Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 114 Big Cake

Luo Dashan was enjoying the spring breeze these days, and the explosive sales of "Xia Ke Magazine" made him feel as if he had reached the pinnacle of his life.

In order to celebrate the sales of the December issue of "Xia Ke Magazine", Luo Dashan took time out of his busy schedule to treat Luoyang and Hu Hu to dinner.

At the dinner table, Luo Dashan's face was glowing: "Speaking of how lucky you are, Luoyang, I didn't expect that your two novels would cause such a big response on the Internet! The Internet writer named Baiyi Qingcheng actually recommended you. Novel, for this reason I almost got into conflict with the martial arts master, Zhenjun Zhenjun of Life and Death..."

Amber drank the juice and looked at Luoyang while holding back a smile.

In fact, Amber certainly understands why Luoyang wants to hide Baiyi Qingcheng's identity. It's just because he doesn't want to receive too much attention.

But as Luoyang's assistant, during the period of working for Luoyang, Amber deeply discovered that Luoyang's light can only cover up for a while. In the future, as the number of works increases, he is destined to stand in the spotlight and accept the worship of countless book fans. .

It's a pity that the author doesn't seem to have seen through this yet.

Luoyang pretended to be stupid and said: "I didn't expect such a big response on the Internet..."

"The main thing is that the works are good! Now the superiors have asked our magazine to move to a high-end office building!" The second uncle ate his food, and then said excitedly, he couldn't even walk in the past two days, and "Xia Ke Magazine" is selling more and more The more popular it became, the more he, the temporary editor-in-chief, was praised by his superiors.

"Congratulations, uncle!"

Luoyang and Amber raised their glasses and clinked them with their second uncle.

What they drank was red wine, but Luoyang was really frightened by his second uncle's limited drinking capacity and really couldn't drink it.

"My family doesn't say thank you, it's hypocritical. I didn't expect that it was you, Luoyang, who saved me in the end." The second uncle drank the red wine in one gulp and said with emotion: "In my impression, you are a person who loves learning. A good and honest boy, he has made his family feel at ease since he was a child. Who would have thought that you would have such a shocking story hidden in your little head. When I first read "The Sword of Eternal Life" and "Peacock" you sent me Ling", I even have the illusion that the person who can write such a story must be a middle-aged martial arts master full of wisdom and life experience!"

The second uncle put down his wine glass: "In the end, I didn't expect that the person who wrote such a wonderful story was not a wise middle-aged man or a long-established martial arts master, but your nephew who is still in his first year of college."

Luoyang laughed along, but began to be alert in his heart - it seems that he needs to pay more attention in the future.

Forget about writing online articles, after all, you don’t need much experience. But my rise in the novel world seems to be too fast. According to my age, if I really write something too shocking, I am afraid that it will not only bring shock, but also be accompanied by overwhelming doubts.

The second uncle added: "And the headquarters has decided to continue investing in the development of "Xia Ke Magazine". Our magazine does not have to close down. I feel at ease at last. The boss is still asking me if I would like to return to work at the headquarters..."

Luoyang asked: "Second uncle, do you want to go back to work at the headquarters?"

"I'm also hesitant." Luo Dashan hesitated: "How about Luoyang, do you have any suggestions..."

Luo Dashan was originally an editor specializing in long-form martial arts novels, so asking him to work in "Xia Ke Magazine", a branch specializing in short and medium-length martial arts novels, might not go well.

But he was a little reluctant to let go of his colleagues, so he was always hesitant, as people who value emotions often do.

"I think you can go back to the headquarters. Once the "Seven Weapons" is published in "Xia Ke Magazine", uncle Er, you can go back to the headquarters." Luoyang persuaded.

After all, the influence and value of short and medium-length martial arts works cannot be compared with that of long-form martial arts works.

The pattern of martial arts in this world is different from that in the previous life. In the previous life, it developed to its peak and then declined, coupled with the impact of the rise of Internet literature, it was in disarray.

However, the development of martial arts in this world has just encountered a bottleneck, and there is still a lot of room for improvement. The online literary world is also in a slow development and cannot have a real impact on martial arts. Therefore, as long as the second uncle returns to work at the headquarters and specializes in long-form martial arts, It may not be impossible to accomplish something.

Amber obviously has a long-term view on this aspect: "Yes, I also think that long-form martial arts has greater potential for development."

After Luo Dashan pondered for a moment, he did not answer immediately, but said: "Then I will suppress this matter first. Luoyang, please give me the story to be published in the next issue of "Seven Weapons" to read first."

Although he had great confidence in his nephew, Luo Dashan still wanted to see it in person and confirm his opinion.

"I didn't bring it with me." Luoyang waved his hand. He didn't have the consciousness to carry his works with him.

"I'll send it to my second uncle later." Amber said at the side. She had the complete set of "Seven Weapons" sent to her by Luoyang. This is the biggest benefit of being an assistant.

"Then don't forget to look back." Luo Dashan muttered.

"Second uncle, didn't you say that the magazine moved? Where has it moved now?" Luoyang asked.

"The office building in front of Lakeside Garden."

Amber said: "The environment in that place is great, it's like replacing a shotgun with a cannon."

Luo Dashan nodded and said: "Yes, and after this month's sales explosion, the number of submissions we received has increased several times, and there are many excellent manuscripts among them!"

"Isn't that just right." Luoyang was relieved. Even if he no longer publishes works in "Xia Ke Magazine" in the future, even if his second uncle does not continue to be the editor-in-chief of "Xia Ke Magazine", this magazine will not fall easily again.


On the way back to school after dinner, Amber suddenly said: "Bai Da, there must be a lot of people trying to poach you recently, right?"

Luoyang was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "I answered two calls, both from poachers, and then I set up unknown numbers to avoid answering."

Speaking of which, these publishing houses have put a lot of effort into getting their own numbers from nowhere, but this is doomed to be in vain.

"Don't answer unknown numbers?" Amber was stunned, then laughed: "Baida, you are so cruel!"

"Otherwise, how could I have so much free time to chat with them?" Luoyang waved his hand and said innocently.

Amber laughed for a while, stopped, straightened his expression and analyzed: "It is estimated that "Martial Arts" will take action next month. Their magazine originally sold more than 200,000 in the first week, but this December, it has just been Sold 100,000 copies.”

"The market is just such a big cake. Whoever eats more will naturally eat less. It's not surprising." Luoyang said with a smile.

Amber said: "According to rumors, the people of "Wulin Style" have begun to spend a lot of money to hire three famous artists to help out, so next month's release lineup of "Wulin Style" may be very strong."

"Three martial arts masters?"

Luoyang smiled, it seemed that "Wulin Feng" was really worried.

They had always been giants in the short and medium martial arts market, but the sudden outbreak of "Xia Ke Magazine" caught them off guard.

In the Dragon Kingdom, there are less than fifty people who are qualified to be called martial arts masters, and each one is worth a fortune, so they are not so easy to hire. In the past, each issue of "Martial Arts Style" only invited one famous martial arts master. Unexpectedly, this time we planned to invite several martial arts masters at once, and we had to spend a lot of money.

"In the worst case, just fight in the ring." Luoyang said.

He is not afraid of such competition. Everyone depends on their strength. When the time comes, sales will still speak for themselves.

Amber nodded, but her eyes were thoughtful. Bai Da could do whatever he wanted, but as an assistant, she had to ensure that Bai Da's work was foolproof.

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