Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 168 For Credits

Three days later in the morning, Hua Qi brought a breakfast to Luoyang and told Luoyang the results of her investigation: "Dingsheng Entertainment attaches great importance to Liu Qin's value, so the requirements for Liu Qin in the contract are relatively loose, but the liquidated damages But it’s quite a lot, a total of 50 million in liquidated damages.”

"Fifty million..." Luoyang breathed a sigh of relief. Although the money was a lot, he could still spend it with his wealth. When Dingsheng Entertainment really made any move against Liu Qin, Luoyang would definitely not hesitate. Let Liu Qin break the contract.

Of course, this is just the worst plan. Liu Qin is the most popular newcomer at the moment. Under normal circumstances, Dingsheng Entertainment should not be so stupid as to do things that harm Liu Qin and violate the interests of his company.

As for Xue Kai, it is obviously not easy to deal with Liu Qin. After all, Dingsheng Entertainment will not let Xue Kai target the company's own popular artists because of his relationship with Xue Kai.

Luoyang thought for a moment and said, "By the way, Liu Qin will release his first album in June, right?"

"Yes, the first album will be released on Children's Day, June 1st." Hua Qi nodded.

As Luoyang's assistant and Amber's friend, Hua Qi also knew about the relationship between her boss and the most popular newcomer in the entertainment industry, so she was always paying attention to Liu Qin's movements while working.

Luoyang nodded and said, "Okay, remember to remind me when the time comes. I'm going to school first."

"Well, okay, boss." Hua Qi nodded, and her hard-working style was becoming more and more similar to Amber's.


Drinking soy milk and eating steamed buns, Luoyang went to school in the car of bodyguard Long Wanchun.

When he arrived at school, Luoyang discovered that the classroom walls were covered with sketches, which were the sketches drawn by everyone in the exam that day.

Luoyang saw at a glance that his painting was posted in a very conspicuous position, and the score on it was obviously not low: it was exactly 90 points.

The art teacher also walked into the classroom immediately and said with a smile: "The sketch results have come out. There are a total of eight students in our class who have scored 90 or above. Everyone applauds."

The class immediately burst into applause.

The art teacher’s surname is Zhang, and his given name is Zhang Hua. He is usually easy-going, so his classmates are very considerate of him.

When the applause of the students subsided, Zhang Hua said with a smile: "Everyone must be curious as to why the sketch exam was suddenly organized."

Without waiting for the students in the audience to answer, Zhang Hua had already given the answer: "Because our art department is holding a competition, and everyone from freshmen to juniors in the art department will participate, and each class will have nine students. If the competition If you get a ranking, you can get extra credits in the end.”

Luoyang's eyes lit up in the audience when he heard that he could get extra points for ranking in the competition.

He has skipped so many classes, so he must not be able to get credits for some elective courses. Graduation will be a troublesome thing by then. Although he goes to college more to experience college life again, he doesn't want to fail to graduate, right?

So he was a little excited about such a rare opportunity.

There are also many students with good sketching skills who have slightly bright eyes.

"Teacher Zhang, what kind of competition is it?"

"If it's a sketch competition, I will definitely participate!"

"Watercolor is no problem. I am better at gouache than sketching..."

Several students asked questions in a flurry. Zhang Hua waited for everyone to finish asking and said with a smile: "This competition is no better than sketching or gouache, but it definitely requires good art skills, because this time, we The Art Department Comic Creation Contest is being held!”


"It's actually a comic?"

Many people were stunned, but some people's eyes lit up when they heard this.

Zhang Hua said: "I know that many students study fine arts in order to become a qualified cartoonist. Our fine arts department at Tiandu University has always been excellent, even better than some high-end fine arts academies. , Gong Xueyi, a popular cartoonist in the contemporary cartoon world, is also from the art department of our school, so this competition will be an opportunity for many people.”

Zhang Hua is right. The Fine Arts Department of Tiandu University is indeed comparable to the Academy of Fine Arts in terms of strength.

There is more than one cartoonist from Tiandu University, Gong Xueyi, but Gong Xueyi is the most famous.

"This competition is organized by the department, and we have established a cooperative relationship with the contemporary comics community, so editors from "Contemporary Comics" will come as judges. Think about it, once you get high-quality evaluations from the contemporary comics judges, What will that mean?”

"Editor of "Contemporary Comics"!"

"The editor of the top comic magazine in the country!"

Following Zhang Hua's words, some students shouted excitedly: "Teacher Zhang, are there designated works for this cartoon competition, or do we have to create our own cartoons?"

"Of course it's casual."

Zhang Hua smiled and said: "You can find someone to write a story for you to draw, or you can create your own, and you can also try to adapt famous novels! But remember one thing, the length of the comic should not be too long. Short stories are best.”


"Teacher Zhang, I want to sign up!"

"And me, I want to participate too!"

"It's okay even if it fails. There is a chance to get editorial guidance from "Contemporary Comics"."

There were quite a lot of people signing up all of a sudden, which was not surprising. After all, this was the Art Department of Tiandu University. Everyone had two brushes, so drawing a cartoon was generally not a problem.

Zhang Hua waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and then said: "Don't be anxious yet. As you have seen, there are only nine places in each class, so we must first come first to the students with good sketch scores."

"Teacher, just because you have good sketch scores can you draw comics..."

"Although I'm not very good at sketching, my comic skills are still very strong."

"I have been trying to draw comics since the sixth grade. Although my sketch score this time is 80%, I am confident!"

Some students in the audience were a little unhappy when they heard that the rankings were based on grades. Of course, what they said was reasonable. It does not mean that people with good sketching skills are more suitable for drawing comics than those with poor sketching skills.

Zhang Hua smiled: "Why are you so anxious? The students with the highest sketch scores are not interested in the competition yet."

Also, not everyone is interested in this comic competition. After hearing what Zhang Hua said, a group of students also became quiet.

Zhang Hua said: "Sign up first, and those who are interested in participating will stand up."

After Zhang Hua finished speaking, a total of thirteen people stood up in the class, including Luoyang.

"Luoyang, are you really lying?"

"You who write novels actually want to draw comics..."

"This is a naked grab for jobs!"

The students around saw Luoyang, the always low-key martial arts master, standing up, and they all joked.

Luoyang smiled and said, "I actively participate in school activities and strive to bring honor to the class. Besides, I am also quite interested in comics."

Of course, this is his usual skill, just serious nonsense. If it weren't for the credit reward, he would really be too lazy to participate in this comic competition.

(Thank you, classmate Anthony, for the reward. You won’t listen to me anyway...)

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