Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 187 The Eve of Release

Sure enough, in the next few days, the noise about changing the ending of "5 Centimeters Per Second" disappeared a lot.

Of course, there are still people who are dissatisfied. After all, the voting conducted by Hou Jinqiu is very irregular. It was only open for one hour in total, and the number of participants was less than one million. It cannot truly represent all comic fans of "5 Centimeters Per Second".

However, Hou Jinqiu’s explanation is very simple. This is called a sampling survey.

The minority obeys the majority, so there is no need to change the ending of "5 Centimeters Per Second".

This made many people reluctantly accept it, and some readers realized something in this vote and stopped mentioning the change of the ending.

Luoyang breathed a sigh of relief and went to school without being blocked by anyone asking to change the ending.

On the contrary, more and more students are asking for their own signatures.

What's even more outrageous is that from time to time someone wants to take a photo with him, so Luoyang is very angry... and agrees.

However, some people are not interested in Luoyang and think that Luoyang is a mean-spirited and narrow-minded villain. The reason is that Gong Xueyi was forced to publicly apologize before, which caused dissatisfaction among some die-hard fans of Gong Xueyi.

Luoyang didn't care about this. He was not Long Yuan and he couldn't be liked by everyone.

After returning home in the evening, Luoyang went into the study and turned on the computer, and received a message from Zhang Fang, the editor-in-chief of Fengyun Novel Network.

"Bai Da, what number will "Panlong" be released on?"

Generally speaking, the editor decides when a book will be put on the shelves, but it is Luoyang himself who decides when a book in Luoyang will be put on the shelf.

This is the treatment of the Supreme God, not to mention that other authors are responsible for the corresponding editors, and the affairs in Luoyang are directly responsible for the website editor-in-chief!

"I was just going to tell you that "Cang Long" will be on the shelves tomorrow night."

Luoyang planned to put it on the shelves according to the steps of his previous life perfectly, because he felt that since he chose "Coiling Dragon" to carry the fantasy of this world, he had to ensure the authenticity of the book.

"Tomorrow? Okay, I'll arrange publicity for you right away." Zhang Fang replied cheerfully.

This is also the attitude that Fengyun Novel Network has always had towards Luoyang, which is to respond to all requests and think first.

The next day, Luoyang updated the three chapters of "Panlong" before it was released as usual.

However, this episode is a bit special, because compared to the tone of the entire "Cang Long", this is a very depressing period!

During this depressive period of "Coiling Dragon", the protagonist Lin Lei's cultivation is not described much. Instead, it is repeatedly emphasized in a gray tone, emphasizing the relationship between the male and female protagonists, from good to bad, from perfection to rupture... …

Episode 4, Chapter 11, "Meeting".

Episode 4, Chapter 12, "Desolate Snow".

Episode 4, Chapter 13, "Ten Days and Ten Nights".

Each chapter becomes more depressing than the last. Combined with the previous chapter names such as "Purple in the Night Wind" and "Rose in Winter", this plot is actually coming sooner or later.

Moreover, this breakup plot is because the woman cheated on her.

In other words, the male protagonist Lin Lei was accidentally NTRed by his girlfriend.

Now the fun was getting louder. As soon as the chapter was published, the review section of "Canglong" exploded.

Countless books appeared one after another, and the curses were everywhere. It was unbearable to look at, and there was even a sense of deja vu that this book was about to be finished!

"Damn it, Bai Da, you're crazy!"

"After reading the new chapter, I just want to say four words: Damn you retarded!"

"Baida, how dare you write the plot of NTR! My eyes are already blind!"

"NTR, Linley was cheated on by Alice, oh! You can't read this book."

"I like to hear about cuckolds and see cuckolds."

"How could you do this, Bai Da? This kind of plot is really disgusting! It's worse than eating a fly."

"Abandoned the book, I'm sorry, I really can't accept this kind of plot. It's too late to shake hands and wave goodbye."

"Even if it's Bai Da, I still want to scold him. This guy must be force-feeding shit. Damn it! I won't say any more. Let's go masturbate and calm down."

"Abandon the book! I used to like "Wushuang" so much, so I followed Fengyun Novel Network. Unexpectedly, I didn't know Bai Da anymore."

"I agree with you upstairs. I don't know why Bai Da created such a plot. Is this a disease of literary youth? Bai Da did not have this problem in the past..."

"Come on, brothers, abandon your books and take a walk."

"Come on, if you continue reading this book, you will get poisoned and die."

The book review area instantly became a mess. Under the iron heel of the NTR Minotaur, who can survive?

The moderators are deleting posts frantically and it is not enough to watch, and a bunch of die-hard fans of "Panlong" are still like this, not to mention the big talkers on the Longkong Forum.

In various sections of the Dragon Sky Forum, the latest chapter of "Coiling Dragon" is being discussed. Some people are keeping silent, but some people have jumped out impatiently.

""Coiling Dragon" has collapsed, everyone should disperse."

"The prosperity is nothing to show for, but it was force-fed before it was put on the shelves."

"The book has collapsed, watching the supreme god fall..."

"I didn't expect that Bai Da would make such a stupid mistake one day, ntr."

"The cuckold plot is the plot that readers hate the most, even Bai Da is in vain!"

"I wasn't optimistic about "Coiling Dragon" when it was first released. The settings of several levels of warriors in it were simply naughty..."

"Overall, the plot is okay, but the relationship scene is too tasteless, and the writing style of Allure in White is getting more and more rubbish."

Most of the people who spoke went to the battlefield wearing vests, and all kinds of slanders emerged one after another. However, Yao Yichen, the long-dormant editor-in-chief of Xingchen Novel Network, also went into battle this time and published a post.

"Collapsing Coiled Dragon, Expanding Allure in White"!

"There are many reasons for a person to become a god, but sometimes there is only one reason for a god to fall."

"Baiyi Qingcheng, the supreme god in the online literary world of the Dragon Kingdom, led the craze as soon as she published her book. However, I had a worry a long time ago... That is, when Baiyi Qingcheng was writing "Wushuang", she was actually writing a meager amount of money at the same time. There are pure love novels serialized on it.”

"We all know that double-editing is a very tiring task, and most authors cannot do it, let alone one that spans two completely different categories like Allure in White."

"As a result, "Wushuang" was successfully completed, and I was relieved."

"But who knew that when our Bai Da was writing "Coiling Dragon", he remembered the glory of pure love in the past, and unconsciously used the style of writing bloody romance to substitute it into "Coiling Dragon"!"

"The three major poisons in the Internet literary world are gifted girls, dead girls, and NTR... which are what we often call cuckolds."

"Bai Da actually put a cuckold on the protagonist, and it was the day before "Panlong" was released. This is challenging the limits of readers. Bai Da has completely expanded. He thinks that no matter what he writes, readers will Buy it, the continuous success has made him lost, and he can no longer find himself. There is no doubt that "Coiling Dragon" has collapsed, and it has collapsed, as can be seen from the horrible curses in the book review area."

"This is the first time such a disastrous negative review has appeared in Bai Da's book review section. I believe Bai Da himself will be frightened after reading it."

"But it's okay. Bai Da is still very good. This book can be used by Bai Da to practice his writing. Let's get back to work after the next book. That's all."

Yao Yichen has been silent for a long time, and the chaotic situation of "Coiling Dragon" finally allowed him to seize the opportunity.

It is recognized in the Internet literature industry that cuckoldry is one of the three most poisonous things in Internet literature, and 90% of readers cannot accept it.

So this time, he believed that his judgment was not wrong. Baiyi Qingcheng finally paid a heavy price for his previous behavior of purely loving fantasy and exploiting the trap at the same time.

"Tsk, tsk, they look so similar."

Luoyang is also reading these book reviews, as well as Long Kong's loudmouthed remarks.

In the previous life, when I wrote this plot of "Coiling Dragon", the situation was very similar to now. The book review section was full of criticism, which was no less than today. However, in the end, this plot did not affect the plot of "Coiling Dragon". score.

There is no shortage of brilliance that this book should create!

There are also some authors whose books are as bad as shit. They forget to put on their vests and just talk nonsense and point out the world.

That kind of bossy attitude, as if if he were to write it, he would be able to achieve earth-shattering and flawless achievements. He opens his mouth to be naughty but shuts up and is mentally retarded. It really makes people wonder what kind of face he looks like in front of the computer.

However, Luoyang has been writing books for many years and has read too many of these things to be too lazy to get angry.

As for Yao Yichen's post, Luoyang didn't want to say anything more. Someone would naturally slap him in the face tomorrow and let him continue to be his coward.

At twelve o'clock at night, the calendar turned to May 20th. The scoldings in the book review section continued without interruption, and Long Kong's negative comments continued to be heard. "Panlong" was put on the shelves amid this dramatic controversy.

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