Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 262 I am a speaker

After some fuss in the recording studio, the Luoyang people went out to have something to eat.

We ate very late, and when we returned to the apartment, it was already past twelve o'clock at night - Liu Qin had moved in across the street from Luoyang a few days ago, and Amber naturally lived with Liu Qin. opposite.

Amber took the key and opened the door opposite.

After saying good night to each other, Luoyang walked into his room, took a shower, and went into the bedroom to sleep.

Perhaps because school had just started, Luoyang only had two classes in the morning the next day. After class, Luoyang went directly back to the apartment.

In the next few days, life in Luoyang was calm and uneventful. On the other side, the official website of Tiandu University had announced that Luoyang was about to give a speech at the opening ceremony.

Tiandu University, from freshmen to old students, all expressed their anticipation for this news and left messages on the official website.

"The name I heard most when I first entered the school was Luoyang. I am really full of curiosity about this brilliant senior!"

"I didn't expect that among the senior students this year, Luo Shuai would be in charge of giving speeches. Luo Shuai has been in trouble during the summer vacation. Now that he is giving a speech at the beginning of the school year, he must have a lot of feelings in his heart."

"During the college entrance examination, I was torn between Tiandu University and Magic City College. Finally, because of Luoyang's name, I made up my mind to enter Tiandu University."

"He's an idol of the younger generation."

"However, although Luo Shuai has been in school for so long, he is a low-key person. This is the first time he has shown his face in a school event."

"I'm very curious about what kind of speech Bai Da, who has always been low-key and mysterious, will give us."

"You don't have to have high hopes upstairs. All the speeches are just the same clichés. They feed you chicken soup of hard work while you are drowsy. The opening ceremony is a boring event."

"Although I say that, I still can't help but have expectations. I hope Bai Da can say something different. My favorite is Allure in White."

Generally speaking, most people still have expectations for the speech at the opening ceremony of Luoyang. During the summer vacation, this man has always been the focus of countless news, and the title of Martial Arts Emperor has spread like wildfire.

Although this title has not received any official recognition, it is not easy for this statement to start spreading.

time flies.

September 23rd.

The annual opening ceremony finally kicked off.

Because the opening ceremony is no small matter, the entire Tiandu University team was present.

Luoyang was smoking leisurely in the dormitory at the moment. A moment later, Hua Qi's figure holding a bag appeared at the door of the dormitory.

It is said that one can understand a person's character from the way he smokes. When Luoyang stood at the window smoking, Hua Qi felt no other feeling except that kind of loneliness.

Or is Luoyang's heart lonely, or are geniuses' thoughts so elusive?

Putting aside her worries about Xiao Jiujiu, Hua Qi raised the bag and said with a smile: "Boss, Sister Qin specially prepared clothes for you after she heard that you were going to give a speech today."

"The clothes Liu Qin prepared?"

Luoyang put out the cigarette butt, a trace of suspicion flashed across his face.

Did that guy find a Scottish-style skirt for himself and wear it on stage?

Opening the bag, Luoyang found that Liu Qin was not mischievous. Inside was a white suit. It was made of great material and felt very comfortable to the touch. There was also a pair of leather shoes.

He didn't say much, got into the room, changed, and walked out again after a while.

He wears an extremely well-fitting white suit that is simple and elegant, coupled with his slender and straight body, especially his pair of twinkling black eyes with a hint of mystery, which adds to his unusual charm.

After putting on the suit...

His diamond finally no longer conceals its dazzling light!

Hua Qi's eyes flashed with surprise. In her impression, the bosses were all casually wearing casual jackets and a pair of ordinary sneakers.

But when the boss puts on a straight suit and rarely combs his hair up, his gentle and jade-like temperament with a sharp edge is extremely contradictory, making it difficult for people to look away after just one glance.


"So handsome!"

Hua Qi nodded quickly and said.

A smile appeared at the corner of Luoyang's mouth. Since his rebirth, he has insisted on exercising. His body, which was not strong at first, now highlights a rare streamlined structure, and the mermaid line on his abdomen is even more clear.

"But why, boss..." Hua Qi hesitated.

"Why is my painting style suddenly different from my previous painting style?" Luo Yang asked with a chuckle.

Hua Qi nodded immediately. Yes, that was the feeling. The previous boss was indifferent to the world and even had no ambition.

But the current boss not only showed his enterprising spirit in opening a studio, but his temperament also seemed to have changed. He still had a gentle and jade-like side, but the exposed edge was also beating and eager to try.

Luoyang smiled and said: "You know Laozi and Zhuangzi, right?"

Hua Qi nodded immediately: "Just do nothing and let nature take its course."

Luoyang nodded: "Just because I am indifferent by nature and do not participate in the disputes of outsiders. I just live in my own world, so sometimes I will be very passive. Just because you don't argue, it doesn't mean that others will be like you. When If your existence itself has value, there will always be someone to ruin your mood.”

Hua Qi nodded in understanding.

Luoyang laughed: "Okay, it's probably my turn to appear soon, I'm going out."

Hua Qi nodded.

On the way, Luoyang couldn't help but ask: "How did you get into the boys' dormitory?"

Hua Qi smiled and said, "I told the dormitory aunt that I was your sister, and then she let me in."

"It turns out that Hua Qi can also lie to others. It seems that Boss Jin didn't lie to me. The more beautiful a woman is in this world, the more likely she is to lie to others. But I don't know if Liu Qin can lie to others... No, she is not a woman, so She won't lie."

"What did you say, boss?"

Hua Qi asked curiously. She only heard Luoyang whispering softly, but she couldn't hear it clearly.

Luoyang shook his head and said, "Nothing."


At the opening ceremony venue, the audience was packed with people.

Luoyang bypassed the crowded place and went directly to the backstage.

Xu Jie, who had been waiting so hard that he was almost starry-eyed, ran over immediately when he saw Luoyang coming, and said nervously: "It will be your turn to take the stage soon, are you ready?"

"Don't worry, you're ready." Luoyang said with a smile.

"Well, but the clothes you are wearing today..." Xu Jie looked at Luoyang and said with emotion: "Now I understand why so many people call you Luo Shuai. Most talented people with such appearance will be famous throughout the ages. , such as Li Yu and Song Yu, such as Pan Anweijie."

Luoyang rolled his eyes and said, "None of the ones you mentioned will end well."

The other people in the background were looking at Luoyang with bright eyes at this moment. The dazzling white suit, the exquisite and flawless profile, coupled with the gentle and sharp temperament, it was perfect.

There was even a girl who couldn't help but feel the surge in her heart and asked for thousands of Luoyang's autographs.

Looking at this woman, Luoyang felt familiar, and vaguely remembered that she seemed to be a beautiful tutor in the literature department.

He smiled and signed, and when he finished signing, the host's voice sounded in front of the stage: "Next, we invite this year's student representative Luoyang to come on stage to speak."

There was warm applause from the audience, and many students had a look of anticipation on their faces.

And when Luoyang, dressed in a white suit, appeared on the stage, countless screams suddenly rang out from the audience. Every girl looked excited and excited, looking at Luoyang with gleaming eyes——

So handsome!

Some people say that in this society, handsome people cannot be used as food.

But when you are really handsome to a certain extent, handsomeness can be used as food.

Of course, this does not mean that Luoyang is so handsome. In fact, he can make the girls in the audience scream, and the talent bonus accounts for the most important proportion. He is Luoyang, he is also a beautiful man in white, and he is a famous martial arts master.

After the cheers in the audience calmed down slightly, Luoyang finally spoke.

As a result, Luoyang's first words on stage caused an uproar in the audience!

Luoyang said: "Sorry, everyone, you are in the wrong place. Today's speech is cancelled."

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