Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 236 Screenwriter Luoyang

After the premiere, the lights dimmed and the movie began.

Luoyang was sitting in the first row of the auditorium, and on the right side of his hand was Liu Qin.

However, the two of them were not chatting at the moment. The entire theater was silent, and all the audience's eyes were fixed on the big screen without blinking.

Before the movie started, the announcement started, and the names of the actors flashed one by one. But in the last five seconds before the movie started, the screen stopped at one scene——

Director: Gong Xin

Original work: Luoyang (Allure in White)

Screenwriter: Luoyang (Allure in White)

The director's name is the biggest, and Luoyang's name is not small. Even because Luoyang takes up two names, it seems to be more important than the director.

This is obviously a way for investors to please Luoyang fans, because they know very well that the most attractive people to watch "Girls We Chased Together in Those Years" are Luoyang fans.

"Become a screenwriter." Liu Qin whispered in Luoyang's ear.

Luoyang smiled and said nothing, and the movie also started the official scene at this time.

"Hurry up, Keten, you want the bride to wait for you alone."

In the movie, two boys, one fat and one thin, shouted at the back of a man wearing a small suit.

The man suddenly turned around, took an apple in his hand and took a bite. Then he showed a smile and walked out of the door...

"Seems pretty good."

Luoyang looked a little more serious. This opening choice was proposed by Luoyang in the script. Unexpectedly, Gong Xin adopted it directly, and the result was very good.

The opening scene disappeared.

The timeline was stretched to the summer of 1991.

Because the age of the Dragon Kingdom is similar to that of its previous life, there is not much sense of peacekeeping.

As for the stuff about Wanwan in it, Luoyang was also replaced by the 1991 culture of the Dragon Kingdom, so it was very smooth along the way.

"This is my junior high school classmate..."

In 1991, the protagonist Ke Jingteng went to school, and on the way to school, the director introduced several of Ke Jingteng's bad friends step by step in a natural way, with one shot for each person, and they were all shown with a small incident. The character's character.

Luoyang secretly praised it in his heart, it was great.

At least the director's handling is much better than in his previous life, and Gong Xin is worthy of the title of young talent.

The scenes in the movie also have a strong sense of age, and as Ke Jingteng enters the campus for class, he finally mentions the female classmate that all the boys in the class have a crush on.

Shen Jiayi.

Shen Jiayi's appearance was not surprising.

The actor is a newcomer and looks very beautiful, but that's just beautiful.

However, it is worth mentioning that although this heroine's face is not stunning, she still has a pure temperament.

"Did you watch the movie yesterday?"

"Well, I watched it last night too."

“I feel like there’s a super scary scene in there!”

"I think it's okay, it's just a matter of the shooting angle."

The heroine chatted with her best friend for a while. Looking at it this way, the heroine seemed to have become much more beautiful.

This is where the director is smart. By placing a few girls with ordinary looks and temperaments around the heroine, the heroine will immediately stand out.

As for the following plot, Gong Xin still made some changes. These changes are not big, they are just small details. It cannot be said to surpass the one in Luoyang's memory, but it can be regarded as each having its own merits.

The audience in the audience was also attracted by the plot at this moment——

Because the original work of Luoyang was written by the screenwriter, although there are some minor changes in the plot and the original work, they are not too big. Watching it all the way, you will feel an inexplicable sense of familiarity.


It feels great to see a plot that has been played out countless times in my mind come to life.

And when a classic line from the novel is spoken by the protagonist, the feeling becomes even stronger.

"Actually, what's so great about knowing a question like yours? I dare to bet you that ten years from now, I won't even know what a log is, and I can still live a good life."


"You don't believe it?"

"I believe it."

"I believe you still study so hard!"

"There are many things in life that are in vain."

"If Ke Jingteng confesses to me, I will be very happy."

These lines make the audience smile, but if the audience is still thinking about the novel while watching the movie, it is undoubtedly the director's failure.

Gong Xin once again demonstrated his directorial skills that are inconsistent with his age. He used super high shooting skills in the following plot to immerse the audience in it...

The emotional line between Ke Jingteng and Shen Jiayi has always maintained the same degree under the control of the director.

As time passed bit by bit, the movie finally came to graduation, and everyone finally said goodbye.

At this time, the audience had forgotten that the movie was adapted from a novel. Even Luoyang and Liu Qin, the two people who were most familiar with the movie, were watching the development of the movie closely.

After graduation, Ke Jingteng and Shen Jiayi had a specious long-distance relationship.

Their hazy emotions sometimes fermented and sometimes worsened. When Ke Jingteng went to boxing with others to prove himself, the two finally had a fierce quarrel.

This plot is very sensational, and the two quarreling young men and women part ways because of it.

Ah He seized the opportunity, confessed to Shen Jiayi, and finally embraced the beauty. However, Cao Jibao drove the motorcycle a step too late, and then found Ke Jingteng and the two had a big fight.

Five months later, Ahe and Shen Jiayi broke up.

The reason is simple - Shen Jiayi always thinks of Ke Jingteng when she is with Ah He.

Every scene can evoke emotions, and Ahe, although he is close at hand, is not as good as the "childish ghost" far away.

The plot twist happened during the earthquake. Ke Jingteng, who had not been in contact with Shen Jiayi for two years, suddenly discovered that the place where Shen Jiayi was was the center of the earthquake.

Ke Jingteng became anxious and rushed out like crazy. He ran far and wide before he saw a weak signal on the poor flip phone - so he dialed Shen Jiayi's number.

What made him relieved was...

Shen Jiayi was fine and quickly answered the phone.

At this time, the audience’s hearts were already tied together——

Everyone knows that Shen Jiayi and Ke Jingteng were not together during this contact.

They are like two parallel lines, obviously very close, but very far away, so far that they will never be together.

When Luoyang saw this, he already knew in his heart - the movie was successful. Gong Xin completely understood his script and created such a wonderful movie.

The plot finally returns to the original scene.

"Hurry up, Ke Teng, you want the bride to wait for you alone." Ah He shouted.

Ke Jingteng turned around, took a bite of the apple, then with a smile on his lips, walked to attend Shen Jiayi's wedding.

The most classic scene finally came.

Everyone asked the groom, "Can we kiss the bride?"

The groom said tactfully: "Of course you can, but if you want to kiss the bride, you must kiss me first in the same way."

Everyone showed disgusting expressions, but Ke Jingteng hugged the groom and kissed him long, long...

This was originally a very funny scene, but no one in the audience laughed. Instead... there was crying, gently and slowly, and then became rapid.

In the movie.

Scenes from the past.

Start replaying in a sensational style.

After Ke Jingteng kissed the groom, everyone rushed forward.

Ke Jingteng walked towards Shen Jiayi and asked with a smile, "Am I naive?"

Shen Jiayi smiled with tears, just like before: "Yes, it is very childish, so... please continue to be childish."

The movie ends here, and the name is shown again——

Director: Gong Xin.

Original work: Luoyang.

Screenwriter: Luoyang.

(Thanks to a certain god for his trumpet's popularity, to the fifth man aoeyuw leader for his popularity, and to the most beautiful woman in the world, Li Bainiu, for her popularity. This chapter will be added.)

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