Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 176 That’s not necessarily the case

Early morning, the editorial team of "Contemporary Comics".

A group of editors are busy doing their own thing.

At this time, the editor-in-chief Hou Jinqiu put a pile of comic manuscripts on the table and said: "The manuscripts for the comic competition at Tiandu University have been collected. You can put down what you are doing first and distribute them for review. Manuscripts, pick out good quality ones, and select the top five.”

"Brother Monkey, aren't you? Are you really asking us to review the comics drawn by these students from the Art Department of Tiandu University?" Ding Yong shouted exaggeratedly.

"Monkey Brother" is a nickname given to the editor-in-chief Hou Jinqiu by a group of editors. Because Hou Jinqiu has no airs and usually has a good relationship with everyone, everyone dares to call him such a joking name.

A group of editors looked at the thick stack of manuscripts that Hou Jinqiu brought over and said with a wry smile: "Why do you always cooperate with Tiandu University to organize such a boring competition? Reading comics drawn by these novices is simply torture."

They are the top editors in the industry, and most of the time they review manuscripts from long-established cartoonists.

Hou Jinqiu glared at everyone and scolded: "Who is not a newcomer? This is a stage that cartoonists must go through!"

"Uh... Brother Monkey is right, let's start reviewing the manuscript!" Ding Yong shouted.

He is a veteran editor, so he naturally has the best eyesight. He also knows that his editor-in-chief cherishes talents and is unwilling to miss any opportunity to discover new talents.

"Okay, let's review the manuscript."

"That's right, listen to Brother Monkey..."

A group of editors responded that although Hou Jinqiu was easy to talk to, it would be terrible if the editor-in-chief really got angry. Therefore, despite some reluctance, a group of editors still went to get the comic manuscript for review.

Hou Jinqiu's face looked a little better now and he said: "Gong Xueyi also participated in this competition. Please show me Gong Xueyi's manuscript later."

"Gong Xueyi?"

"Haha, she also participates in this kind of competition?"

"Speaking of which, Gong Xueyi's "The Gate of Life and Death" is almost finished."

Gong Xueyi is a contracted cartoonist of "Contemporary Comics". She is one of the most powerful cartoonists of the younger generation. She is extremely popular in the contemporary comics world, and her strength is not inferior to that of some veteran cartoonists.

Therefore, these editors are naturally familiar with Gong Xueyi, a talented female cartoonist.

"Let's see who can review Gong Xueyi's manuscript."

"Hey, I took the thickest pile, and I checked most of them."

"Speaking of which, with so many comic manuscripts, Gong Xueyi is the only one worth looking forward to."

While a group of editors were joking with each other, they had already begun to return to their seats to review manuscripts, and the conversation quickly stopped at this point.

After all, this is the most professional comic editing team in the industry, and there are still some professional ethics. Everyone here treats comics very seriously.

The entire editorial office fell silent, except for the occasional sound of turning pages.

In the following time, there will occasionally be manuscripts that are singled out by an editor, which means that the single manuscript has received initial recognition, and is considered to be pretty good among the mixed manuscripts.

Suddenly, Ding Yong's voice mixed with surprise rang out in the silent editorial office: "This is Gong Xueyi's work!"

Hearing this, a group of editors all raised their heads, and several editors stood up directly, walked to Ding Yong's seat, and said with interest: "This should be regarded as Gong Xueyi's second work, look at the quality. How about it?"

Ding Yong smiled and said: "It's not an original work, it's a comic work adapted by Gong Xueyi based on the martial arts novel "Seven Weapons"."

"It's not original. Well, that's normal. After all, the competition only lasts for more than a month. If it's original, the time is too tight." Hou Jinqiu also came over. After all, the three words "Gong Xueyi" still have a strong appeal.

"The author of "Seven Weapons" seems to be a student at Tiandu University, and he also became the fiftieth martial arts master in the Dragon Kingdom some time ago."

"That's right, the author's name is Luo Yang. I've read the original work. It's very exciting. I guess I know Gong Xueyi. It's easy to communicate with him in the same school."

"Forget it, I can't wait to see what the comic version of "Seven Weapons" will look like..." several editors looked forward to it.

The comics circle and the martial arts circle have some overlap. It is not uncommon for novels to be adapted into comics, and comics to be adapted into novels, so they will pay some attention to each other. It is not surprising that these editors know Luoyang.

The editor-in-chief took several editors to watch the comic version of "Seven Weapons" adapted by Gong Xueyi.

"The Sword of Eternal Life is very handsome..."

"The peacock feathers are painted so well, she deserves to be Gong Xueyi."

"The seven weapons are divided into six stories. Gong Xueyi adheres to a unified style of painting, which is very comfortable to watch..."

"The abruptness of the story divisions in the novel has been reduced a lot, and the various weapons in it are all exquisitely designed!"

While reading, the editor gave his own evaluation. When several editors read the manuscript, they all gave unanimous praise: "Great, consistently stunning!"

"It's not so much that the comic is great, but the story itself is great. The biggest contributor to this comic is the original work of Luoyang." After several editors finished their comments, Hou Jinqiu said calmly from the side.

Several editors were stunned for a moment, then nodded thoughtfully.

"Yes, speaking of which, although the painting style is great, there are almost no changes in the plot."

"Most of what makes us feel good about watching lies in the story itself, not the comics..."

This is also a common problem with adaptations. Very few cartoonists can break through the shackles of the original work and draw something that is truly their own. Although Gong Xueyi is a genius, she still has not broken through this shackles.

"However, even so, Gong Xueyi is still the biggest surprise in this batch of manuscripts." Ding Yong said.

Several editors also nodded: "Strictly speaking, it's a little bit worse, but considering Gong Xueyi's age, this level is also very good."

"Yeah, overall the quality is great."

Editor-in-chief Hou Jinqiu has no objections to this point. Forgetting everything else, Gong Xueyi successfully displayed the wonderful features of "Seven Weapons". This is enough.

It's not a perfect adaptation, but it's a beautiful presentation.

"Anyway, winning first place in their school's comic contest is more than enough."

Ding Yong said confidently.

Several editors who had just finished reading the comic version of "Seven Weapons" also nodded in agreement.

But at this moment, a different voice suddenly sounded: "Is Gong Xueyi number one? That's not necessarily the case!"

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