Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 153 Negotiations break down

"Big and small blood-eyed maned lions, the infinitely powerful golden-haired ape with purple eyes, the hydra king that destroys the world, the terrifying thunder dragon that carries the destructive thunder and lightning... There are all kinds of wonders here, this is a vast magical world. Strong. One can stand on the head of the black dragon and fly across the sky, and the terrifying magic can burn rivers, destroy cities, and level mountains..."

When Luoyang wrote the introduction to "Coiling Dragon", he felt an incomparable sense of familiarity in his heart.

The first time Luoyang came into contact with online novels in his previous life was when he was in junior high school. The first novel he read at that time was called "Cun Mang". It was a long online article written by "I Eat Tomatoes" with the theme of "Little Li Flying Knife". From then on, I fell into the pit of online writing and never climbed out again.

And the work he updated for the first time in his life was "Panlong", which made me eat tomatoes!

As soon as this work was released at that time, it set various records. It ranked first in the Baidu search index all year round in terms of clicks and recommendations. The most terrifying time was when Xiao Shenyang became popular. The search popularity of "Panlong" surpassed that of Xiao Shenyang. The keyword Shenyang ranks first.

Luoyang's memories are full of the glorious history of this new book. Following the Eastern fantasy "Wushuang", Luoyang plans to continue its journey with the Western fantasy work "Coiling Dragon".

In fact, during the two months of this trip, Luoyang considered many works in his mind, and finally chose this work, because the world view of this work is more grand than his own "Wushuang", and the hierarchy system is more complete and clear. , has captured the essence of the upgraded novel, and is a master in terms of rhythm, and will definitely be a good successor to "Wushuang".

It can be said that half of the credit for Luoyang's ability to become an online writer is due to this "Coiling Dragon".

As for other types of novels, Luoyang has actually considered them, but one person's energy is limited after all. He plans to finish "Coiling Dragon" first, and then slowly consider the classic works that created each genre.

So in the next few days, Luoyang began a regular coding life, and was able to save about 30,000 words of manuscripts every day.

And on Saturday, Luoyang received a message from Xiao Yuan: "Bai Da, our new editor-in-chief wants to discuss the contract with you in person."


"New" Chief Editor - To be honest, Luoyang feels that the new word Xiaoyuan is a bit intriguing.

He still had a vague impression that the former editor-in-chief of Xingchen Novel Network was named Xiang Tao. He was a very good guy. He signed the contract with him at the beginning. Unexpectedly, the editor-in-chief of Xingchen Novel Network had been replaced in the blink of an eye. I don’t know where that person will go.

Well, this is not an issue that I should be concerned about anymore.

On Saturday, Luoyang brought new assistant Hua Qi and bodyguard Long Wanchun to the Blue Ocean Coffee Shop.

A young man stood up and said with a smile: "Hello, Baiyi Qingcheng, I am Yao Yichen, the new editor-in-chief of Xingchen Novel Network."

"Hello." Luoyang greeted with a smile. The new editor-in-chief Yao Yichen is similar in age to his predecessor Xiang Tao. This made Luoyang find it interesting. Are all the editors-in-chief in the online literary world so young now?

In fact, Yao Yichen was also a little puzzled. He didn't know why, but he always felt that Luoyang looked familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

In addition, Yao Yichen was a little surprised when he saw that Luoyang was surrounded by assistants and bodyguards. He felt that Luoyang's identity should be more than just a college student. However, the contract negotiation was the most important thing today, so he didn't think about it so much.

After saying hello, he said straight to the point: "Baida, you must also know that we acquired Xingchen Network at zero o'clock, and now there is nothing to do. For a supreme god like you, we definitely need to sign a contract carefully. New contract.”

"Okay, let's take a look at the contract first." Luoyang said with a smile.

Yao Yichen waved, and the assistant behind him immediately handed over the contract and placed it on the table.

Luoyang didn't read it. He couldn't understand such a thick contract. Hua Qi opened the contract and read it carefully.

While Hua Qi was reading the contract, Yao Yichen ordered two cups of coffee and said, "Bai Da, I wonder how the preparations for your new book are going?"

Luoyang smiled and replied: "Nearly 200,000 words of manuscripts have been saved."

"Bai Da is really diligent." Yao Yichen praised, and then changed his voice and said: "Bai Da, on your side, are you planning to write about Eastern fantasy in your new book?"

"Oriental fantasy?" Luo Yang smiled and shook his head: "I don't like repeating myself. I won't write the same genre twice. The new book is a Western fantasy genre, a story completely different from "Wushuang"."

Yao Yichen frowned almost imperceptibly, and then said: "Western fantasy, Bai Da, you should know that this genre has almost no market in the Dragon Kingdom. Now that fantasy is at its hottest, why should you abandon what you are best at? I'm going to write fantasy instead..."

Luoyang explained: "The category is not important. The story is just a fantasy. The core of the story still lies in upgrades and passion."

Yao Yichen shook his head and said: "Fantasy... This category has become so unpopular that it is about to be abandoned. There have been examples in the past where great authors tried to classify fantasy and the results were very disastrous..."

Luoyang smiled and said nothing.

At this moment, Hua Qi raised her head and looked at Luoyang: "Boss, I've finished reading the contract. In this contract, the profit sharing points have been slightly reduced."

Luoyang raised his head and glanced at Yao Yichen, signaling Hua Qi to continue.

Hua Qi continued: "During the serialization of "Wushuang", it brought huge benefits to Xingchen Novel Network. I will not report the specific values ​​one by one. We did not increase the price, so this contract is somewhat inappropriate. In addition, The contract stipulates that Bai Da must create more than five works on Xingchen Novel Network, which is a bit harsh. "

Yao Yichen smiled and said: "Actually, Bai Da, after we acquired Xingchen Novel Network at Zero Point, we comprehensively expanded all major channels, which means that our reader base will become larger in the future, so in general Bai Da is still making money. ”

"Besides, this book with more than five books must not be considered difficult at Bai Da's age."

Luoyang shook his head and said: "Editor-in-Chief, that's not what you said. First of all, it's the contract. I don't mean to say anything. I just want my treatment not to get worse as I get worse. In addition, the binding of five books is too difficult. Wouldn’t it be nice to write a book and sign a book?”

Yao Yichen frowned, then suddenly smiled: "As for the contract, it's okay to talk slowly, but we have broadened our channels, and we have to collect some profits. For the other five works, this is the number set by the CEO of our website. He also cherishes his talent."

"If you really cherish your talents, you won't play any tying game." Luoyang said with a smile: "The share of the contract will remain unchanged, and I can guarantee that my books will only become more and more exciting. As for whether I must be in Xingchen Novel It’s hard to agree to the fact that I have written five books on the Internet. Nothing in this world is so easy to solve once and for all.”

Although he didn't want to belittle himself, Luoyang knew very well that the power of "Coiling Dragon" was definitely stronger than "Wushuang".

Holding "Coiling Dragon" in his hand and signing a contract the same as "Wushuang", he is already kind. Xingchen Novel Network also tries to lower the price, which is too much, not to mention the bundling requirements of the five books. .

Yao Yichen's smile began to fade: "Bai Da, let me analyze this market for you first. Xingchen Novel Network was originally a dominant player. Now it has been acquired by us at zero points. The financial support has increased sharply. In addition, With the channels we have in hand to expand the future, we are definitely the number one giant in the online literature industry.”

"You are the Supreme God, and only our Xingchen Novel Network can match your status as the Supreme God, right?"

Luoyang laughed. Yao Yichen's words were interesting. It seemed that he was thinking about himself, but in fact he was clearly using the market to blackmail Luoyang into compromising.

This kind of threat made Luoyang a little unhappy, but he admitted that Xingchen Novel Network was indeed the dominant player in the market, so he said: "I can accept the contract, but let's put down the binding of the five books first. I don't want to Being tied to death, there is no freedom at all.”

Yao Yichen shook his head: "Bai Da, on the contrary, we can give up the contract, but you must cooperate with us in your next five works."



"What if I say no?"

"Bai Da, you are boring. The current market..."

"Stop talking about the market with me." Luoyang waved his hand and said, "I don't have to sign with you."

"I think you need to think about it seriously." Yao Yichen said with a smile: "Except for Xingchen Novel Network, it is not suitable for you to go to any store. After all, there is only one store that you can count at a glance."

Yao Yichen was still smiling, but Luoyang had already understood that this Yao Yichen was not a simple person either. He killed people with a soft knife and was invisible. Although he looked easy to talk on the surface, he was actually very tough.

This conversation reminded me countless times that in the current Internet literary world, Xingchen Novel Network dominates the sky. Even though I have the aura of the supreme god, I can only choose their family.

So Luoyang gradually lost interest in being hypocritical, or he was not a person who liked to be threatened. He stood up and Luoyang said lightly: "Do you know why I became a writer?"

Yao Yichen was stunned: "Why?"

Luoyang smiled and said: "Because of freedom..."

After saying this, Luoyang left the coffee shop with Hua Qi and Long Wanchun.

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