Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 134 Recording in Progress

In fact, Amber accepted the invitation from Youth Club for very simple reasons. First, this program is a top-notch talk show in the Dragon Kingdom. Luoyang’s attendance will definitely increase its influence. Second, the recording location of this program happens to be in the Magic City. There is no need for Luoyang to go anywhere too far.

The next day, Amber accompanied Luoyang to the recording venue of Qingnianhui. Because she and Ma Lingling had a meal yesterday and were familiar with each other, so as soon as they came to say hello during today's recording, Luoyang and Amber were taken to the makeup studio by the staff. between.

At the unique program site of Qingnianhui, hundreds of viewers have already taken their seats.

Ma Lingling was wearing a black professional suit, with her hair slicked back to look very smart. She walked onto the stage, and the audience immediately burst into applause.

Ma Lingling smiled and asked the audience: "Do you know who the guest invited today is?"

"Luoyang! Luoyang!" Someone in the audience immediately shouted. Ever since Amber helped Luoyang accept the invitation from Qingnianhui a few days ago, Qingnianhui has been warming up for this interview.

Everyone knows that this issue of Youth Club invites Luoyang, a new celebrity in the world of martial arts novels, so today, most of the people who came to the scene are fans of Luoyang.

Ma Lingling nodded, and then said: "He pioneered the allegorical martial arts with his unbridled imagination. The single-day sales volume of the magazine written by him broke the record of 150,000 for the same type. He is a freshman at Tiandu University. He is known as a genius martial arts novelist, and just last week, he was recognized as a master by the Dragon Kingdom’s largest martial arts forum, the Warrior Fan Tribe. His support rate exceeded 20 million within eight hours, making him the 50th martial arts master in the Dragon Kingdom! "

"He is the guest of our youth gathering today, the famous martial arts master - Luoyang!"

Amid warm applause, Luoyang walked onto the stage in white casual clothes, not forgetting to wave to the audience as he walked.

"He's even more handsome than the photos in magazines!"

"And younger than expected..."

"Very elegant. He doesn't feel like a college student. There seems to be a story in his eyes."

As soon as Luoyang came on stage, it aroused discussion among the audience. This was the first time that Luoyang stepped onto the stage to face the audience.

Although "Xia Ke Magazine" also used him for promotion before, it used his photos, and there would still be some differences between the photos and the person.

Ma Lingling shook hands with Luo Yang and said with a smile: "Hello, Teacher Luo, welcome to Youth Hui."

Luoyang smiled and nodded: "Hello, Sister Ma, hello everyone in the audience, nice to meet you."

"Please sit down." Ma Lingling pointed to the sofa.

This is the interview habit of Qingnianhui. The host and the guests are sitting on the sofa, which seems to be an equal dialogue.

"Do you know how I felt when I saw you for the first time?" Ma Lingling looked at Luoyang.

Luoyang nodded, as if thinking, and then smiled softly: "Young and handsome."

The whole audience burst into laughter immediately. Unexpectedly, Luoyang still had such a side, and he started teasing Ma Lingling.

Ma Lingling was also amused by Luoyang's reaction: "As expected of a novelist, he has a sharp pen and a sharp tongue."

Luoyang shook his head quickly: "It can't be compared like this. I write martial arts novels, and many knights with strong martial arts skills have been born in my novels. But when I meet a gangster, I still can't defeat any of them."

The audience laughed even more happily, and Ma Lingling also looked helpless.

After laughing for a while, Ma Lingling said: "We are a talk show. Teacher Keluo, you are here to turn our program into a very happy talk show."

"Okay, let's... get to the point." Luoyang nodded.

Ma Lingling asked: "How do you feel about you being selected as the fiftieth martial arts master in the Dragon Kingdom?"

"To be honest, it should be, because "Seven Weapons" is qualified to receive such treatment. If I say it is my luck, it is undoubtedly denying my work."

Ma Lingling was stunned for a moment, then said with admiration: "That's why Teacher Luo can write such wonderful and touching stories, it's because of this pride."

The audience in the audience also nodded: "This Luoyang seems to be a bit arrogant in his words, but he is not disgusted at all, as if he should be like this."

Probably it was the truth shown by Luoyang that made everyone easily accept him from the bottom of their hearts.

"I'm very curious about allegorical martial arts. Under what circumstances did you create this innovative form of martial arts?"

"Maybe it was just a flash of inspiration. Martial arts needs to carry something. Any art form itself is to express and talk about these things, otherwise there is no art." Luoyang replied with a smile, but he felt that he was really In serious nonsense.

Ma Lingling nodded: "Mr. Luo, what you said makes sense. Art itself is indeed for confiding and expressing. It can be the carrier of emotions and the inheritance of classics. This is also the spirit that our Dragon Kingdom has always advocated."

"In addition, in your "Seven Weapons" series, there is a work called "Jade Sword" that is very popular with female readers. Did you expect this?"

Luoyang said: "When writing "Jade Sword", I used love to intersperse martial arts. I deliberately wrote a romance style in the writing, just to make female readers like it. The result is pretty good. I am very grateful to female readers for being so discerning."

The audience burst into laughter for the third time, and some female readers even shouted Luoyang's name excitedly.

"I feel like if you continue to express yourself freely, I will lose my job as a host." Ma Lingling joked from the side.

Luoyang quickly apologized: "How dare you? Sister Ma is the number one host in our Dragon Kingdom. No one will dare to steal your job."

"How about I write a martial arts novel?"

Luoyang nodded seriously: "I think it will work."

The audience was amused for the fourth time by the interaction between the two, and Ma Lingling even sighed in her heart. Luoyang's reaction speed and this mouth seemed to be born to be active in the spotlight and accept the attention of the public with a tenfold magnifying glass.

This episode of the program has been very effective so far, so Ma Lingling asked another question.

This is also a question that many people are concerned about: "The "Seven Weapons" series, according to the name, should have seven stories, but currently, Mr. Luo, you have only written six stories. Do you plan to continue the seventh story? Will it be published in "Xia Ke Magazine"?

Luoyang had long known that Ma Lingling would ask this question.

He already had a detailed draft in his mind, so it was effortless to deal with it.

"I'm very pleased to see that many people are paying attention to "Seven Weapons"," Luoyang said.

"I don't know if you have noticed that the six stories in "Seven Weapons" are all opposite each other - "The Sword of Eternal Life" and "Peacock Feather", "Jasper Sword" and "Sentimental Ring", and "Farewell Hook" and "The King's Gun."

"This relative attribute was designed by me from the beginning, so the seventh weapon is destined to have a bye."

"In my mind, there is no so-called seventh weapon. For a true master, weapons are a burden, and the weapon itself is the capital."

"So there is no seventh weapon at all, because the absence of weapons means there are weapons, and the presence of weapons means there are no weapons. This is what I want to tell in the allegorical martial arts "Seven Weapons"...the seventh truth."

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