Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 258 Good to be a teacher

In a spacious room in a high-end community in Xihai.

The TV set on the wall was playing Tiandu TV's evening news.

Tonight's news was reporting on Luoyang being interviewed at the gate of Tiandu University during the day.

On the sofa, 31-year-old Yao Chongjing stared at the news without blinking. The young and energetic face in the news made him feel a little blocked for no reason, as if he had really aged after being silent for several years. Average.

The reporter asked: "How do you evaluate the double-champion Yao Chongjing's two consecutive victories?"

"Uh... who is Yao Chongjing?" Luoyang in the news looked confused, as if he had never heard of Yao Chongjing's name.

Yao Chongjing's face froze, and immediately a surge of anger surged into his heart. He even forgot to find the location of the remote control, and Qian Qian unplugged the power cord of the TV set with great brutality.

Then, it is the calmness and calmness of efforts, and the cycle continues.

After a long time, the man calmed down the anger in his heart slightly. He opened his eyes, but his face was still extremely ugly.

"What a martial arts emperor, who is Yao Chongjing!"

He started coldly, like a furious lion, his territory was clearly violated, but he was helpless.

In the last interview, Yao Chongjing deliberately claimed that he did not know Luoyang - it was impossible for him to have a good impression of a person who snatched away the title of the youngest martial arts master from him, because the most important honors in Yao Chongjing's life were these.

Even if the three consecutive championships overwhelm him, he is still unconvinced.

And in his opinion, he is just a Luoyang, and if he offends him, he will be offended. He is a rebellious person.

But who would have thought that the other party was even more unruly than himself. Not only did he slap everyone in the face with a huge victory, but he also picked out those who had offended him and whipped them to death.

"Husband, what's wrong?"

A voice sounded, and then a pretty figure appeared.

Yao Chongjing took a breath and said, "It's nothing. Remember to buy me a copy of "Traveling in Jianghu" tomorrow."

The woman looked a little stunned and said blankly: "Husband, didn't you say that his yellow-tongued child is not worth mentioning..."

"I was comparing myself with when I was twenty years old." Yao Chongjing shook his head and said: "When I was his age, I was indeed a child with a yellow mouth that was not worth mentioning, but now it seems that my judgment error."

"Okay, I understand." The woman nodded.

Women have strong confidence in their men.

When Jiangshan won the Triple Crown and was at its peak, my husband held Jiangshan's book and studied it for a whole month.

Since then, he has achieved the glory of his double championship. What is even more incredible is that although there is a shadow of Jiangshan in his words, another flavor of his own is also diffused in it.

This is Yao Chongjing's terrifying learning ability. It's like copying, but there are few traces.

On the other side, the Lord of Life and Death was also watching the Tiandu evening news.

"Teacher Luo, before, the famous martial arts master Sheng and Death Zhenjun once said that he would use his work - "Dragon Sword" to teach you how to write martial arts. At this moment, do you have anything to say to Zhensheng Zhenjun? ?”

"Yes, the Lord of Life and Death did teach me a lot."

"For example, you need to be confident as a person. As a martial arts master, you need to be confident in your own works."

When Luoyang said this on the news, the Lord of Life and Death turned red and almost threw the remote control at the TV.

However, when he thought about it carefully, he realized that this action was somewhat dangerous and could not hurt Luoyang, so he reluctantly gave up.

However, although no one saw his reaction, he still felt ashamed at the moment. This was the second time. Last time, his popularity on the Internet was unexpectedly crushed. This time, the other party directly sent him a message through the media. A good guy card.

The slap in the face came unexpectedly!

What bullshit "you have to be confident as a person"!

Do you really think that labor and management are stupid and can't hear the irony in it?

The Lord of Life and Death turned off the TV and prepared to go online to find something to distract his attention, otherwise he would be furious.

As a result, just after he was posted on Weibo, the Master of Life and Death was surprised to find that there were already hundreds of thousands of comments under his latest Weibo.

He subconsciously clicked on the comments, and then immediately felt the strong malice coming from this world. The neat and consistent comments made his face turn completely green——

"A good teacher and a confident true king."

"A good teacher and a confident true king."

"A good teacher and a confident true king."

As a result, it ended with the Lord of Life and Death turning off the meager comment function for the second time in his life, which was made a joke by many netizens.


In fact, many martial arts masters who saw this interview felt uneasy.

But there is a tacit understanding that, just like Yao Chongjing - these martial arts masters have quietly purchased "Traveling in the Rivers and Lakes" and are ready to learn Luoyang's martial arts style.

Yes, there must be something extraordinary about being a famous person.

When Luo Yang's works stand out from the crowd, they will naturally not remain indifferent. They will definitely find ways to understand the routines in Luo Yang's books, apply what they have learned, and even...defeat the opponent.

The reason why many latecomers are able to defeat their predecessors is because they learned some essential things from their predecessors.

Yao Chongjing is like this, and so are others. The Dragon Kingdom martial arts will indeed turn a new page, and the colorful martial arts styles are about to bloom.

This is how progress occurs, but also because of serialization, Luoyang's five works were released in succession. Although they are all impressive, many things have only revealed the tip of the iceberg.

Martial arts masters have to learn things slowly.

Luoyang didn't know about this, and of course even if he knew, he would just smile.

He will not be afraid of any competition, nor will he be afraid of others learning his routines. There are traces of Gu Long's style, but in the era of martial arts masters in previous generations, Gu Long is still unique.

On the first day of sophomore year, everyone was busy saying hello to classmates they hadn’t seen for a long time.

After all, we haven’t seen each other for two whole months, and among them, Luoyang has received the most attention!

It's really... During this hot summer vacation, all the news about Luoyang is too shocking.

The first news was that the identity of Luoyang Baiyi Qingcheng was exposed, and the second news was the creation of "Traveling Jianghu" magazine, with five consecutive releases that shocked the martial arts world.

These two pieces of news were fermented during the summer vacation and caused a tsunami-like shock in the hearts of many students. Zhu Changhong, in particular, had a complex expression when he saw Luoyang.

Because when Luoyang revealed his identity as Baiyi Qingcheng, he was at the scene.

But at this moment, he no longer knew how to get along with Luoyang, and he always felt a little at a loss in his heart.

On the contrary, Luoyang was the first to laugh and said: "Brother Zhu, why are you standing there, so afraid that you haven't contacted me during this summer vacation and have forgotten me?"

When Zhu Changhong heard this, he couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "I really can't get back to my senses... You kept it a secret. I've been in the same dormitory with you for so long and I didn't even know you were Bai Da!"

He still remembered the overwhelming shock in his heart when Luoyang announced his identity that day, but Luoyang didn't know that he was also in the audience at that time.

Luoyang smiled. He naturally knew that Zhu Changhong had always been a loyal fan of "Wushuang" and even "Panlong". It was just that I was afraid of trouble at the time, so I kept it hidden.

"No matter what my status is, we are still classmates and still sit in the same classroom."

Zhu Changhong nodded hesitantly: "When I finally came to my senses, I was actually very excited. When I went back to my hometown during the summer vacation, I bragged to my friends several times, saying that you and I are good friends."

"This is not bragging. We are good friends to begin with."

"Hey, I'm relieved with your words." Zhu Changhong also smiled, as always.

(Please ask the brother in the book review section to stop being arrogant. This is an entertainment novel. Don’t keep talking about certain topics in reality. If you do, I will ban you next time.)

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