Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 209 Joining the Group (Part 1)

"The Doomsday Overlord" has really become the overlord of the new book monthly ticket list because of a random chapter recommendation from Luoyang. It kills gods and Buddhas on a rampage, which makes Tang Muling secretly happy, and at the same time, Bai Da is in admiration.

She naturally knew how she got this result. Without Bai Da's help, she wouldn't have much chance at all.

However, Luoyang didn't care much about this, or in other words, he didn't care about it at all. Instead, it was another thing that made Luoyang very concerned.

Liu Qin’s achievements——

He is paying attention to the performance of Liu Qin's first album "Meet".

So much effort is put into ranking on Longguo Music Network’s New Songs and Golden Songs Chart in order to achieve better sales. That ranking still has a certain guiding role. At any time, being number one will have a certain bonus, because It means the strongest.

At the end of June, the album sales statistics were finally calculated.

According to official data, Liu Qin's "Meet" did not disappoint. It was a hit in sales in one month, successfully selling 23 million albums, becoming the biggest winner among artists releasing new albums in June.

As soon as this sales volume came out, the media were all excited and excited.

A newcomer who came from a talent show, his first album broke the 20 million sales mark. Not only the media was excited, but the entire music industry was also paying attention!

In the Dragon Kingdom, if the sales volume exceeds 20 million in a single month, then she is qualified to be called a little queen. Previously, Feifei Sun had an album that sold more than 20 million, so she won the title of little queen.

However, it took Sun Feifei three years to win the title of Little Queen, while Liu Qin only spent one month after entering the entertainment industry.

Sun Feifei has truly become Liu Qin's background. She has been compared with the stunning Liu Qin again and again, which has also contributed to Liu Qin's glory this time.

Because even in a legitimate country with a population of 6 billion, Liu Qin's sales of 23 million are still amazing. However, sometimes we have to admit that the development of the Internet has a huge impact on album sales.

A newcomer's first album is definitely the only one to have sales exceeding 20 million in the first month of release!

On the other hand, as the little queen of the Dragon Country music scene, Sun Feifei's album sales are 20 million. The gap does not sound too big, but although she also exceeded 20 million, she was suppressed by Liu Qin by 3 million. , the wonderful twists and turns are really dizzying.

Then comes the interview!

Liu Qin was approached with overwhelming interviews!

This time's success is not due to a talent show winner, but to solid album sales!

The first album made the little diva Sun Feifei fall into disgrace. This was a dream-like start. How could Liu Qin not attract the attention of the media like bees and butterflies?

Liu Qin broke through the rookie wall and plunged into the entertainment industry with a high profile, creating a storm and becoming a new force that cannot be ignored in the entire music world!

The most intuitive manifestation is that when Luoyang turns on the computer and surfs the Internet, he will always inadvertently see news about Liu Qin.

"Shadow Magic Sports Car's Ping brand invited Liu Qin to endorse, and the endorsement fee exceeded 3 million!"

"The person in charge of Longguo Kashi Watches met with Liu Qin's agent and wanted to discuss an endorsement contract."

"With his net worth doubling, Liu Qin has become the most lucrative newcomer in the entertainment industry, causing advertisers to pursue him crazily."

"At a certain mobile phone exhibition, Liu Qin was invited to be a guest and performed on stage, causing fans to revel in carnival."

"At an event, Liu Qin wore a gauze skirt to meet fans, and countless viewers shouted "goddess"..."

This is why Sun Feifei spares no effort to increase the number of votes. The popularity of an album often leads to countless derived values.

With this solid achievement, Liu Qin's net worth has suddenly become a popular Mesozoic idol in the entertainment industry. For the first time, she has become a queen reserve, and her songs have become more and more popular.

Sun Feifei, who also sold 20 million copies, is obviously not as popular as Liu Qin. The first reason is that her sales volume is three million behind after all, and the second reason is...

Liu Qin is full of freshness for the entertainment industry!

She is a real newcomer. Although she won the championship in "Next Stop Queen" and gained a lot of popularity, it was still a draft after all.

What Dragon Country lacks most is probably the kind of examples of people who are stunning in the draft, and then plunge into the entertainment industry and disappear. Not everyone can always be successful.

And Liu Qin did it.

After a long period of silence, I produced my first new album.

It was released in June and struggled to make the list, and finally became the final winner!

Therefore, the pursuit from all directions is a testimony to Liu Qin's success. This is an era that loves the new and forgets the old. A star who has been spinning around for a long time will be gradually forgotten.

Only new blood, or idols who are constantly improving, can remain undefeated.


Luoyang was relieved to see Liu Qin's sales volume, and the child finally achieved success.

Today is July 1st, and summer has begun. Liu Qin successfully bathed in the first ray of summer sunshine and took advantage of the general trend.

And Luoyang is also busy with his own affairs - at nine o'clock tonight, it will be the day when he officially enters the White Clothes Alliance group, and countless book fans have already begun to look forward to it in the group.

When the time reached nine o'clock, Xiao Feifei immediately invited Luoyang, and Luoyang did not hesitate and clicked to agree.

"Baiyi Qingcheng joined the White Clothes Alliance group."

When the system prompted this message, the entire group suddenly became silent.

Luoyang originally thought that after he joined the group, the fans would be very excited. The various messages were comparable to the explosive barrage in his previous life. But in the few seconds after he entered, no one paid attention to him?

After losing a smile, Luoyang typed: "Hello everyone, thank you for your continued support. I am Qingcheng in White."

It stirred up a thousand waves for a while. After this message was sent out, there was finally movement in the group, and the movement was a bit too scary. Countless messages passed by almost at the speed of a blink of an eye, and even made people panic. It was impossible to see clearly, and Luoyang was confused when faced with this crazy flashing message, and the computer fell into a lag state because of this.

"Ah ah ah ah, it's true, it's really Bai Da! It's true, it's not a dream!"

"I'm so excited. Bai Da, I love your "First Intimate Contact" the most. I love the light dancing and flying in your painting!"

"Baida, my favorite is your "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years". When the movie is released, I will definitely go to the theater to support it!"

"Why are you all pure fans? Dear Bai Da, I am a loyal reader of "Wushuang" and "Panlong", and I am also the current leader of "Panlong". I will reward you with 50,000 yuan later. I will always support you. !”

"I only got involved in "Nirvana in Fire", Bai Da ah ah, I like you so much. Our whole family likes to read your novels, including my parents and my sister. Now we are all watching the group Chat here..."

One message after another, too fast to be seen clearly.

You can imagine what a group of 5,000 people will be like after it boils over.

In short, Luoyang has seen it with his own eyes, and understands why the maximum limit for pp groups is one thousand people.

Because once such a large group of 5,000 people becomes lively, the news will be brushed into the dust and disappear in seconds... oh no, it will be brushed into the dust and disappear in seconds.

Xiao Feifei and Yuan Shui Youyou were also shocked by this scene. It was so enthusiastic and fiery. Anyone who saw the news with their own eyes would probably suddenly realize why the White Clothes Alliance's combat effectiveness and cohesion were so terrifying.

As a last resort, Xiao Feifei turned on the mute mode for all members, and only the fifty administrators in the group could speak.

As a result... the expected silence did not appear. The fifty administrators who were not banned were also sending messages frantically.

"Baida, I love you!"

"Baida, I want to give birth to a monkey for you!"

"Baida, I love you, I love Shen Jiayi!"

Xiao Feifei's head was covered with black lines, and Yuanshui Youyou was also extremely helpless.

"Admins, please be quiet. Bai Da came in and hasn't had time to say a word yet. You have already received tens of thousands of messages. It is estimated that someone's cell phone chatting with them has been jammed."

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