care of their daughter-in-law. The two elders felt that they could take better care of her than a nanny, so Luoyang naturally had no objection to this.

With his parents taking care of Liu Qin, he has more time to create.

Entering the study room, Luoyang began to update "Bleach", "Naruto" and "One Piece". These three comics have been serialized for half a year. According to the progress, they are basically halfway completed——

Among them, the one with the fastest progress is "Death".

Because "Death" is a super unfinished work, Luo Yang knew it was unfinished, so it was naturally impossible for him to adopt the original ending, so he cut off many plots that were criticized, greatly reducing the length of the comic. As for where the plot will eventually develop, he himself is not sure.

The second progress is "Naruto".

Because this comic follows the ninja setting, it requires very few changes. It is also the easiest comic for Luoyang to draw. After all, the original work has been completed, and I only need to basically draw the story in my mind.

Finally, there is "One Piece".

In fact, the update progress of One Piece is good, but the problem is that the length of this comic is longer than the other two, and the ending was not seen until Luoyang Time Travel, so it is very embarrassing. How can this ending be solved——

Are we going to perform real skills again?

After thinking about it, Luoyang felt that this was the only way to go. The ending of "One Piece" could only be written by himself. Just like the previous "Detective Conan", let's give it a happy ending. Presumably the author of "One Piece" would not make trouble in the ending. …


Regarding the Lifetime series, the same goes for "One Piece".

In the previous life, when "Naruto" began to be serialized, One Piece had already been serialized for 2 years, but when "Naruto" ended, One Piece was still in a stage of steady growth.

It can be seen that "One Piece" is as stable as a dog!

They are all three major comics and have had the same glory. Why was it so difficult to maintain Naruto in the later period, and why was Pirates so stable on this issue?

In fact, it is not a question of writing ability.

Oda and Kishimoto are both veteran figures in the cartoonist world, with similar writing skills. However, Oda is more focused on the future than Kishimoto.

The foreshadowing in Oda's comics has always been buried every few chapters. If everything is not said or done, it can often be used in future plots. Kishimoto prefers to push everything to the extreme. The advantage of this is that the plot will be very appealing, but the disadvantage is that the later stages are often constrained by the too absolute development in the early stages.

It's the same as writing a novel.

I wrote down the settings clearly in the early stage, but want to change them later? nonexistent! Readers are not stupid! In the same way, if you let the protagonist pretend to be a **** in the early stage, how much **** must he pretend to be in order to stimulate the reader's excitement?

In short, leaving room for success is the key to writing a long work.

However, if you want to be more vivid and stimulate the readers to the maximum sense, it is not a bad idea to do what "Naruto" does. There is no 100% perfect routine in the world. If you choose a routine, you are bound to give up some advantages, or become like "One Piece" Evergreen tree, either be like "Naruto" and love it happily and get rid of it.

"I seem to have realized something again."

After uploading the three comics, Luoyang muttered to himself, turned on the computer and took notes.

Recently, he will write "One Hundred Years of Solitude" by the way. New inspiration will appear every day, and every time a new inspiration appears, he will record it immediately to ensure that he will not forget it. Creating in this state I can’t say that “One Hundred Years of Solitude” will satisfy everyone, but it must satisfy me...

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