Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 179 Tied for first place

"The following is a school newspaper. Congratulations to sophomore class 1302 Gong Xueyi and freshman class 1401 Luoyang for winning first place in the first cartoon competition of the Art Department of Tiandu University!"

"The following is a school newspaper. Congratulations to sophomore class 1302 Gong Xueyi and freshman class 1401 Luoyang for winning first place in the first cartoon competition of the Art Department of Tiandu University!"

"The following is a school newspaper. Congratulations to sophomore class 1302 Gong Xueyi and freshman class 1401 Luoyang for winning first place in the first cartoon competition of the Art Department of Tiandu University!"

The campus cartoon competition that was launched some time ago finally came to a successful conclusion, and the final results are also out.

Perhaps because Tiandu University wanted to show that the campus is inclusive and is developing in an all-round way, the results of this cartoon competition were broadcast three times in a row on the school's loudspeakers in the form of a school newspaper.

The news that Luoyang and Gong Xueyi tied for first place in the comic contest reached the ears of students on campus immediately.

"This is talking about the comic contest held by the Art Department some time ago, right?"

"Sure enough, as long as Gong Xueyi participates in the comic contest or something, she will definitely be the first place without any suspense."

"But what I'm curious about is why Luoyang, who wrote about martial arts, also took first place, tied with Gong Xueyi?"

"Yes, it's really strange. Isn't Luoyang a new martial arts master in the Dragon Kingdom? He can actually draw comics?"

"I guess it's just to give Luoyang some honor. After all, this is a small intramural competition."

"Not necessarily. Don't forget that Luoyang is an art major. It's normal for him to be able to draw comics."

"It's not normal at all. It's clear that the school is giving Luoyang some benefits. He is a famous martial arts master and a figure who brings glory to the school, so the school just gives him some benefits."

"It's just a tacit understanding. Do you really think Luoyang can draw comics on a par with Gong Xueyi?"

"It's not impossible. Luoyang himself is a student of the art department. Since he dares to participate in the competition, he must be quite capable."

"Haha, you know, not every student in the art department is Gong Xueyi. Maybe Luoyang is good at writing martial arts, but when it comes to drawing comics, you better not make me laugh."

The results of the competition came out, triggering discussion among some students in the school.

Most people believe that this result is because the school gave Luoyang face and allowed him to get the first place.

But there's nothing we can do about it. He is the youngest martial arts master in the Dragon Kingdom. It's normal for the school to be so biased towards him.

Sophomore class 1302, Gong Xueyi, who had just finished class, also heard the school radio station broadcast three times on the loudspeaker. She was slightly startled, and then shook her head with a faint smile.

"It's so boring. The school actually manipulated the results of the game."

"That's right. Luoyang and Xueyi are tied for first place. What a joke."

"This is so unfair. Is it just because he is a famous martial arts master?"

"That's right, the school's partiality is too obvious, and it doesn't even care about our Xueyi's opinion."

"Let a person who writes martial arts novels tie for first place with Xue Yi in the comic competition is completely disrespectful to Xue Yi."

Several classmates around Gong Xueyi defended Gong Xueyi. Gong Xueyi was an excellent professional cartoonist. They naturally believed that the school had manipulated the results of the competition and favored Luoyang.

Gong Xueyi shook her head slightly and said calmly: "Forget it, the purpose of participating in this competition has been achieved anyway."

She didn't take this competition to heart in the first place. The purpose of participating more was just to get those few credits.

Besides, my entry was adapted from Luoyang's "Seven Weapons". It would be a bonus to let the other party follow me and become the first place, so it didn't matter.


"He turned out to be first?" Luoyang was a little surprised when he heard the results announced on the school radio.

He originally thought that after Gong Xueyi participated, he could only take second place. Although "Five Centimeters Per Second" is a classic, Gong Xueyi is a contracted cartoonist in the contemporary cartoon world after all.

But I didn't expect that in the end, I was tied with Gong Xueyi in the rankings and won the first place in the comic contest, which was an unexpected surprise.

However, after successfully getting the credits, Luoyang didn't think anything else.

And just during the break, Luoyang received a strange phone call.

"Hello, are you Teacher Luo from Luoyang?"

Luoyang hummed: "Yes, who are you?"

He was wondering which publishing house would ask him to write martial arts novels, because Luoyang had received similar calls many times.

"I am Hou Jinqiu, the editor-in-chief of the Contemporary Comics Editorial Department. Mr. Luoyang, have you sold the copyright of "Five Centimeters Per Second" that you participated in?"

It’s not a publishing house, but the contemporary comics industry?

Luoyang smiled and said, "No, I submitted the only manuscript to you."

This answer made Hou Jinqiu on the opposite side breathe a sigh of relief: "In that case, can you give this comic to our contemporary comics community to publish online? The royalties and shares will be paid according to the standards of professional cartoonists."

What are the standards for professional cartoonists?

It seems that the other party is still very sincere.

Luoyang immediately agreed: "No problem."

Drawing comics was originally done just for credits, and it was quite a bit of fun. Naturally, Luoyang would not have any objection if the contemporary comics community was willing to publish "5 Centimeters Per Second".

"When can we sign the contract?" Hou Jinqiu asked.

"I'll give you my assistant's number and she can help me with the signing." Luoyang said with a smile.

"Okay, no problem. If you sign it today, tomorrow the comic will be recommended on the homepage of our contemporary comics community!"

After all, he is the youngest martial arts master in the Dragon Kingdom. It is not surprising that he has an assistant. Hou Jinqiu promised to promote it at the same time.

After hanging up the phone, the class break was almost over. After Luoyang sent Hua Qi's phone number to the other party, he continued his class.



Not sure if it was an illusion, but Luoyang always felt that in the following class, students would peek at him with strange eyes from time to time.

This made Luoyang a little confused. Could it be that he had something wrong with his face, or was it because he won the first place in the comic contest, so they were all surprised?

"Forget it, let's continue with class."

Luoyang put aside his messy thoughts. Anyway, he had received too many looks in school and was already used to it.

Jingle bells... jingle bells... jingle bells...

Forty minutes later, the school bell rang, and just when Luoyang was packing his things to go home, Zhu Changhong, who was sitting not far from Luoyang, suddenly walked up to Luoyang.

"Old Zhu, what's the matter?" Luoyang raised his head and asked a little strangely.

"Let's go back to the dormitory together now." Zhu Changhong didn't say it clearly, but gave Luoyang a wink.

Luoyang was even more surprised now. What kind of medicine was sold in this old pig gourd? What on earth was it not convenient for him to say in the classroom?

He smiled and did not refuse. After stuffing all the professional course textbooks under the table, he and Zhu Changhong returned to the dormitory.

"What's going on? Can we talk about it now?"

As soon as he returned to the dormitory, Luoyang couldn't help but ask.

Zhu Changhong frowned and said, "It's not convenient to say this in the classroom just now, Luoyang, did you ever offend Li Qing?"

Li Qing?

Hearing this name, Luoyang was inexplicably struck by the point of laughter: "Is this person playing blind?"

Zhu Changhong said speechlessly: "It's all a mess. I mean Li Qing, the vice president of our student union at Tiandu University."

Of course Zhu Changhong didn't know what the blind monk was. After all, there was no lol in this world. However, after hearing Zhu Changhong's words, Luoyang felt even more strange: "What does this vice president of the student union have to do with me?"

"It seems that Li Qing's secret love for Gong Xueyi is true..." Zhu Changhong said thoughtfully.

"Damn it, why are you related to Gong Xueyi again?"

"My dear Mr. Luo, you don't usually go to the campus forum of our Tiandu University?"

Zhu Changhong curled his lips, then turned on the computer in the small living room. While logging into the Tiandu University campus forum, he said: "This guy Li Qing just posted a blackmail on you in our Tiandu University forum!"

"Posted to blackmail me?" Luoyang was stunned. No wonder there were always people peeking at him with weird eyes in class just now.

He quickly sat down in front of the computer and saw that a person with the ID name Li Qing had posted a long post in the Tiandu University campus forum, and the post had been pinned to the top by the forum administrator——

"Tiandu University Art Department Cartoon Contest, there was also a blatant shady act"!

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