Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 125 The seventh weapon (fifth update, please vote for me!

Among the six series of "Seven Weapons", "The Farewell Hook" is Luoyang's favorite story. This is Gu Long's late work, and its connotation and meaning are much deeper than the previous ones.

In the story, Di Qinglin is a hereditary first-class prince and the most romantic young knight in the world, while the male protagonist Yang Zheng is a descendant of a gangster and a small catcher of the county government.

Di Qinglin has an outstanding IQ. For his own sake, he set up a conspiracy at all levels, but Yang Zheng...does he have the strength to fight against Di Qinglin's conspiracy?

Di Qinglin is dressed in white as snow and kills people in a gentle and affectionate way. He owns a huge house but no "home". He is the greatest evil among great evils and the greatest traitor among great traitors, but Di Qinglin is so bad that people appreciate him.

Because it is an almost intrinsic badness - he has no choice, that is his fate, his life. He killed his friends, his lover, and his master because he only loved himself. He had no friends, lovers, or masters in his heart.

As for Yang Zheng, his life is as cheap as dirt. He has love and determination. In the face of external pressure, he did not give in or collapse.

He picked up the parting hook, so someone asked: Why did you use such a cruel weapon?

Yang Zheng replied: "Because I don't want to be forced to say goodbye to the one I love."

"So you use the farewell hook just to get together."

In the end, Yang Zheng's parting hook defeated Di Qinglin's thin knife, but the moral of this story is brotherhood.

After reading "The Farewell Hook", Luo Dashan's voice began to tremble: "The third story is also an excellent work, and even surpasses the previous stories in the "Seven Weapons" series in a certain sense!"

Luo Dashan paused and then said: "And in terms of character creation, not to mention the full image of the male protagonist, even the character of Di Qinglin is so vivid! This will be a villain that people love and hate. The emergence of such ambivalence means that this novel is a well-deserved classic! "

A group of editors were also speechless. Three classic articles were smashed down in a row, leaving them speechless.

"I thought that "The Sword of Eternal Life" and "Peacock Feather" were the limits of Luoyang..." An editor shook his head with a wry smile.

"The result is that we are sitting in a well and looking at the sky. I even dare to say that Luoyang's real level has surpassed some so-called famous people!"

"That's right, these three works from Luoyang are really impressive! I'm afraid even those famous writers won't be able to write such wonderful works in a short time!"

"A model of evil martial arts, winning with surprise, convincing people with plot, wars and turns, stories with completely different styles but integrated into one."

"Now, I have the courage to fight, isn't it just four famous people! With these stories, even if "Martial Arts Style" invites four famous people to come out, it must be carefully considered!"

"They have opened up the market, and now countless martial arts fans are eagerly looking forward to it. Not only will this not be a disaster for us, but it will be a great opportunity for our "Xia Ke Magazine" to become famous!"

"Don't rush to issue a declaration of war now. Let's read the last story." Amber said.

This group of editors is really careless. You discuss it every time you read an article. You don’t know that time is precious.


"To be honest... I was a little reluctant to read it." Luo Dashan looked at the last story and said with a smile.

"That's right, after reading this article, it has been rare to encounter such a classic for a long time!" an editor followed.

Of course, no matter how reluctant you are to part with it, you still have to read the work. When the editor opens the last document, the title of the work immediately pops up on the page.

""Overlord Gun"!"

The protagonist of the novel "Overlord's Gun" is originally the owner of the King's Escort Agency, the One-Gun King Wanwu. He has a strong temper, is old and spicy, and not only refuses the Qinglong Society's wooing, but also the owner of the Evergreen Escort Agency and the Liaodong Heroes. Even though he was invited to join the escort team, he didn't give any face at all. Qinglonghui devised a trick to assassinate Wang Wanwu and frame Baili Changqing as the blame.

Wang Wanwu's daughter, Miss Wang, took the Overlord Spear and traveled around the world to learn how to use the gun master to find the enemy who killed her father. However, on the way, she met the witty and brave Ding Xi, the son of Baili Changqing. He sometimes calls himself the smart Ding Xi, sometimes he calls himself the stupid Ding Xi, but one thing that remains the same from beginning to end is that he faces everything bravely.

So this story, like other stories, has a deeper meaning, and the deeper meaning it expresses is courage - "As long as a person has the courage to take risks, there will never be anything in the world that cannot be solved."

After reading the four works, the editors present felt that their clothes were soaked.

Third-rate writers write about utensils, second-rate writers write about people's movements, and first-rate writers write about people's mentality and style.

These four works in Luoyang perfectly interpreted the above sentence, so when they looked at Luoyang again, their eyes had changed.

The latter is smiling faintly, but their eyes are already intertwined with adoration, admiration, admiration, and deep disbelief...

"You're still a college student..."

"I'm just a freshman this year..."

"Is there really such a monster in the world who can write such charming martial arts?"

"Seven weapons interweave six wonderful martial arts stories. The novel's story is strange and strange, and the characters have different personalities, which is very profound."

After a collective moment of confusion, Luo Dashan suddenly stood up, and then a group of editors also stood up at the same time.

"Luoyang, I'm ashamed to say that my second uncle actually thought that we would definitely lose at first..." Luo Dashan looked at Luoyang.

The old editor was a little excited and said: "First of all, I want to apologize for my distrust at the beginning. I thought you, Luoyang, were a flash in the pan. Now that I think about it, it's really ridiculous."

After saying that, the old editor actually bowed to Luoyang.

Luoyang was embarrassed and continued to sit. He quickly stood up, smiled and helped the other person up and said, "It's okay. I'm not old after all. Most people's first reaction when they see me is suspicion. There's nothing to be angry about."

The middle-aged female editor followed: "I also want to apologize to you, because I originally thought you were arrogant, but I didn't expect that you really have wonderful enough works."

"We are so ignorant and ignorant. We are so ridiculous."

"Luoyang, I'm really sorry, you are truly everyone."

A group of editors looked ashamed and apologized to Luoyang. In the end, Luo Dashan waved his hand and said: "Okay, okay, no need to be ashamed. I believe Luoyang won't mind either."

Luoyang nodded immediately: "Please take more care of me. The work is here and you have seen the quality. How to operate the next process depends on you."

Luo Dashan waved his hand and said with great pride: "The four works are all classics. Even if the opponent has four famous people, we will definitely have the strength to fight with them! If such a good work is in our hands, then we will really You can just find a piece of tofu and kill him."

Luoyang smiled and waved his hands: "That's not necessary. Do your best, obey fate, and win with quality in everything you do."

"Luoyang, "Seven Weapons", shouldn't it logically correspond to seven stories? Why are there only six so far?" the old editor asked curiously.

Luoyang Wan'er, he knew that someone would definitely ask this question, but now he already had the answer in his heart: "There is no seventh weapon, because the absence of weapons means there are weapons, and the presence of weapons means there are no weapons!"

(The fifth update is here, please give me a monthly ticket!!! Thank you, Zuibai!! The explosion will continue tomorrow, and in the next month, Zuibai will work very hard!!)

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