Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 217 Shenhao opens the way

July 15th, the weather was sunny.

The fan meeting of Allure in White was finally long overdue.

Zhu Changhong took a taxi early and arrived at the North Stadium.

He is a native of Tiandu, and more importantly, he is a loyal fan of Allure in White.

From "Wushuang" to Pure Love, from "Nirvana in Fire" to "Coiling Dragon", no matter what genre, there is no one left out.

As an old bookworm, Bai Da has never let him down in any of his books. The love, adventure, youth, and passion in his writings have led readers to experience different spring and autumn, joys and sorrows again and again, and also made Zhu Changhong wander in the world again and again. It’s hard to extricate yourself from the wonderful story.

It can be said that among all the people who write novels in Longguo, Zhu Changhong currently only admires two people.

One is Luoyang - Luoyang is his roommate. This guy has achieved the status of the youngest martial arts master in the Dragon Kingdom with just his original allegorical martial arts "Seven Weapons", shining like a mess.

Although Zhu Changhong didn't say it with his mouth, he was still admired in his heart, and he was also proud of being Luoyang's roommate.

Even outside, many times, when Zhu Changhong reveals that he is Luoyang's roommate, the girl's attitude towards him will be completely different.

Another person that Zhu Changhong admires is Baiyi Qingcheng. Baiyi Qingcheng created pure love novels and is known as the Godfather of Pure Love. He opened up a new branch of romance novels and led the fantasy trend in the online literature world, developing The rebirth of the strong, portable grandfather, upgrade flow and other exciting features.

In the current Internet literary world, the shadow of Allure in White is always present in everyone's fantasy novels.

Of the two of them, one is a young talent in reality, and the other is a mysterious supreme god on the Internet.

Although in terms of status, Luoyang is obviously better than Qingcheng in Baiyi, but if the roommate relationship is ignored, Qingcheng in Baiyi has even become a god in the hearts of many loyal readers, and cannot be blasphemed, including Zhu Changhong.

"I can see Bai Da today, I'm a little excited just thinking about it."

Zhu Changhong thought with some excitement. Although it was rare to get up early in the morning, Zhu Changhong didn't feel sleepy at all.

Bai Da's body is wrapped in layers of mystery. His writing style is versatile, and he can pick up stories of any style at his fingertips. He is no worse than the real ones. Every reader should have this question in his mind -

What kind of being would it be to write such a story?

The attraction is always there, and the answer will be revealed today, so Zhu Changhong's heart is burning and he looks around.

As a result, he discovered that there were so many people who had arrived earlier than him - the stadium was huge, but there were people everywhere, and they were obviously also book fans, coming from all over the country.

what is interesting is……

Zhu Changhong also saw several reporters holding cameras.

He was a little strange: "Why do reporters appear at online fan meetings?"

Suddenly, Zhu Changhong remembered that on the rich list of Longguo writers released a few days ago, Bai Dake was ranked third, with a royalty of over 100 million, ranking third.

"No wonder there are reporters."

The Rich List of Dragon Kingdom Writers is still very influential, so although Baiyi Qingcheng is only an online writer, he still attracted the attention of several reporters just because he ranked third in royalties.

Thinking of this, Zhu Changhong, who is a fan of Bai University, felt very honored.

"Hey, handsome guy, is this the North Stadium?" While Zhu Changhong was waiting, a voice suddenly came from behind him.

Zhu Changhong turned around and saw that there were several boys about the same age as himself. He immediately smiled and said, "Yes, this is Tiandu North Stadium. Are you also fans of Bai University?"

"Of course, so do you, brother!" Several boys who looked like students couldn't help but smile.

Although this meeting was officially held by Baiyi Qingcheng and a group of great masters from Fengyun Novel Network, in fact, among the people in Sports City, more than 90% came for Baiyi Qingcheng.

Just like some performances, they always talk about which star leads the stars to attend...

In fact, except for the leader, the rest of them didn't know each other at all, so they just came to have fun.

Time is passing slowly, and during this period, there are more and more people in the North Stadium, and it has even begun to become a little crowded. Groups of book fans appear, giving this new summer a sense of excitement. A hint of heat...

Zhu Changhong also didn't expect that so many people would attend Bai Da's fan meeting!

You know, it is very rare for a book signing event by a physical author to have more than 10,000 book fans. Not to mention that Bai Da is just an online writer and does not have any physical books. But looking at this situation today, the number of fans is probably more than 2. All right!

"As expected of someone who breaks the rules of online writing."

Zhu Changhong felt a little emotional that Allure in White was a special case in the Internet literary world, and any pattern in his case would look pale and ridiculous.

eleven o 'clock.

The meet-and-greet still hasn’t started.

The whole stadium was already full of people.

Countless voices of conversation sounded one after another. If you listened carefully, it was not difficult to hear that keywords such as "Panlong", "Langya Bang" and "Stewardess" were heard from time to time in these conversations.

They are all book lovers, and they like the same person's works. Countless topics will come to you without even searching for them.

Therefore, the book fans were not in a hurry. Just talking to each other, they started to communicate in a lively manner. In the midst of this lively communication, the crowd continued to increase.

However, just when everyone was discussing in the square in full swing...

Suddenly a long motorcade appeared in front of them and broke into everyone's field of vision!

And when countless book fans saw what cars were in this fleet, their expressions were simply wonderful!

Dragon Country Red Flag, Bugatti Veyron, Ferretti, Oti a10, Jazz a5, Cathy Laco, Phantom, Northern Bear...

All the cars in this fleet are white, and the models are neatly arranged from small to large, from front to back. Counting, there are about thirty cars in total, and this long fleet includes many top cars in the world. No car sells for less than a million!

The only sports car at the forefront among them is worth more than 20 million, and it is the kind that has a price but no market!

Everyone was shocked!

When more than thirty of the world's top cars line up in a long queue!

Keep a distance of one meter between each luxury car at a constant speed!

A whole row of streamlined bodies with different shapes and dazzling reflections!

It's like a grand and shocking top-level car show. Who can't be stunned by this scene?

One face was confused, two faces were confused, three faces were confused... The extremely noisy stadium turned silent at this moment.

In the silence, the long motorcade stopped on the roadside of the stadium, and the car doors were pushed open one by one, and young men and women wearing uniforms walked out.

When people in a car stepped out of it, someone already exclaimed: "They are the heroes of the White Clothes Alliance!"

That's right, it's the White Clothes League - there are countless White Clothes League members present, but this group of people are the super wealthy in the White Clothes League!

They walked out of the car, and everyone realized that these heroes were wearing uniform white short-sleeves, with three large gilded characters printed on their chests: White Clothes Alliance!

When he came back to his senses, the whole stadium seemed to explode, the noise returned, and there were endless discussions, and the sound was loud.

"It is said that our White Clothes Alliance has a group of powerful gods. I always thought it was a joke..."

"I didn't expect that until I saw this convoy, I didn't believe that this powerful group was actually real!"

"The great heroes of the White Clothes Alliance, this way of appearing is so domineering, it's like going to heaven!"

"The three words "Boiled Alliance" in gold are so handsome. I have a strong feeling that Bai Da's meeting today will definitely not be peaceful!"

"This is definitely to cheer up. In order to support Bai Da, the heroes of the White League will put on such a high-profile battle. Normally, the heroes of the White League are very low-key. Looking at the past, the heroes I only received a shower of red envelopes on the day Bai Da’s “Pan Long” was released.”

"If you don't take action, it will shock the whole audience! And these people are all die-hard fans of Bai Da. It's really scary to think about it..."

(The second update is here, I would like to recommend my friend’s work: "My Loli is a Big Star")

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