Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 123 Meeting (Third update)

Luoyang and Amber came to the new office building where "Xia Ke Magazine" is located.

Luo Dashan had been waiting for a long time. When he saw Luoyang and Hu Hu, he immediately came up to them and said anxiously: "Luoyang, have you seen the news about "Wulin Feng"?"

"I saw it." Luoyang said with a smile.

"Then you can still laugh?" Luo Dashan glared: "This is really fatal. They came too ferociously this time. They invited four famous people at once. The "Xia Ke Magazine" finally got better. Thinking that we will go back to before liberation so soon! Their sales will definitely affect us, and our sales will be affected by then..."

"And they deliberately made it so loud this time, raising the news of the four famous figures to the level of the entire martial arts novel world..."

Indeed, the so-called immortality of martial arts is just a gimmick created by "Martial Arts Style". To revive martial arts, a few famous artists are not enough. I am afraid that dozens of famous artists from the Dragon Kingdom must work at the same time, and the quality of their works is excellent. , will it be possible to realize the revival of martial arts...

"Who said we would definitely lose?" Luoyang asked.

Luo Dashan couldn't help but be stunned, shook his head and said: "You don't understand, you haven't experienced their era, those are four famous people..."

Luoyang directly interrupted Luo Dashan's words and said categorically: "'Seven Weapons' is no worse than any famous artist!"

That is Gu Long's classic masterpiece, a near-invincible existence in short and medium-sized novels. Although famous writers in this world have great influence, in the field of martial arts novels, the quality of the content is much more important than fame.

"But..." Luo Dashan wanted to say something else.

But Amber spoke: "Second uncle, let the editor have a meeting. I will tell you my plan. We will not lose."

Luo Dashan gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, let's have a meeting now. You can come to the conference room together now!"


In the conference room.

The editors of Xia Ke Magazine were all sitting in their respective positions with solemn expressions.

Amber put his computer on the table and said with a smile: "I seem to see that everyone is a little less confident."

One of the editors raised his head and said with some despair: "Those are four famous people. We can't fight, and we don't have to fight..."

Amber said calmly: "In December, "Martial Arts" also had a work by a famous artist, but it was still suppressed by "Xia Ke Magazine".

Another editor said solemnly: "But how can it be the same? This month there is one famous artist, but next month they will invite four famous people..."

"The quality is not as good as ours, so do we rely on quantity to win?" Amber smiled contemptuously: "It shows that they are guilty. They are afraid of Luoyang. A famous master is no match for Luoyang!"

"No." A female editor shook her head and said: "Luoyang is a college student after all. It is normal for him to write two classics in a flash of inspiration, but next he will face four famous writers..."

"That's right, Luoyang is a college student after all. How can every work be a classic?"

"Obviously, the four famous writers agreed to the invitation because they were confident. What they wrote must be a classic."

"No matter how big things go, Luoyang is only as good as one famous person. Then the remaining three famous people can be crushed by their popularity alone..."

"It is said that he is a famous artist, but Luoyang's new work has not been sent for a long time. I guess he will not be able to write classics like before. We..."

"That's right, as long as we know it well, can we still expect Luoyang to continue to write classics like "The Sword of Eternal Life" and "Peacock Feather"?"

A group of editors talked cowardly about "Wulin Feng", as if Luoyang was not worth mentioning. This made Amber's face begin to show a trace of anger. Although these people did not mean it, the contempt for Luoyang in those words made her, a capable assistant who admired Luoyang, very unhappy!

"Shut up!" Luo Dashan suddenly slammed the table and said with rare anger: "We haven't even started fighting yet, are you all afraid of being like this? You are the editors of martial arts novels, but I don't see the two martial arts characters in you. The spirit of a word!”

"Okay." Luoyang also rubbed his temples and said softly: "Hu Hu, send them the novel."

Amber gently bit her little tiger teeth, opened her computer mailbox, and sent the remaining manuscript of "Seven Weapons" to a group of editors: "This time Luoyang released four novella martial arts novels at once. I don't believe that these four novels were released at once. Worse than his "Martial Arts Style"!

"Little girl, this is a magazine." A middle-aged editor in his thirties said, "The magazine doesn't say you can publish whatever you want."

When Luo Dashan heard this, his expression immediately darkened, and he said directly: "Zhang Hai, do you know who he is?"

The middle-aged man was stunned, and then said: "Of course I know that his first two works were good, but he can't always..."

"Without a but, you can leave. "Xia Ke Magazine" is not suitable for you." Luo Dashan said without mercy.

"What?" A trace of disbelief flashed across the man's face. He didn't expect that the editor-in-chief would let him leave!

Zhang Hai subconsciously looked at the other editors, but to his despair, no one spoke for him at this moment. All the editors turned away, as if they didn't see his eyes.

"I have been in the magazine for many years, I..."

"Zhang Hai, regardless of the quality of Luoyang's novels, the magazine will definitely adopt them. Do you want to ask why?" An old editor stood up and said slightly excitedly: "He alone saved "Xia Ke Magazine"! I am I'm afraid that "Wulin Feng" will put "Xia Ke Magazine" into the bottom of the sea again next month, but this is not the reason why you can deny Luoyang! "

"That's right!" Another editor stood up: "As a person, you must know how to be grateful. Luoyang is the one who pulled us ashore. Without him, we would have no chance to sit in this position in December!"

"Just because I'm not optimistic about Luoyang's new work doesn't mean I will refuse to publish his work!" The editors stood up one after another.

"Do you understand now?" Luo Dashan said expressionlessly: "Zhang Hai, please go out. If you want to read Luoyang's manuscript, you can wait until January to buy the magazine."

Zhang Hai's face was extremely ugly. After turning green and red, he said coldly: "It's really ridiculous. The editor of a magazine is so irrational and wants to fight with "Wulin Feng". I'm leaving. Anyway, your fate will be the same." That’s it!”

After saying that, Zhang Hai walked out of the magazine without looking back.

Amber looked at these old editors in surprise, and the anger that had just risen quietly calmed down.

Luo Dashan knocked on the table: "Everyone, cheer up and let's read the works of the genius martial arts novelist."

"Okay!" The editors nodded, letting go of their worries and entanglements, lowered their heads, opened the mailbox of their laptops, and read the manuscript...

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