Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 137 Night of Champions (Part 2)

"Wonderful, wonderful, even my favorite Su San was eliminated." Amber said excitedly.

Luoyang said amusedly: "Then I'm surprised. Your favorite player was eliminated, why are you so happy?"

"Because she lost openly." Amber said seriously: "She lost due to the strength of her opponent. Liu Qin's "Next Stop Queen" is really exciting! Su San can't match it."

"What about Li Tianyin?" Luoyang said with a smile: "Li Tianyin's strength is no worse than Liu Qin."

"Her?" Amber laughed directly: "When Master Qin's strength explodes, he can be crushed directly."

"Master Qin..." Luoyang was stunned: "Isn't this what fans call Liu Qin?"


"Are you a fan of Liu Qin?"

Amber tilted her little head: "Is there anything wrong?"

"But you..." Luoyang's mind was a little confused: "Didn't you just say that your favorite player is Su San..."

"Yes, my favorite is Su San, and my favorite is Master Qin." Amber looked at the dumbfounded Luoyang and said proudly: "Of course, there must be an order of preference."

Luoyang rolled his eyes. He rarely did this action, but Amber's word game really made him unable to complain.

"Look at the game, I can bet 50 cents that Master Qin will be the winner tonight!" Amber said with loving eyes.


Fans like Amber naturally have a lot of confidence in Liu Qin.

But Li Tianyin should not be underestimated either. The finals were divided into two games. In the first game, she came up with an original song: "That Summer".

The arrangement of this song is even better than before. It is catchy and full of profound artistic conception. It attracted screams and applause from the audience, and the judges gave unanimous praise.

"High quality songs."

"From now on, I can rely on my talent to make a living, but you are still so beautiful."

Under the cheers of the audience and the high praise of the judges, Li Tianyin happily gave up the stage.

When it was Liu Qin's turn, Pudding couldn't wait to ask as soon as he came on the stage: "Is it original?"

Liu Qin smiled and nodded: "Yes."

The audience immediately remembered a burst of cheers, and Pudding became excited after hearing this: "I have a hunch that tonight's championship night will be a contest of original talents."

Liu Qin said nothing, but her eyes swept around the auditorium, as if catching something, but unfortunately, her eyes did not reach the third row.

"It should be there..." When Liu Qin mumbled softly, the music on the stage had already started playing.

Liu Qin calmed down and gently closed his eyes along with the prelude. When the rhythm stopped at a certain point, Liu Qin's eyes reopened and his voice rang out on the gorgeous and gorgeous stage.

"That laughter reminds me of my flowers

Open for me quietly in every corner of my life

I thought I would always be by her side

Today we have left in the vast sea of ​​people

Are they all old? Where are they?

Fortunately, I have accompanied them to open..."

The audience, which was full of passion just a moment ago, gradually calmed down under the comfort of the singing. Liu Qin's voice was warm with a touch of sadness, spreading across the entire stage like magic.

Beside Luoyang, Amber's eyes had quietly softened, and she didn't speak, but there was a little more sadness in her eyes.

The song is "Those Flowers". The original creator in the previous life was Pu Shu, who has won numerous honors and can be regarded as a rare classic. Moreover, the combination of the lyrics and the melody of this song will give people a feeling of loss. Touched, distressed, reluctant, and mixed feelings flooded into the hearts of the audience at this moment.

When the first verse of the song was sung, an excessive guitar sound sounded slowly and softly.

The bright lights on the stage gradually went out, and the audience was in darkness but silent. The brightest beam of light on the stage hit Liu Qin's body.

"La la la la, la la la la. La la la, I miss her..." This is the simplest part of the song, and this is also the most essential part of the song. When Liu Qin gently hums the tune of this section with a nasal voice. , the pent-up emotions of the audience were suddenly released, and some viewers had wet eyes, gently wiping their tears under the camera.

The lights slowly turned on, but the singing continued, echoing in the ears of every audience member, bringing them into a sad world.

“There are some stories that haven’t been told yet, so forget it.

Those feelings have become difficult to distinguish between true and false over the years.

Now there are overgrown weeds and no flowers.

Fortunately, I once had your spring and autumn, winter and summer

Are they all old? Where are they?

We just go to the end of the world..."

On the stage where everyone was watching, Liu Qin's eyes were slightly red, and his voice contained a hint of crying that he wanted to hide but could not hide: "They have been blown away by the wind and scattered in the end of the world."

The hearts of the audience were wounded.

Liu Qin put on light makeup, and under the emotional recovery, the lingering sound of her lazy and relieved singing voice lingered: "They are all old, where are they? Let's go to the end of the world..."

The subsequent chords gradually fell apart, and the scene was fixed with Liu Qin with his head lowered and a sad look on his face.

The whole place was silent, and Li Tianyin, who was waiting at the edge of the stage, turned a little pale.

"Liu Qin! Liu Qin!" After ten seconds of silence, the audience burst into thunderous roars. The audience all stood up and applauded spontaneously!

Pudding walked onto the stage and said affectionately: "I don't even know what this song is called, but I still cried. Liu Qin, I don't know if there is an unknown but heartbreaking story in your heart. I just want to say thank you for your singing.”

Liu Qin gradually separated from the artistic conception of the song and said: "Thank you everyone, this song is called "Those Flowers"."

"A singer who sings with emotion can always move people the most." At the judges' table, Zhang Zonghuan had already stood up and said seriously: "From "Where Has the Time Gone" to "Those Flowers", your emotions Very well explained.”

"Every time before you start, I seem to be waiting for a sudden encounter, a sudden surprise, but you still haven't let anyone down." Yi Bai gave a thumbs up.

"Sister Luo is crying." Ma Haoran suddenly said.

The camera immediately turned to Luo Bingqing, but Luo Bingqing was already wiping her tears at this moment. There were several extra pieces of toilet paper on the table. Luo Bingqing raised her head and the first question was: "Is my makeup stained?"

"No, Sister Luo, you are very beautiful." It was Liu Qin who spoke this time.

Luo Bingqing couldn't help but laugh: "Liu Qin who sang "Those Flowers" is the most beautiful."

At this time, there is really no need for the judges to continue to comment. Their reactions have obviously said everything.

As the audience cheered, Pudding said: "Tianyin must be under a lot of pressure now, but the finals is divided into two rounds. We will determine the champion of this session based on the overall performance of the two rounds."

"So, Tianyin, remember to work hard. The second song will be the one that determines your victory tonight."

(Don’t worry, everyone, there will be another update in the evening, and I will finish writing the plot of the Night of Champions today. If you have a monthly pass, don’t forget to pass it, if you have a recommendation, don’t forget to recommend it, and don’t be the most polite with those who give rewards! )

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