Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 390 I’m not frigid

When I got home, there happened to be beef in the refrigerator, so Luoyang made a bowl of beef noodles.

Liu Qin had another announcement, so he was busy running outside. There was only Luoyang at home, so cooking was convenient. In fact, Luoyang could also choose to hire a servant, but Luoyang's family had not been particularly wealthy since he was a child. Not used to the feeling of being served.

He is used to being self-sufficient on his own, so he doesn't need servants to take care of him.

When the steaming bowl of noodles was gone, Luoyang entered the study, turned on the air conditioner, and logged in to Weibo.

As a result, as soon as I opened the main account Baiyi Qingcheng, all kinds of Aite messages, private messages, etc. started ringing non-stop, and the messages flashed.

Luoyang has long been used to this. Countless fans send him private messages every day, or like him on Weibo. Especially since Luoyang has just won the classic martial arts grandmaster award of the times, there are probably even more people who like him and send him private messages. too much.

For private messages, he would take a cursory look at them every time.

Occasionally, I will respond to meaningful questions and communicate with fans.

Clicking on today's private message, Luoyang saw a lot of messages from fans, row after row, which was dizzying to see.

"Luo Da, congratulations on becoming the winner of the Martial Arts Grandmaster Award!"

"Luo Da, I really like you. You have always been my idol..."

"I watched [Battle of the Forbidden City], Luo Da, why don't you go filming? With your appearance, you will definitely be very popular if you go filming!"

"Ye Gucheng, played by you, Luo Da, is so cool in [Battle at the Forbidden City]. After watching this video, I fell deeply in love with Master Qin..."

"I strongly recommend you, Mr. Luo, to film a movie. It would be a pity not to act if you are so handsome. Also, are you and Mr. Qin really just friends? What a pity. I feel that you two are a match for each other, especially in "The Battle of the Forbidden City". In the end, Ximen When Chui Xue held Ye Gucheng's body..."

"Strongly request Luo Da to take Liu Qin in. You two are a match made in heaven."

"Luo Da, you belong to Mr. Qin, so don't be half-hearted, or else you will turn into a villain in a minute!"

"Luo Da, don't let the wealth go to outsiders. You must include Master Qin in your harem, and your little fans will join in!"

Luoyang's head is full of black lines, and he keeps shouting about "don't let the wealth go to outsiders, harem, etc.". I'm sure it's not a comic book. Have you read too many stallion novels?

However, Luoyang also knew that in his previous life, there was a type of fans called cp fans - they were fans of a pair of male and female celebrities, and they particularly wanted a certain pair of celebrities to be together.

This is a special kind of fan group. There must be a cupid-like little angel living in their hearts. Of course, it is generally difficult for CP fans to realize their wishes. After all, they don’t actually know the true relationship between the parties involved.

They only judge based on appearances.

This wish is made from the perspective of the public and bystanders.

What Luoyang didn't expect was that he and Liu Qin would also have CP fans.

He has seen fans clamoring for him and Liu Qin to be together more than once.

In fact, it is not difficult to understand that in the eyes of these people, Luoyang and Liu Qin are definitely talented men and beautiful women!

The cp characters of the talented scholar and beautiful lady who look like they look like each other have greatly inspired the pink side of fans, especially Luoyang and Liu Qin, who feel that they are the best in their respective fields.

However, when Luoyang thought about it carefully, he suddenly discovered that Liu Qin had never had any scandals with other male stars except herself. This is really unusual for a female star who has been in her debut for some time. rare.

Just, no matter what.

The wishes of CP fans can obviously only be wishes.

Luoyang will never judge what the future will be like, but at the moment, Luoyang is definitely unable to have any emotions beyond friendship towards Liu Qin...

Yes, indeed, subconsciously, Luoyang regards Liu Qin as a harbor in his heart - he hides the secrets of his past life in his heart, and only Liu Qin knows these secrets. This gives Luoyang a sense of release, Liu Qin is him A harbor where the heart can be released.

Liu Qin can relieve Luoyang's pressure, and even Liu Qin itself represents Luoyang's certain sustenance for the past life.

Although Liu Qin claimed to be from the Dragon Kingdom during the Chinese New Year and only gained merciful memories, this argument is not 100% tenable.

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if this is true and Liu Qin is really from the Dragon Kingdom, she is still Liu Qin. Regardless of whether the mercy from her previous life is still there or not, Liu Qin in this world has become important to Luoyang and cannot be ignored. People who don't care anymore.

This is the reason for their special relationship.

Luoyang can go through fire and water for Liu Qin at any time, but this does not mean that he likes Liu Qin.

There are many kinds of feelings in the world. People who seem to be a good match may not necessarily call you. The same is true between men and women.

Luoyang felt that Liu Qin was the same. Although for various reasons, Liu Qin seemed to be very dependent on Luoyang, and even occasionally did things that could easily lead to misunderstandings, but when it comes to the relationship between men and women, It's obviously impossible.

"That's what I say, but I don't seem to call others..."

Luoyang was a little troubled. He seemed to have had a crush on the school beauty in his previous life, and he also had thoughts and yearnings for extremely beautiful female celebrities.

But in this life, he seemed to have completely lost interest in these beauties. Liu Qin was originally responsible for this. Luoyang believed that he did not want to irritate Liu Qin, so he suppressed his thoughts about other women.

But when Liu Qin said that she was a natural beauty from the Dragon Kingdom, Luoyang still couldn't have feelings for other girls, which was terrible. Liu Qin dumped the blame, and Luoyang realized that it was his own problem and had nothing to do with anyone else.

"Am I really cold-blooded?"

Luoyang worriedly wondered whether a man who had no feelings for even the most beautiful beauties was a symbol of frigidity.

Luoyang thought for a while and shook his head: "No, no, no, it's too one-sided to say so. Maybe I am a Liu Xiahui-type character who can be beautiful and withered bones. The so-called beauties will only be a pile of withered bones after a hundred years, so I can't feel much about their appearance..."

Luoyang tried to justify himself: "Or maybe the girl in my life hasn't appeared yet."

Maybe when that person appears, the turmoil in his heart will be completely released.

Moreover, part of the reason for being indifferent to other beauties lies with Liu Qin. Faced with Liu Qin’s face that brings disaster to the country and the people every day, other women are instantly killed and become vulgar fans. Even her figure, Liu Qin They are all proud, how can other girls fall in Luoyang's eyes so easily.

"Anyway, I'm not frigid..." Luoyang concluded seriously.

(I recommend you a song called "Snow between the Eyebrows", an ancient style song, and the effect will be better if taken in conjunction with the MV^_^)

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