Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 109 Martial Arts Master

When he returned to the dormitory in the evening, Ren Changjiang was still making noises: "It's so embarrassing, it's so embarrassing..."

Wang Yu and Zhu Changhong kept gloating: "I told you to act cool, but you don't even think about what you have to offer."

On the way back from school, Wang Yu and Zhu Changhong already knew about Ren Changjiang's embarrassing story. These beasts were always quarreling with each other every day, so naturally they would not miss this rare opportunity.

"Who knew that those people came to Luoyang? That girl waved hard at Luoyang. I thought she was looking for me..." Ren Changjiang said with a bitter look on his face.

"But to be honest, it's rare for a famous figure to appear in our dormitory. I must hug Mr. Luo's thigh tightly from now on!" Zhu Changhong suddenly became flattering.

Wang Yu also kept nodding like a bitch: "Master Luo is now a rising star in our school."

"Save it for yourself and pay it back to Mr. Luo. Our school has many celebrities. I am nowhere near where I am now."

Luoyang's words are not modest. Tiandu University is indeed a place where many talents emerge, and there are naturally many stars on campus.

Gong Xueyi, a beautiful cartoonist who is a sophomore in the Fine Arts Department, has been serialized in the "Contemporary Comics". In the Music Department, there is a female star who has already made a name for herself in the entertainment industry. In the Dance Department, there is even a female star who is famous in the country. The ruthless person who won the championship in the dance competition...

When these people were attending classes at Tiandu University, the fan tour group was much larger than the one in Luoyang.

Therefore, it is good to be in such a school where there are many capable people. At least there are people who can cover up his own shine. Luoyang is very pleased about this.

"By the way, Luoyang, have you read the post on the Xia Fan tribe? There are many people there discussing your novel!" Zhu Changhong suddenly said to Luoyang.

"Xia Fan Tribe?" Luoyang has naturally heard of this forum. This forum brings together countless martial arts fans in the Dragon Kingdom. It is one of the three major forums along with Dragon's Sky and Contemporary Manga. The traffic is very high, but Luoyang has not been there yet.

"I haven't gone to see it yet, what's going on?" Luoyang asked with interest.

Zhu Changhong is a typical old bookworm who welcomes all types of readers and pays close attention to these forums.

Zhu Changhong said: "Now there are two martial arts people who are bickering, and they are quarreling quite fiercely, just because of your novel."

"Is there still such a thing?" Luoyang was stunned for a moment, then said immediately: "I'll go take a look."

Stopping wrangling with a few beasts, Luoyang got into the dormitory, turned on his computer, and directly searched for the Xiami tribe in the browser.

The tribe of chivalrous fans.

As soon as he came in, Luoyang saw a post pinned to the top!

""Sword of Eternal Life", "Peacock Feather", pale and evil martial arts, such wretched works cannot wait for elegance!"

The author of this post’s ID is the True Lord of Life and Death, with a V at the end. He is obviously a god-level figure in the Xiami tribe.

Luoyang had heard about this author, but he was not very clear about it. He specifically opened Qiandu Search to check the information about the True Monarch of Life and Death.

"The True Lord of Life and Death: A famous martial arts novelist in the Dragon Kingdom. He started writing in high school. He has published twelve works so far. The sales volume of his representative work "The Prodigal Son Ranger" once ranked among the top ten in the Dragon Kingdom. All orthodox martial arts writers..."

Luoyang understood that Qian was really a big shot in the world of martial arts novels.

However, this big shot is also very good at talking. He even said in a tribe of knight-errant fans that "The Sword of Eternal Life" and "Peacock Feather" cannot wait to be refined.

Clicking on the post, Luoyang started to read it.

"Last night, an old friend recommended me to read "The Sword of Eternal Life" and "The Peacock Feather". He said that the author was a college student from Tiandu University. He was very spiritual in martial arts and said he was a genius, so he went to buy a copy. I read "Xia Ke Magazine" with great expectations."

"But after reading "The Sword of Everlasting Life", I was very disappointed - it is a pale story, without great benevolence and righteousness, and no obvious distinction between good and evil. The protagonist appears invincible at the beginning, and the enemy will be frightened by the news, and there will be blood when the sword is drawn. Blooming, what’s even more strange is that the person who can defeat the protagonist will actually lose to the protagonist’s smile... If the category hadn’t stated martial arts, I would have suspected that this was another brainless novel, please forgive me for using To use such vulgar words to describe this work, in my opinion, online works are just dross, and even though this article advertises martial arts, it is still dross.”

"Then I suppressed my boredom and watched "Peacock Feather" again, hoping that there would be a change, but the result was still disappointing. I tried to explain the meaning of faith in a pale way, and changed for the sake of change. I tried to pursue the twists and turns of the plot, but the result was far-fetched. It’s a pity that this college student, who many people call a genius martial arts novelist, has nothing to offer except his eye-catching writing style.”

The post is very long and Luoyang has read it all.

There are also many replies below the post, and these replies are varied, including praise and criticism.

"What Zhenjun said is very good. This is what I want to say. Apart from the text, there is nothing really interesting in these two works."

"I think what Zhenjun said is reasonable. If martial arts does not distinguish between good and evil, what qualifications do we have to call it martial arts? The protagonist's invincibility is inexplicable and has no connotation."

"I like Zhenjun's works very much, but this time I have a different view on Zhenjun's words. The smiles and confidence promoted in these two works are both promoting the advantages of human nature, so there is no way to say it in vain."

"These two novels have been mentioned on the forum since yesterday. I checked them out specifically. I don't like this genre."

"The writing is very good, and the plot setting is reasonable. I admit that this is an evil martial arts school. This martial arts is indeed not an orthodox path. But if you say these two works have no connotation, I cannot agree..."

Luoyang also read some of these comments with interest.

He never thought that "Eternal Sword" and "Peacock Feather" could kill martial arts fans.

Because these two works are martial arts novels after all, many people are naturally not interested because of the nature of the novella. In addition, some people like Gu Long's plot style, while others are not interested.

But the Master of Life and Death said that these two works could not wait for elegance. In Luoyang's view, this was too much.

Sure enough, after following the post all the way to the 103rd floor, a martial arts novelist who was as important as the True Lord of Life and Death stood up.

"Zhenjun is full of nonsense. "The Sword of Eternal Life" reveals the power of smile, and "Peacock Feather" highlights the importance of self-confidence. These are all the shining points of human nature. But in the end, you completely rejected the works of other college students with just one sentence, and falsely praised everyone. "

The pen name of this writer who was like a gunpowder was Luzhou Monster. This name was very funny and not as grand as other martial arts masters. Luoyang couldn't help but laugh.

He specifically checked the encyclopedia information on this Luzhou monster.

"Luzhou Monster is one of the representative figures of the evil sect of martial arts. He has an unruly temperament. He has created a total of 23 martial arts books, including full-length and medium-length martial arts works. The sales volume of his representative work "The Butcher" has been among the top ten in Dragon Kingdom. At the same time, "The Butcher" is the first time in the world of martial arts novels in the Dragon Kingdom that a murderous image is used as the male protagonist. The character is both good and evil, which is extremely controversial..."

(The first update is here. I am not the whitest vest in the world. He is my senior and the person I learned from, the starting point master. And I am a small servant. I have only made some progress with your support. .)

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