Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 213 Literary Club (Third update)

After the news of the fan meeting was released, Luoyang stopped paying attention because there was still half a month until July 15th, so he continued to live his life step by step.

In the morning, after breakfast, Luoyang took a car to the school.

After finishing two classes, a red-faced girl suddenly appeared next to Luoyang. Her face looked a little strange, and she should be from another department.

"What's up?"

Luoyang asked politely. As a star with a halo on campus, Luoyang would occasionally encounter confessions from girls. At the beginning, Luoyang was very embarrassed. It was hard to agree or refuse, but as the number of times increased, Luoyang asked politely. , he has basically got used to it.

So Luoyang was very calm about the fact that there was a girl next to him right after class.

Sometimes Luoyang also wonders why he remains indifferent to the countless pretty girls on campus. He seriously suspects that Liu Qin's face, which brought disaster to the country and the people, has been hanging in front of him for so long that he has become immune to so-called beauties.

"Master Luo, I am from the campus literary club, and I would like to invite you to join our campus literary club."

When the girl saw Luo Yang asking her question, she immediately said shyly, and her beautiful eyes looked at Luo Yang expectantly.

"Literary Society?"

Luoyang thought for a while, shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I don't have that much time to participate in club activities."

After being in school for so long, Luoyang has never participated in any club activities, so he subconsciously refuses similar invitations.

Many clubs had invited him before, and people from the art club had sent people to look for him several times, but Luoyang refused each time with a smile.

But the girl in front of me didn't mean to give up, but continued to persuade: "Master Luo, we also know that you are very busy, so we just let you put your name in the club, and we can also use this to increase the influence of our literary club... "

Luoyang still shook his head: "Let's forget it."

"Master Luo, I made a guarantee with the people in the club, just agree..." The girl begged pitifully, her previous shyness weakening a lot.

Luoyang was helpless: "Are you sure it won't disturb my life?"

"Absolutely not."

Seeing that Luoyang's attitude had obviously softened, the girl immediately said with assurance.

"Then let me join."

Luoyang nodded and said, he also knew something about the so-called literary club.

It's just a group of people who love literature get together to discuss articles and occasionally have parties. It's actually quite relaxing. Luoyang is not lonely, and he is not very resistant to such literary club activities, let alone just in name.

As for the invitation from the art club, Luoyang refused mostly because he felt that he was not very interested in art itself.

The girl couldn't help but be overjoyed when she heard this. She had been prepared to grind hard for a long time, but she didn't expect that she could easily complete the task in the end.

"Thank you, Mr. Luo, thank you very much!" The girl's eyes narrowed with happiness.

"Class." Luoyang pointed to the instructor who walked up to the podium. The girl immediately nodded and made an OK gesture.


After school, Luoyang found out that the girl's name was Gu Qingyu, and Gu Qingyu was taking Luoyang to the literary club to register. As he walked, he said with admiration: "Master Luo, I really like your book "Seven Kinds of Literary Society". arms"."

Luoyang smiled: "I also like "Seven Weapons" very much."

"Master Luo, you are so funny."

Gu Qingyu covered her mouth and chuckled, then said: "There are several people in our literary club who are fans of Mr. Luo, and there are many beauties."

"That's great."

"Tch, Mr. Luo, you are too perfunctory."

Gu Qingyu curled her lips. Generally, boys' eyes would light up when they heard about many beauties, but Gu Qingyu just noticed that Luoyang's eyes did not change at all. Obviously, the word "beauty" did not attract him.

There are a lot of secrets about Luoyang circulating on campus. Some people say that he actually has a long-distance girlfriend, and some people say that he is actually a gay, so he has no interest in girls.

But Gu Qingyu didn't think Luoyang was a gay.

Because his body is full of sunshine and confidence, and his attitude towards himself is obviously very gentlemanly. He can't tell any more reasons, but Gu Qingyu can conclude that such a boy cannot be a crook.

Arriving at the literary club, Gu Qingyu opened the door and clapped her hands.

"Everyone, look who I've invited here!" Gu Qingyu said with a smile on her face.

In the literary club, there were about twenty young men and women reading books at the moment, and some were reciting poems sourly. When they heard Gu Qingyu's words, they all looked at Luoyang, and then a series of surprised voices sounded one after another.

"It's Mr. Luo!"

"Master Luo, welcome to our literary club!"

"Master Luo, I particularly like your works, I am your fan!"

"Qingyu, you are so awesome, you actually invited our Young Master Luo over!"

Luoyang is a star on campus, and his photos have appeared on campus forums more than once, so everyone can recognize Luoyang at a glance.

After recognizing Luoyang, a group of students from the literary club greeted Luoyang excitedly, and Luoyang responded with a smile on his face.

But at this moment, a faintly angry voice sounded: "Qingyu, how did you invite this Young Master Luo? I heard that Young Master Luo has a lot of airs, and the art club has been there for several consecutive times. Not even invited."

This was a rather handsome boy with a face full of arrogance, and his eyes looked at Luoyang with a hint of hostility.

Gu Qingyu frowned: "Yang Yang, what are you talking about? Mr. Luo is so arrogant. There are many clubs in the school that invite Mr. Luo to join. Wouldn't it be very tiring if he joins every one of them? And I promise Mr. Luo, to join our literary club, all he needs to do is put his name on it.”

"In name? It turns out you have privileges." The young man named Yang Yang made a sound when he heard this, but did not speak again.

"What privileges are not privileges? Mr. Luo is in a special situation. Yang Yang, please don't be emotional." Gu Qingyu frowned and criticized seriously.

Yang Yang snorted softly, turned around and sat in front of a computer, minding his own business, making the atmosphere a little awkward for a while.

Luo Yang frowned slightly, feeling a little confused. Why did he feel that Yang Yang was quite hostile to him? He remembered that he had never had any issues with this person. It was really an unreasonable disaster.

"Master Luo, sit down and I'll pour you some tea."

"Yes, everyone, please stop standing there and welcome Mr. Luo!"

Seeing that the atmosphere seemed a bit stiff, a group of young people tried to smooth things over.

One of the girls took the opportunity to register the form and quietly approached Luoyang and explained in a low voice: "Young Master Luo, don't mind, Yang Yang is Gong Xueyi's cousin, and the matter between you and Gong Xueyi was a bit tense last time, so Yang Yang I will be a little hostile to you."

Gong Xueyi’s younger brother?

Luoyang was stunned for a moment, and then he finally came to his senses.

No wonder he also carries the same hint of arrogance as Gong Xueyi.

Luoyang understood the reason in his heart and was not angry. He simply ignored Yang Yang and started chatting with these young people.

Seeing that Luoyang didn't mean to care, Gu Qingyu breathed a sigh of relief and glared at Yang Yang fiercely. If the great god he finally invited was driven away by Yang Yang, then Gu Qingyu really wouldn't be able to deal with it.

"Master Luo, you are the master, can I ask a question?" A boy with a few pimples on his face asked.

Luoyang smiled and said: "Master, I can't talk about it. We are all classmates. There is no need to be so polite. If you have any questions, just ask."

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