Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 184 Five Centimeters per Second (End)

There is no doubt that "5 Centimeters per Second" is a hit!

At the same time, as a comic author, Luoyang is even more honored at this moment.

However, the more popular this comic becomes, the more torment these two people will feel.

Li Qing sat in front of the computer, staring blankly at the countless posts on the forum asking for an apology from him and Gong Xueyi.

He had just read "Five Centimeters per Second". He didn't know much about comics, but the quality of a comic could be judged from all aspects.

The hot comment section of the contemporary comic circle, with rows of comments such as "just want to change the ending" and "classic", all told him that this comic was wonderful, and the so-called shady story was just his own imagination...

"Want to apologize?"

Li Qing always felt a little unwilling.

He is the vice president of the Tiandu University Student Union and can be considered a star figure on campus. Once he apologizes publicly in the forum, he will lose all face.

But now it is difficult to violate the will of countless students. After all, his previous post has been criticized. More importantly, because of this incident, even the president of the student union has had a chat with him, which means nothing more than letting him Go apologize and put the matter at rest.

If I don't apologize, I'm afraid my position as vice president of the student union will come to an end.

Whether it was face or the position in the student union that was more important, Li Qing took a deep breath and chose the latter without hesitation.

"I have also read "Five Centimeters Per Second", one of the few good comics, so I am willing to apologize for my previous shallowness and slander. I took it for granted that I underestimated Teacher Luo from Luoyang."

After writing this post, Li Qing fell into hesitation again...

In the end, he was still convinced, moved the mouse and clicked publish.

When the post was displayed, the forum administrator of Tiandu University immediately highlighted it and pinned it to the top for everyone to see.

Li Qing's face was hot. Although he was hiding in the Internet and in front of the computer, he always felt that countless people were pointing at him...


"Does your face hurt?"

"Bah bang bang!"

"Pah, pah, pah, pah"

"Snap, snap, snap!"

"Pa pa pa pa pa pa pa!"

"If you know your mistakes and you can correct them, there is no greater good, bang."

"President, I feel so much malice coming from this world. Now, it's Gong Xueyi's turn..."

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of comments piled up. Li Qing told himself over and over again not to read the comments, but in the end he couldn't help but click on them.

As a result, when he saw countless "bah bang bang bang bang" comments, he only felt a surge of anger rushing to his forehead, with nowhere to vent, and in the end he could only hang his head on the table.

Bang bang bang bang, this is an onomatopoeia for a slap in the face.

As an elite member of Tiandu University, he naturally understands, and the more he understands, the angrier he becomes.


"Li Qing has already apologized, Xue Yi, you should also post an apology."

"Aunt Zhao, please stop talking, I, Gong Xueyi, can't possibly apologize!"

Zhao Jie looked at Gong Xueyi helplessly. She had been Gong Xueyi's assistant for two years, so she naturally understood her girl's temper.

This is a girl who is extremely proud and has a great talent for comics. Her first comic has attracted widespread attention in the contemporary comics world!

In the contemporary comic world, with the perfect performance of Virgo's "The Gate of Life and Death", Gong Xueyi's popularity can be ranked in the top 20, with more than 10 million fans. How can such a person apologize easily?

“Look at these students’ posts now.”

Zhao Jie sighed, took out her mobile phone, and logged into the Tiandu University forum.

"You don't even dare to ask her to apologize?"

"Li Qing has apologized, but Gong Xueyi still refuses to bow her head."

"It's okay if you don't apologize. Anyway, I won't read her works in the future."

"If you don't apologize, let this matter be publicized and let everyone see Gong Xueyi's true face."

"Humph, a narrow-minded genius cartoonist. She thought there was something shady in Luoyang before, but now that she is proven innocent, she doesn't dare to speak out."

After Li Qing apologized, countless people turned their attention to Gong Xueyi, because now Gong Xueyi was the only one who had not apologized.

"Do you understand now, Xue Yi, just apologize and the matter will be over." Zhao Jie said seriously, otherwise it would only affect Gong Xueyi's popularity if it caused a big fuss.

"Then where is my face!" Gong Xueyi said in a sharp voice.

Zhao Jie shook her head and said: "The original work of your "Seven Weapons" was written by Luoyang. It is not published in the contemporary comics circles to save face for you. If you don't apologize, it will be even more difficult."

Indeed, Gong Xueyi’s comics were originally adapted from Luoyang’s works.

If her adaptation is indeed better than Luoyang's work, she will only receive praise.

But the current situation is that Luoyang's work is better than his own adaptation, and the other two parties are also involved in shady incidents.

If Gong Xueyi hadn't been there to add fuel to the fire when Li Qing posted that "shady post", he wouldn't be besieged on all sides now.

Lowering her head, Gong Xueyi didn't make a sound for a long time.

Just when Zhao Jie was about to continue persuading, Gong Xueyi raised her head.

"Aunt Zhao, please post the apology post."

"What, you agreed?" Zhao Jie was stunned for a moment.

She was ready to continue persuading, but unexpectedly Gong Xueyi figured it out.

"I also watched "Five Centimeters per Second", which was really good. I lost this round, but the game has just begun. "The Gate of Life and Death" is almost finished. The new work after the completion is my three years of hard work. I I will definitely let him understand the meaning of the three words Gong Xueyi!"

There was a trace of hatred in Gong Xueyi's eyes. She stood up and walked directly to the bedroom.

Zhao Jie was silent for a long time before shaking her head with a wry smile: "Maybe... it's hard for geniuses to be friends."

Thinking of the young man she met when signing the contract in the coffee shop that day, Zhao Jie felt a little emotional in her heart.

Compared with Gong Xueyi, Zhao Jie is undoubtedly much more mature. She clearly knows Gong Xueyi's weaknesses. She is a self-centered girl with unique pride. Because of her special experience, she ascended to the altar early. Even more lost in success.

As for Luoyang, although they only had a short contact, Zhao Jie could feel the young man's peaceful temperament.

He was a good-tempered young man, talented but as gentle as jade. If such a person really had a dispute with Xue Yi, what would be the outcome?


Gong Xueyi’s apology post was long overdue.

"I would like to apologize to Luoyang. I underestimated Teacher Luo's talent. I hope everyone will understand."

After the administrator pinned it to the top, there were countless comments and comments.

"The goddess also bows her head."

"If you know your mistakes and can correct them, there is no greater good."

"Come on, I will always support you, goddess!"

"To be honest, this apology is not sincere, but it's almost the same."

"It's very rare for a person like Gong Xueyi, who is so cold and arrogant, to apologize."

"I thought you could insist on not apologizing, but I didn't expect you still bowed your head. Humph, our Mr. Luo has a good temper, so he probably won't argue with you."

"Now I just hope that Luoyang will also keep its promise and change the sad ending of "5 Centimeters per Second"!"

"Wait a minute... there's something wrong with what you said upstairs. Keep your promise. Did Luoyang promise anything to everyone?"

"Ah, what's going on?"

"Damn it, I suddenly realized that this is all wishful thinking!"

"Yes, Luoyang never said he wanted to change the ending, and both Li Qing and Gong Xueyi apologized..."

"That's nonsense. Find Luoyang quickly. He shouldn't be aggrieved now. Change the outcome quickly!"

"Brothers, please leave now. It's already two o'clock at night, why is the forum still so lively?"

Countless people were stunned when they saw this post. "5 Centimeters per Second" was released at nine o'clock, and now it is already two o'clock in the middle of the night. Unknowingly, many hours have passed...

At this time, everyone suddenly woke up and had to sigh with emotion.

"The ending of "Five Centimeters per Second" really makes people unable to sleep."

"I have no sleep tonight, and all I can think about is the scene where the train blocks the view..."

"It's better to go to bed first, we have classes tomorrow, but changing the ending is still imminent!"

Li Qing, vice president of the student union, posted an apology.

Gong Xueyi, a genius in the comics industry and campus goddess, also chose to apologize.

This is the power of "Five Centimeters per Second". The night seems to be very long. Some people just fell asleep in the early morning, while others stayed awake all night.

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