Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 248 Three flowers bloomed, and here comes another one

"The first episode of The Rise of Martial Arts, five famous masters appear together!"

"The war started, and several masterpieces by famous artists were announced for serialization at the same time!"

"In a press conference, count how many seniors Luoyang has offended!"

"Five masters of "Xia Ke Jiang Hu" appeared on the scene, and the real king of life and death made a bold statement on the spot: to guide Luoyang to write martial arts!"

"The two consecutive hits of Yao and Chongjing are aimed at the classic martial arts master award of the times. When talking about Luoyang, he laughed and said: I don't know him!"

""Xia Ke Jiang Hu" made a strong attack. According to interviews, Luoyang once asked its editor-in-chief for a sky-high price, but was finally rejected."

"Xia Ke Magazine" made such a big splash, so naturally it had to be reported, and it was still in the form of headlines on the front page of the entertainment section.

Even news about celebrity cheating, or the king holding a concert, etc., are also suppressed on the sub-page. This also shows the attention paid by all parties to the appearance of famous martial arts masters.

Entertainment and entertainment, most of the time...

Wen always gave way to Yu, but this time it was an accident.

But it's no wonder. You must know that the martial arts masters emerging today are the indelible memories of countless parents in the Dragon Kingdom. Even college students and even high school students who are currently in school are no strangers to the once popular works of these people, and have been deeply influenced by them.


Although "Xia Ke Magazine" held a press conference of its own, the final target was directed at Luoyang!

These reporters did not highlight the appearance of the five famous celebrities. Instead, they focused on their speeches about Luoyang!

Reporters definitely contributed to the situation, but it is true that "Xia Ke Jiang Hu" has opinions about Luoyang, otherwise the two parties would not hit it off so well and attack Luoyang.

There was an instant uproar on the Internet because of this piece of news.

And the White Clothes League, at this moment, mobilized in full force to protest against their idol!

"The True Lord of Life and Death is really narrow-minded. Didn't he just lose to Luoyang? As for holding on to it?"

"I still remember the fear of someone being dominated by the White Alliance. Now he dares to come out and jump around again. It's funny!"

"Are you stupid upstairs? As a senior, the Lord of Life and Death said that there is nothing wrong with teaching Luoyang how to write martial arts!"

"It's true that "Seven Weapons" pioneered allegorical martial arts, but it's just a trail after all. Compared with Luoyang and the True Lord of Life and Death, it still doesn't have any impressive results!"

"Why is no one talking about Yao Chongjing? Or is it that the so-called White Clothes Alliance in Luoyang is bullying the weak and afraid of the strong!"

"That's right, it's so funny that Yao Chongjing doesn't even know Luoyang. Will the White Clothes Alliance feel so embarrassed that they have cancer?"

"Haha, does Yao Chongjing know Luoyang? It's just that he has always been arrogant and looks down on others. How could he, who cares so much about fame, not know who stole the honor of being the youngest martial arts master!"

"What nonsense is the White Clothes Alliance? A group of martial arts masters are targeting Luoyang. This obviously shows that it is Luoyang's problem. They are trying their best to clear their master's name!"

"Finally, the editor-in-chief of "Xia Ke Jiang Hu" told reporters that Luoyang claimed to be a famous martial arts master and demanded exorbitant prices from the magazine. He deserved to be abandoned. Is it possible that the people in the White Clothes Alliance are still making excuses?"

"No matter what the news says, I will never believe that Bai Da is that kind of person!"

"The White Clothes League is also living in a dream. Is the whole world targeting Luoyang? When the reporter writes this, there is obviously something wrong with him!"

"I don't know about the White Clothes Alliance, but I heard that Luoyang is the king of the online novel industry. I find it quite funny. How can a famous martial arts master write trash literature? How noble can he be?"

In the chaos of the battle, the White Clothes Alliance was defeated for the first time.

Martial arts masters all showed up, and their original fans also showed up one after another!

This is a carnival for fans of martial arts novels. When martial arts novels reached their peak, their influence was so powerful. Countless fan bases emerged, and even the White Alliance could not compete with them!

Although Luoyang has many online fans, this time it is somewhat unable to fight back, or in other words, it cannot find a suitable reason to fight back, because so far, it is "Xia Ke Magazine" who is talking about it, and Luoyang has not responded at all.

As a result, public opinion became one-sided, and Luoyang's image suddenly fell to the bottom.

The White League was helpless and aggrieved. While they continued to cheer for their idol, they could only wait for Luoyang's response.

But Luoyang seemed to have disappeared and never appeared, allowing countless smear posts to spread on the Internet.

"Obviously I'm scared!"

"The True Lord of Life and Death is the senior, there is no problem in teaching him."

"Yao Chongjing is like a mountain. If you don't know Luoyang, what can he do?"

"The official people in "Xia Ke Magazine" have said that Luoyang is asking for huge amounts of money because of his status as a famous martial arts master. He really thinks he is a big shot."

"He is really a famous figure. He is very powerful in taking over the physical network, but he is just very powerful. He has not experienced the era of the True Lord of Life and Death and Yao Chongjing, so it is normal for him to be lost and unable to find his direction."

Luoyang's lack of response was clearly a sign of guilty conscience in the eyes of some netizens, so they used their imagination even more and reduced Luoyang to be worthless.


Two days later, another magazine appeared.

"Legends of Modern and Ancient Times" martial arts magazine finally held a press conference!

"Legends of Modern and Ancient Times" is a long-established martial arts magazine in the Dragon Kingdom, and its sales have been suppressed by "Xia Ke Jiang Hu".

But when it comes to the strength of the company, "Legends of Modern and Ancient Times" cannot be underestimated. They are also a giant in martial arts novel magazines, and their sales volume once exceeded that of "Xia Ke Magazine"!

The two families have long been known to the world as old rivals.

Because "Xia Ke Magazine" had built up the momentum of the press conference two days ago, which ultimately resulted in a huge publicity effect, "Legends of Modern and Ancient Times" also followed suit and invited more media to attend the press conference.

At the press conference of "Legends of Modern and Ancient Times", five famous artists were also invited!

The most dazzling one among them is the 50-year-old Triple Crown winner, Jiang Shan!

In the eyes of countless people, he is the most powerful contender for the Time Classic Martial Arts Master Award.

There are also representatives of evil martial arts, Luzhou Monster, and Bai Pao, the famous martial arts master who is regarded by the media as the most promising to inherit the mantle of Jiangshan!

Finally, there are two old monsters who have not appeared in public view for many years, Qingshan and Beihai!

This kind of lineup is not inferior to "Xia Ke Jiang Hu" in the slightest. The reporters went crazy for the second time!

During the interview session, the reporter also asked about his views on Luoyang - although Luoyang has not announced whether it will release a new work recently, a series of interviews with "Xia Ke Jiang Hu" and the fermentation on the Internet during this period have already seemed to be in a state of flux. On the cusp of the storm.

Therefore, reporters will definitely not miss the opportunity to add fuel to this topic!

Jiang Shan smiled and said: "Luoyang, I have heard of it, but I haven't had time to see his works yet, so I won't comment."

Luzhou Wei Shumao said: "Being qualified to become a martial arts master is a symbol of strength, because this kind of selection is very strict and there is no luck. I hope he will work hard."

Because Luzhou Monster admired "Seven Weapons" and had a good relationship with Luoyang before, so this time he helped Luoyang a little.

As for Baipao, he has no interest in participating: "I will not comment on anyone, because I think it is enough to create something that is worthy of my own heart."

When he arrived at Qingshan, he shook his head and said: ""Seven Weapons" is just an ordinary martial arts work. It uses some educational things, but it was praised by many people."

The last martial arts master, Bei Hai, criticized mercilessly: "I don't want to comment on him because I don't want to have any interaction with online writers!"

Adding insult to injury!

Although some people did not want to participate in the comments, the final speeches of Qingshan and Beihai clearly had a Luoyang rhythm.

Among them, there is dissatisfaction with the results of "Seven Weapons", and there are also inherent prejudices in the physical and online circles.

The reporters are getting more and more excited. They don't care what kind of huge pressure Luoyang is under. They just want topics, attention, and popularity. As for Luoyang's feelings...

Think about it - "Luoyang is like a rat crossing the street, everyone shouts to beat him!"

Isn’t this news exciting enough?

So the press conference of "Legends of Modern and Ancient Times" was reported again!

Luoyang's name appears with high frequency. Thanks to the efforts of all parties, Luoyang is no longer the youngest martial arts master in the Dragon Kingdom, but has become... the most unworthy martial arts master in history!

(The title is due to three paragraphs of thanks. The first is to thank Cleun Fuyun for the leader Piao Hong, the second is to thank the leader of the sleepy classmate Piao Hong, and the third is to thank Madam Bai for the leader Piao Hong. Let me emphasize that this is the second time the most beautiful Li Bai in the world has Piao Hong. It seems that the whip and candle are not enough. I have to go to school for my graduation defense today. I will update it tomorrow and make this climax climax!)

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