Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 211 Preparations (first update)

Because of joining the group, Luoyang didn't finish dinner until ten o'clock. After eating, Luoyang took out his mobile phone and called Zhang Fang, the editor-in-chief of Fengyun Novel Network.

The purpose of the call was naturally to discuss the fan meeting. In fact, he could organize this type of fan meeting event by himself, but Luoyang hated trouble, and he really wanted to hold the event by himself. As an assistant, Hua Qi also It would be very painful, so Luoyang thought of the website.

"Hey, good evening, Bai Da. Why did you remember to call me?" Zhang Fang answered the phone quickly and asked with a smile.

Luoyang smiled and said: "Hello, Editor-in-Chief Zhang, I had a few chats with fans today, and I was very touched. I want to hold a fan meeting, and I hope the website can help organize it."

When Zhang Fang heard this, he was a little stunned. After a while, he said in surprise:

"Bai Da, are you saying that you want to hold a fan meeting? I remember that we online writers don't seem to have this kind of thing. After all, although online writing has developed well in recent years, it has never been recognized by the tradition..."

This is something only physical writers can do, and most of it is in the form of book signings.

And because compared with physical writers, the appeal of online writers is much weaker. Even if a so-called fan meeting is held, there will only be very few people who respond, which is a thankless task.

You may even be laughed at by real-life writers because of this. Painting a tiger cannot be compared to a dog.

Luo Yang frowned and said: "To me, online writing is not unattractive, but it is different from traditional literary expressions. This activity is not exclusive to physical writers."

In the final analysis, online literature cannot compare with the connotation of physical literature, but if you say that online literature is worthless, that is not the case. There are also many online works that are not inferior to physical books.

Hearing this, Zhang Fang fell into deep thought.

When he thought about the influence Luoyang had, he suddenly realized, yes!

It is true that the influence of online writers is not as good as that of physical writers, but Qingcheng in White is no ordinary online writer!

He is the supreme god in the Internet literary world. The book fan organization Baiyimeng supports half of the traffic of Fengyun Novel Network. His appeal is even comparable to that of some celebrities. Why can't he hold a fan meeting?

Why should I use conventional thinking and apply it to this supreme god? I am really confused.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fang's eyes gradually brightened up. There was a clue to this. It would definitely be a good thing to operate it properly!

"Okay, this fan meeting is totally possible, but Bai Da, we can consider changing the format. For example, besides you, can we also select ten authors on our website? Let's hold a Fengyun Novel Network There will be a meeting with the master, and we will cooperate with the bookstore at that time, and simply do a book signing..."

After figuring out the secret, Zhang Fang immediately started talking non-stop and put forward several suggestions.

When Luoyang heard Zhang Fang's suggestion, he immediately guessed what Zhang Fang was thinking. He wanted to use his popularity to fuel other authors.

Moreover, if it cooperates with the bookstore, it is probably a good income. How much money the website invests in this event, it is estimated that it can be earned back through these cooperation...

Zhang Fang's mind was spinning very quickly, but Luoyang didn't refuse, or he didn't really care about these things in the first place.

"No problem. Just try to choose a bigger place for the fan meeting. In addition, you can choose ten authors to do this event together. It doesn't matter from my side."

He estimated that depending on the enthusiasm of the fans, many people would come, so it was crucial to choose a larger venue. As for the pomp and circumstance, he didn't pay too much attention to it.

Zhang Fang was a little stunned.

He originally asked with the idea of ​​giving it a try. After all, this event was what Luoyang planned to do. As the supreme god, he would probably disdain to attend the event with the so-called great god of Fengyun Novel Network.

They care more about the uniqueness of their status and their uniqueness, so most of these activities are prepared to be done alone.

But he didn't expect that Luoyang would agree to him so readily.

After reacting, Zhang Fang was overjoyed and excited.

"Okay, okay, Bai Da, I will make arrangements immediately. This is the first time our website has held such an event. It must be done well. But Bai Da, when do you think the time is appropriate?" Zhang Fang Ask Luoyang for advice.

After thinking about it, Luoyang said: "July 15th, just half a month of preparation time, so that we can notify all the fans."

Zhang Fang also readily agreed: "Sure, Bai Da, then July 15th, the matter is settled. I will discuss the details with the various management of the company first."

"Okay, thank you, Editor Zhang. I'll hang up here first and discuss it with the assistant again." Luoyang said with a smile.

After hanging up the phone, Luoyang called in his pseudo-loli assistant Xiaohua Qi and expressed his thoughts in the same way.

After hearing Luoyang's thoughts, Hua Qi paused, and then said: "If it is a fan meeting, there will be too many people. Boss, are you going to expose your identity? I suggest you consider it carefully."

Hua Qi knew that Luoyang went through a period of exhaustion when he first became a martial arts master.

During that period of exhaustion, Luoyang deliberately went out to travel on the border of Dragon Kingdom for two full months, so Hua Qi was inevitably worried that Luoyang would feel exhausted again due to the huge attention Luoyang would bring due to the exposure of his identity.

Because there is indeed a kind of person who inherently dislikes the star life of living in the spotlight.

Luoyang smiled: "I've already thought about it. If I talk about these things, I can't keep them secret forever unless I close the book."

Luoyang's works will only become more and more, and with the increase in works, sooner or later he will appear in front of the public, so Luoyang thought about it and simply exposed it. He has such a name as the youngest martial arts master in the Dragon Kingdom. If you bring it, are you still afraid of the identity bonus of a supreme god of the Internet?

When Hua Qi heard this, she nodded in understanding. It would be best if her boss could figure it out.

"Okay, I'll also contact Weibo. You, Bai Da, are a contracted writer with Weibo. "Nirvana in Fire" is also very popular now, so why should they sponsor it?"

To be honest, Hua Qi also really hopes that Luoyang will reveal his identity to the public.

Because that kind of development will be more beneficial to his talented boss, and he will also have more places to use himself.

"Meager?" Luoyang smiled, but forgot about it. Fortunately, Hua Qi reminded him.

It would be a real loss not to bring a small amount of money with you to engage in this kind of activity. You have to make good use of Kohaku's brother who is the minister.

"Nirvana in Fire", which is currently being serialized, has brought them a lot of benefits. It must be a dream to spend a little money to sponsor fan activities.

"Then you can talk about the meager side. It seems like it would be good to make it bigger."

Hua Qi smiled: "Okay, I will have a good chat with Weibo about this matter."

You know, this is the first time that my boss has exposed his identity. If he doesn't make the scene more grand, wouldn't he be sorry for his status as an assistant, and it won't show the prestige of the boss.


That night, Fengyun Novel Network started a meeting to discuss the fan meeting. Website CEO Zhang Ran personally made the decision, set a series of regulations, and asked the website to produce special topics overnight.

At six o'clock the next morning, Fengyun Novel Network released the news of the "Master Meeting"——

"Led by Baiyi Qingcheng, the Supreme God of Internet Literature, and ten great writers from Fengyun Novel Network, a fan works signing event will be held at Tiandu North Stadium on July 15th. Fans are welcome to come, so stay tuned! "

As soon as the news came out, the entire online literary world turned their attention to it and cast concerned eyes!

No one expected that Fengyun Novel Network, which has always been low-key, would suddenly launch such an event.

At the same time, Luoyang's WeChat account also posted news about the event, announcing to all his book fans——

"Officially announced, on July 15th, there will be a fan meeting at Tiandu North Stadium, all dressed in white, and we will see you there."

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