Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 506 One Sword of Frost and Fourteen States (Second update)

It's December.

Luoyang did not go to work. He was lying on the sofa at home playing with his mobile phone.

In November, five of my own online articles were in a frenzy, which forced Luoyang to explode continuously. The workload was tens of thousands of words every day, and the hand of the convulsor felt Alexander, so the biggest sequelae of the outbreak is that Luoyang is now completely hollowed out. .

He was so tired that he didn't want to go to work. Anyway, Huaqi took care of the company's affairs every day.

But there is still one thing that Luoyang needs to deal with, and that is the god-making plan that Xiang Tao has been talking about. According to him, the entire Huaxia.com is now supported by a white-clad Allure. Although the current momentum is very good, this state is not Not healthy.

When the five books in Luoyang's hand are finished, will he still have the energy to continue to open five books?

The answer is already obvious. Wuxia has done this once, and Internet articles have done it once. Luoyang has no idea of ​​doing it a third time. He is really exhausted, so he agrees with Xiang Tao's plan to create a god. of.

So driven by this reason, China.com's first annual author meeting began.

As the first annual meeting of China.com, it must be held in a lively manner, otherwise it will not be in line with China.com’s status as the number one in the industry. By then, all authors who have achieved high-quality results on China.com will be invited to the annual meeting. Luoyang will also attend the annual meeting during the inlay ceremony!

He is not only the person with the most unparalleled performance of Huaxia.com, but also the boss behind the scenes of Huaxia.com.

There are even many high-quality authors who come to the Huaxia.com annual meeting just to see the beauty in white.

In order to hold this annual meeting, the publicity department and planning department of Shuimu Culture Company started booking a top hotel in Tiandu early.

On December 5th, Huaxia.com writers from all over the country came to the annual meeting with invitations from Huaxia.com. There were lights and colors everywhere, and red carpets were spread in the long corridor.

The authors who arrived one after another sat in the seats with their pen names written on them.

Some authors of similar levels were already chatting among each other.

In fact, most of the authors of online articles are otakus, and most of their social circles are also composed of authors.

However, many of these authors have known each other online for a long time and have never met in person.

Therefore, the first annual conference held by Huaxia.com can be regarded as providing an opportunity for the majority of Internet article authors to get to know each other in real life.

However, when everyone is talking, they will always mention Bai Yiqingcheng intentionally or unintentionally. One author said expectantly: "By the way, why hasn't Bai Da appeared? I really want to see him. It was because of Bai Da that I embarked on the path of online writing two years ago." of."

People in the Internet literary world still like to call Luoyang "White City", even though in the real world the meaning of the name Luoyang has exceeded that of "The City in White Clothes".

What everyone is talking about more is the monthly ticket competition for the five-book Allure in White in November. Many authors are beaming with excitement and looking forward to it. When the Internet writing game reaches this level, colleagues can only look up and sigh with emotion. City people really know how to do it. It’s time to play.

The time soon reached eleven o'clock noon.

As the host appeared on the stage, the first program prepared by China.com was displayed in front of the authors.

First, the lights were lowered, and then the venue went dark. About three or four seconds passed, and a slender beam of light suddenly lit up on the stage.

These slender beams of light rotated rapidly on the stage, and finally converged into a huge beam of light that stopped at the exit of the backstage. There, an exquisite woman wearing a red robe slowly walked towards the center of the stage. Come.

In the pillar of light, a woman wearing a long dress that looked like it was studded with countless stars appeared.

On the long skirt, the crystal stones are dazzling under the reflection of the light, noble, elegant, and slightly sexy!

The Huaxia.com writers from all over the country in the audience immediately became excited, because everyone was familiar with the woman on the stage - she was none other than the newly popular singing queen of Long Country and the only scandal target in Luoyang, Liu Qin!

Yes, Liu Qin finished her trip outside and returned to Tiandu.

It happened to be that Huaxia.com was holding its annual meeting, so Luoyang simply brought Liu Qin over to support the occasion - as the queen of the Dragon Country singing world, Liu Qin's weight is real, and she has the specifications for this annual meeting. There was a lot of lift immediately.

When the excitement gradually subsided, the audience was waiting for Liu Qin's performance.

Holding the microphone, Liu Qin's voice spread through the speakers to every corner of the auditorium: "Invincible is so lonely, invincible is so empty, alone at the top with the cold wind blowing constantly, who can understand my loneliness... "

Listening to Liu Qin's lyrics on the stage, the writers in the audience all looked at each other in bewilderment.

After a while, someone couldn't help but laugh: "It's so interesting. China.com actually invited Queen Liu Qin to sing at this annual meeting. What's even more interesting is Liu Qin's song, How Lonely Is Invincible, which is Allure in white?"

Another author said: "Maybe there is another meaning, because our Huaxia.com is now also the website with the largest traffic in the Internet literary world."

The author was discussing in a low voice in the audience, while Liu Qin on the stage continued to sing: "Invincible is so lonely, invincible is so empty, can she who is hiding in the sky listen to me, my loneliness, endless loneliness... "

The song was short, one and a half minutes in total, and after she finished singing, she left the stage to a round of applause.

Entering the backstage, Liu Qin winked at Luoyang who was waiting here: "How about it, are you satisfied with the songs I selected?"

Luoyang couldn't help but hold his forehead, shook his head and said: "I asked you to sing a song on the stage, why did you choose this one? Isn't it too high-profile?"

How lonely it is to be invincible, how empty it is to be invincible, etc. Such lyrics can easily make people have various associations. After all, not long after the monthly ticket war last month, Long Kong is still lamenting the loneliness of the master in white.

Liu Qin smiled and said: "I don't think there is anything wrong with being high-profile."

Luoyang couldn't help but laugh: "Well, in that case, you don't have to worry about what others think."

At this time, the host's voice suddenly sounded: "Thank you to the Queen for her song and dedication to today's performance. Now let us invite the boss of Huaxia.com, who is also the number one person in the literary world of Longguo.com, to appear in Luoyang in white! "

"Then I'll go on stage first."

Luoyang spoke to Liu Qin.

After the host finished speaking, the writers who came to the scene invited by China.com all stared at the stage with their eyes wide open.

Luoyang, who was dressed formally, walked onto the stage with a smile on his face. When he just walked to the center of the stage, all the online writers suddenly stood up - there was no preview, no advance arrangement, these people all spontaneously Stand up sexually!

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