Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 241 Classic of the Times

After hanging up the phone from Hua Qi, Luoyang was ready to test Liu Qin's attitude towards acting.

As a result, when Luoyang was about to make a call, the phone rang first, and the caller was Liu Qin.

Luoyang laughed and answered the phone.

"Luoyang! I might have to go filming!"

As soon as the call was connected, Liu Qinyu's voice filled with anticipation and excitement came from Luoyang's cell phone.

This made Luoyang a little confused: "Don't you like singing? When did you become interested in acting?"


Liu Qin snorted: "Have I ever said that I will only be a singer? Acting is such an interesting thing, how can I not participate in it, but looking at you, you must already know, right? I am going to play the role of "Living with a Stewardess" "Days" heroine, Ran Jing.

Luoyang said: "Are you sure you can act?"

Liu Qin said angrily: "You look down on people, don't you?"

"I'm not looking down on you, acting is different from singing."

Luoyang shook his head and said: "The degree of happiness and suffering between the two is also completely different."

"Do you think I'm the kind of person who's afraid of hardship?"

Liu Qin said unhappily: "In other words, does my current appearance make you feel weak? Luo...teacher?"

Luoyang smiled and said, "I'm going to vaccinate you in advance."

"Hey, you, you need to give me an injection, I'm scaring the Lun family to death." Liu Qin said in a teasing voice.

Luoyang's head was filled with black threads: "Okay, I won't bullshit you anymore. It's all over. I wish you success and immediate success."

"No, I have a question. Is the bodyguard you gave me the legendary Zhongnanhai bodyguard? He taught all my original bodyguards a lesson as soon as he came. He beat four people by himself and actually won. "Yes." Liu Qin asked in surprise.

When Liu Qin returned to the Magic City, Long Wanchun was also arranged to go there by Luoyang.

Long Wanchun was reluctant to this, but was finally convinced by Luoyang.

But Luoyang didn't expect Long Wanchun to be so powerful: "One against four, making a movie?"

The last time he knocked out the wild boar with his bare hands was enough to surprise him, but this time he actually accomplished the feat of beating four against one.

It seemed that he was right to let Long Wanchun follow Liu Qin for protection. At least Long Wanchun's strength and loyalty were trustworthy, which made him feel more at ease than Dingsheng Entertainment.

"It's amazing, but he's a bit boring and never takes the initiative to speak."

Liu Qin paused and asked again: "Aren't you home? How do you feel?"

Luoyang smiled, naturally knowing what Liu Qin was referring to, and he said, "Everything is very natural, and the embarrassment as imagined did not appear."

"Sure enough, when my parents came last time, I was also surprised. I was obviously very unfamiliar with them, but subconsciously I felt very familiar, as if they were really my parents."

Liu Qin said with a strange voice.

Luoyang frowned, and he couldn't figure out the reason.

In other words, maybe my original body subconsciously still exists...

Of course, there is another possibility, but that possibility is so absurd that even Luoyang thinks it is nonsense.


Two weeks later, Luoyang got on a plane.

The plane was undoubtedly very fast, and it only took more than two hours to return to Luoyang and Tiandu.

The first time he returned to Tiandu, Luoyang did not go to the apartment, but came to a pedestrian street.

Walking inside, a newly renovated studio appears in front of Luoyang. It has two floors and the exterior walls are gorgeously decorated. This studio is also named after Luoyang - Luoyang Studio.

To be honest, I have a strange feeling when I see the name Luoyang.

Walking in, Hua Qi was talking to a few newcomers. When she saw Luoyang coming in, she immediately said: "Boss, you are here."

"Hi boss."

Several new employees greeted Luoyang nervously.

The youngest martial arts master in the Dragon Kingdom, the most popular writer on the Internet, with over 100 million in royalties, it is inevitable for newcomers to be nervous when they see him.

Luoyang also responded with a smile: "Hello."

Hua Qi introduced from the side: "Boss, these four newcomers are all very technical. I let them have different divisions of labor. They are mainly divided into network and physical operations, and I am responsible for overall planning."

Luoyang nodded and looked at the interior environment of the studio.

The overall style is simple and neat, with silver tables and chairs, and the computer equipment is also the most advanced configuration at present.

"The decoration is very good." Luoyang praised.

Hua Qi has always had a good grasp of Luoyang's aesthetics. Even if he didn't say anything about the decoration style of the studio, Hua Qi still did it flawlessly.

Hua Qi smiled and said: "The office is upstairs, boss, I will take you there."

Luoyang nodded and walked upstairs with Hua Qi.

After seeing Luoyang going upstairs, several newcomers whispered: "The boss is so young!"

"Not only is he a famous martial arts master, but he is also the godfather of pure love. The movie version of "Those Years" is still in theaters. I really can't imagine how brilliant the boss's future will be!"

"So we must seize this opportunity."

"This is a start-up studio. As long as we do well in the future, I'm afraid we can do well in this life!"

Luoyang doesn't know what the newcomers think.

He was currently sitting in the office that Hua Qi had arranged for him. He smiled and said, "This chair is quite comfortable."

Hua Qi nodded seriously: "Of course, this is a chair made based on ergonomics. It can relieve people's physical fatigue to a certain extent. Boss, you have to write a lot every day, so such a chair is very necessary."

Luoyang smiled.

What about ergonomics...

In his opinion, they are all money-grabbing gadgets from manufacturers.

But it was an indisputable fact that this chair was quite comfortable to sit on, and he didn't care about the money.

Turning on the computer, Luoyang tried to code, and found that his hand felt surprisingly comfortable. He couldn't help but smile: "Hua Qi, I find that your work efficiency is getting higher and higher."

The first is the location of this studio. This address is in a relatively secluded part of the pedestrian street. It is very convenient to eat and drink coffee nearby. In addition, the decoration style gives people a simple and generous feeling, a bit like concept technology.

"Thank you boss for the compliment."

Hua Qi smiled and then said: "Boss, when are you going to start writing your new work? Now the entire martial arts circle is about to start."

"The new work will be written in the next two days, but you said that the entire martial arts circle is about to start... What do you mean?"

Luoyang asked a little strangely.

"Boss, don't you know?" Hua Qi said in surprise.

"What do you know?" Luoyang looked even more confused.

"The martial arts novel has been officially nominated by [Dragon Kingdom Era Classic] and is now being evaluated. There is likely to be an award about martial arts at the end of this year!"

"So now almost all the famous martial arts masters are starting to prepare new works! I thought, boss, that you suddenly prepared a new martial arts work to hit the classics of the times."

Hua Qi said speechlessly, she really had nothing to say to her boss.

The news that has been reported in the news all day recently, my big boss is not aware of at all.

Luoyang was stunned. He hadn't watched the news in the past few days in Chengdu, so he didn't know the news.

"You mean... the martial arts novel is a classic in the nomination era? Are you sure this isn't boring gossip from some small newspaper?"

Luoyang didn't believe it.

A classic from the Dragon Kingdom era——

This is the highest award in the literary world of the Dragon Kingdom!

It is also the first officially recognized literary award.

It is the lifelong pursuit of many writers and is selected once a year!

So far, the Time Classic Awards include the Fairy Tale Award, Poetry Award, Short Story Award, Historical Literature Award, Science Fantasy Award and Mystery Award, plus a Literary Award and a Lifetime Achievement Award.

However, the last two awards have been rare for many years.

Luoyang did not expect that martial arts novels might now be recognized as classics of the Dragon Kingdom Era!

No wonder Hua Qi said that the entire martial arts novel world is getting ready for action. Although this award is only a nomination now and has not yet been confirmed to be included, this news is already very shocking to martial arts novelists!

Even Luoyang himself had an inexplicable expectation in his heart.

There is no doubt that once this award is confirmed, a prosperous era of martial arts will begin!

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