Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 118 Competition for the top four (3)

Pudding loudly said: "Let us welcome Li Tianyin!"

After the words fell, there was thunderous applause, and Li Tianyin appeared on the lift platform.

Today, Li Tianyin actually changed her style. Instead of her usual blue robe and white gauze, she wore a pink dress suit with white fluff embroidered between the sleeves, like a pretty little princess.

"Are you acting like a princess today?" Pudding said in surprise.

"That's right. Does Teacher Pudding want me to have Typhoon fixed all the time?" Li Tianyin said slyly.

Pudding laughed: "This is the first time I have encountered Li Tianyin like this. I am looking forward to your performance."

"Besides, Tianyin, you have never let everyone down, and I believe you will not disappoint me this time. The stage is left to you, come on!" After Pudding finished speaking, he walked off the stage.

The lights dimmed and the audience's eyes were fixed on the center of the stage.

Li Tianyin took a deep breath, adjusted the headset, then nodded slightly to the sound engineer and orchestra conductor behind him, and said, "'Happiness' is for everyone."

A burst of music sounded, the camera gave a close-up of Li Tianyin's delicate face, and the singing slowly began.

"Happiness is always around you. It seems far away, but in fact it is very close..."

"Happiness is not rushed, learn to cherish it, the pink bear is lying on the bed..."

"Being together happily day and night, who's princess, the warmth that makes each other feel at ease..."

"The lyrics are very well written, and her voice is a little different from usual." Luo Bingqing said.

Yi Bai nodded: "Li Tianyin's understanding of stage style is the strongest among this group of contestants. For example, this song did not go with the fairy style, so she immediately changed to the princess style, and it seems that the effect is so far great."

"This is the quality of a mature singer. If it weren't for Liu Qin, she would have a 70% chance of winning the championship this time." Ma Haoran said softly.

Zhang Zonghuan also gave a rare nod this time: "The rhythm of the main song is very good, and the warm feeling is created very well. It doesn't show off any skills, but it makes people feel happy."

The contrast effect is very good. For the first time, Li Tianyin shed her fairy-like appearance on the stage and turned herself into a carefree princess. But as always, Li Tianyin once again showed Her extremely outstanding creative talent, and the warm lyrics of the main song alone impressed many audiences at the scene.

The songs are simple.

But the simpler the song, the more effort it takes.

Li Tianyin's near-perfect control ability made this song impress the audience the first time it was sung.

The description of happiness in the song is simple and pure. This is the story of a carefree little princess who leaves her family and bravely pursues her dream.

"I have found the definition of happiness. The princess who fights for her dreams is braver and sharper than the knight, and the gentle harbor allows me to stay and rest..."

The vocal transitions in the chorus became complicated, but Li Tianyin's control ability seemed to be with ease. The lyrics and arrangement of the entire song were full of warmth and happiness, which made the audience addicted...

"Happiness comes from having you by my side."

During the prolonged ending, the audience burst into warm applause.

"I heard the taste of happiness in this song. Tianyin loves his family from the bottom of his heart, so he can create such a touching song. From the applause in the audience, I can also hear how moved everyone is. Tianyin has What do you want to say to everyone?" Pudding walked onto the stage and looked at Li Tianyin.

Li Tianyin took the microphone and said with a smile: "The happiness in the song is dedicated to my family, to my fans, and finally to every audience who listens to this song. I wish you can also have the same happiness as me." General happiness.”

The applause rang out again.

Pudding nodded and said, "Indeed, everyone needs happiness. Thank you Tianyin for your blessing."

"Thank you, audience, and thank you, the judges." Li Tianyin bowed and walked off the stage.

Pudding said to the audience: "When it comes to Li Tianyin, we have to mention another contestant from the Next Queen. She has been compared with Li Tianyin countless times. Not only is she extremely popular on the Internet , and at the same time, his personal creative talent is also very popular among judges and professionals.”

"Liu Qin!"

"Master Qin!"

The audience immediately recognized who Pudding was referring to and shouted out Liu Qin's name.

Pudding made a gesture of invitation and said with a smile: "It seems that everyone is very smart. Please watch below...VCR!"


On the big VCR screen, a train rumbled forward.

Liu Qin appeared. She was waiting by the platform wearing plain blue clothes and light makeup.

Many passers-by recognized Liu Qin near the platform, watching from a distance, discussing something from time to time, and seemed very excited.

"I'm a little nervous picking up my parents today."

"Where did your parents come from?" the location host asked.

"They..." Liu Qin paused, and then said: "They came from Qingshan."

"Qingshan?" The location host was a little surprised: "I've heard of that place. If it's that place..."

Liu Qin took over the on-location host's hesitant words and said calmly: "Qingshan is very poor, and bad mountains and rivers breed unruly people, so I, as a player, are always full of all kinds of controversies, probably because of my identity as a unruly person. Bar."

"You really know how to joke..." The location host smiled and said: "But Qingshan is far away from the devil."

"It takes three days to take the train, and that doesn't include the half-day it took them to get from Qingshan to the county seat." When he said this, a trace of unbearability flashed across Liu Qin's face.


The train arrived and pedestrians got off the train.

Among them, a couple in their forties walked down. The man was wearing a black tunic suit and looked very neat, while the woman was wearing a blue coat and looked very ordinary.

The camera immediately focused on this somewhat simple-looking couple.

Liu Qin walked over quickly: "Dad, Mom."

"Liu Qin!" Liu Qin's parents were obviously very happy when they saw Liu Qin.

After hugging his mother, Liu Qin's father said: "I feel a little thin. Remember to eat more."

"I know!" Liu Qin smiled, holding her parents' arms, and then smiled at the camera: "Did I bring my parents on TV?"

The location director laughed dumbly. He didn't expect Liu Qin to have such a funny side. He smiled and nodded and said, "Yes, hello, Father Liu and Mother Liu."

"Hello." Liu Qin's father looked very calm.

Liu Qin's mother performed fairly well and was in a mood to say hello to the camera: "My daughter is so beautiful, you must support her!"

A group of people walked towards the program group, and at this time Liu Qin's voiceover sounded: "As you can see, this is my family. I was born in Qingshan, a poor place, but I have not suffered since I was a child, because my parents They are reluctant to let me endure hardships and always give me the best. They work very hard every day, but they never tell me..."

"I once had a dream that I was another person, but the moment I saw my parents, I knew I was Liu Qin."

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