Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 399: Sword Points at Science Fiction

Yes, Luoyang doesn't care much about offending the General Information Administration.

Because the General Information Administration is currently focusing on the development of the cultural and entertainment industries, Luoyang happens to be able to promote the development of both. For example, Luoyang writes a science fiction novel that makes the Dragon Kingdom applauded?

By single-handedly making up for the shortcomings of the Dragon Kingdom, the General Information Administration will not only not regard him as a thorn in the side, but will also protect him as a treasure - the winner of the Martial Arts Grandmaster Award writes science fiction, which is indeed a bit of a monster. .

But for some convenience, Luoyang doesn't mind acting more evil.

Hua Qi also quickly understood the meaning of Luoyang's words. For example, in a sales company, if a certain employee is particularly jumpy, the boss will definitely be dissatisfied with the jumpy employee, but if this employee has the ability to help every month How many millions of net profits did the company make?

That's not called jumping, it's called having personality, and it's too late for the company to protect the employee.

This is why Luoyang is confident. If the foundation is strong enough, troubles that can be solved are not considered troubles.

Of course, that's what he said, but it doesn't mean that Luoyang will write science fiction immediately. He still needs a suitable opportunity. Anyway, the General Information Administration will not cause trouble for him now. When the other party really causes trouble, he will do it again. It's time to take action.

"Status is very important at critical moments."

Luoyang realized this. He was a famous martial arts master and had reached the pinnacle in the martial arts category. But to be honest, martial arts novels had only just been recognized in the Dragon Kingdom literature category, and their status was naturally higher than in other industries.

But compared with colleagues in the literary world, it is inevitably a bit stretched.

Therefore, Luoyang came up with the idea of ​​​​other classifications. Only when his achievements are no longer limited to martial arts can his status be improved to a higher level.

Luoyang said to himself: "The category of science fiction is currently the most suitable category to improve my personal status, because this category is the biggest shortcoming of Dragon Kingdom. Once I encounter a suitable opportunity, I will immediately enter the field of science fiction. "


The next day, all major media reported on the [Jihad] riots in Luoyang and Gong Xueyi.

You know, this online war involving tens of millions of people swept the entire online world yesterday. All social platforms were paying attention to or discussing the war. Various media quickly got involved in the incident, and some TV stations even actively produced special program.

Mainstream media remained critical, calling the jihad a "cyber riot."

However, this is the best of times and the worst of times. The passionate young people on the Internet do not think this is a riot. The results of the jihad are shocking. They call this riot a war, and the participants even like it. Talk about it with outsiders.

"Everyone including Gong Xueyi, the moderator of the Gate of Life and Death Forum, was defeated by our war alliance. This was the first time that all fans of Luo University joined forces to fight against the enemy. The scene was simply unprecedented, as if everyone from all directions belonged to us. people!"

"What makes people most proud is that Gong Xueyi's fighting monster forum was directly hacked by a hacker from our side. He said that if you want war, I will give you war. It was so frightening that no one dared to respond, even the hacker. They were dispatched, and the other party must have been frightened!"

"Afterwards, media statistics showed that the number of online people participating in the jihad exceeded 60 million, and the vast majority of them are our people. The fans of all the novels in Luoyang University, including the White Clothes League, combined, are simply overwhelming and unstoppable! "

Fans were frothing at the mouth about the story.

And some people who didn't have access to the Internet yesterday only became aware of it today.

After understanding the whole story, several keywords such as Luoyang, Gong Xueyi, and Jihad immediately entered the hot search list, Qiandu Trending list, hot topics and other major public platforms, and Luoyang's phrase "I am in white" The alliance always protects its shortcomings," which was called one of the most domineering declarations of the year by countless netizens.

That afternoon, Gong Xueyi held a press conference.

At the press conference, Gong Xueyi's face was as white as a sheet of paper and she looked extremely weak. Her eyes were red and she had obviously been crying for a long time.

The camera kept clicking, and manager Zhao Jie stood beside Gong Xueyi and patted Gong Xueyi's shoulder gently.

Then Gong Xueyi finally spoke, lowering her arrogant head in the face of the media from all directions: "I would like to apologize to all members of Teacher Luo's fan group White Clothes League for making some inappropriate remarks that have caused harm to many people. Irreparable damage..."

When she said this, Gong Xueyi couldn't hold back her tears anymore and started falling down.

The reporters were shooting more diligently, and the successive flashes of light seemed to illuminate the hotel launch site into a gorgeous stage.

But the protagonist on the stage was crying at the moment: "I also want to apologize to Teacher Luoyang, because I made a joke in the comic, but I didn't expect that it would become such a big deal. I feel ashamed of my mistake, and I hope Teacher Luoyang can forgive me." I, I am already working on revising this part of the plot..."

Gong Xueyi seemed to be speechless, and her cries became more and more miserable, so that the manager Zhao Jie beside her couldn't help but cry.

But she definitely wouldn't cry. After taking Gong Xueyi's words, Zhao Jie bowed to the reporters at the scene and said, "Xueyi is just a girl who has just turned twenty. She doesn't know much about the ways of the world. I have never suffered any setbacks since I was a child, so it is inevitable that I will do something wrong, but Xue Yi has now realized her mistakes... No one can make mistakes without being a sage. I hope everyone will give Xue Yi a chance to change."

After saying that, Zhao Jie pulled Gong Xueyi and bowed to the people present, with a very low posture.

The picture froze, and the news headline [Gong Xueyi held a press conference to publicly apologize] was in the center of the screen. Luoyang picked up the remote control and turned off the TV.

There was no need to watch Gong Xueyi's press conference anymore. The result Luoyang wanted had been achieved. He didn't want to guess whether Gong Xueyi's apology was sincere. At least this gesture was qualified and could satisfy Luoyang's fans.

If the fans are satisfied, Luoyang will naturally be satisfied as well and will not care too much about it.

However, Luoyang also knew in his heart that if Hua Qi hadn't put pressure on Gong Xueyi's employer, Dai Mantan, Gong Xueyi wouldn't have apologized so honestly.

This "Fighting Monster" is Gong Xueyi's foundation. Gong Xueyi will definitely be scared when "Fighting Monster" is suspended. Cartoonists rely on their works to survive, so for this very popular work, she must Will bow to Luoyang.

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