Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 512 The Smiling Proud Ranking

After sending Tang Muling away, Luoyang returned home.

It was only after seven o'clock, it was too early to go to bed, and Luoyang's coding task for today was also completed.

He opened the contemporary comics world and read the serialization of "Dragon Ball" - after finishing the Saiyan plot of "Dragon Ball" before, Luoyang handed over the plot outline of "Dragon Ball" to An Yi, so now "Dragon Ball" The writer has become An Yi.

Regarding this, Luoyang did not hide it, but directly explained it to comic fans in the contemporary comics world.

At the beginning, comic fans in the contemporary comic world protested collectively. Everyone always felt that if someone else wrote "Dragon Ball", the quality of the comic would definitely decrease, because how could anyone who took over midway understand the essence of "Dragon Ball"?

But after An Yi serialized a few paintings, the voices of protest decreased a lot.

Because the "Dragon Ball" that An Yi took over completely inherited the style of this comic, and the drawings are no worse than Luoyang.

Some fans also posted information about An Yi in the contemporary comics forum: "An Yi is a beautiful girl painter from the Dragon Kingdom. She has made countless achievements in painting at a young age. She is a well-known female painter in China. Although she has never drawn comics before, But his mastery of drawing skills is much better than that of ordinary cartoonists.”

More importantly, this fan also posted a photo of An Yi - a pure natural beauty, which directly hit the hearts of some male comic fans.

Why is Gong Xueyi so popular? The good work is definitely one of the reasons, but Gong Xueyi's appearance also plays a big factor. An Yi, who now takes over "Dragon Ball", not only does not destroy the feeling that the original work brings to comic fans , and also has a face that is no worse than Gong Xueyi.

This naturally made the opposing comic fans calm down even more. Some male fans even thought that it would be good to let An Yi draw "Dragon Ball", at least it would be more eye-catching than Luoyang.

The saddest thing is probably female manga fans. They are very obsessed with Luoyang's appearance. In their opinion, every time they think of Luoyang, the author of "Dragon Ball", who is a very good-looking male god, they feel that even the plot of "Dragon Ball" is too good. It becomes more and more exciting.

However, because An Yi’s drawings after taking over “Dragon Ball” were excellent, there were almost no black spots.

After protesting for a period of time, these female comic fans saw that the outcome could not be changed, so they silently accepted this fact.

After all, Luoyang is still the writer and screenwriter of "Dragon Ball", so the popularity of "Dragon Ball" ranking first in the contemporary comic industry has not been affected at all. This has disappointed those comic authors who have been suppressed by "Dragon Ball" for a long time. They thought "Dragon Ball" "Dragon Ball" will just go silent.

In fact, the "Dragon Ball" painted by An Yi is not completely different from the previous life.

Because Luoyang only provided the plot, many of the split shots were handled by An Yi herself.

The same plot, if presented by different cartoonists, will naturally produce different effects. This is why Luoyang pursues "Dragon Ball".

Luoyang still likes An Yi's handling of many scenes. He has been following the comic for more than a month since the comic was transferred to An Yi. The expected plot and the different scenes from the previous life actually made Luoyang interested in following it. exuberant.

What also surprised Luoyang was that An Yi's serialization speed of "Dragon Ball" was almost the same as Luoyang's previous serialization speed.

This is amazing. In terms of speed alone, Luoyang will definitely surpass any cartoonist. And An Yi has a speed similar to his own, which undoubtedly shows the genius of the other person. This is an almost perfect cartoon. heir.


After reading the serialization of "Dragon Ball", Luoyang took another look at the status of his five online books.

The top five on the Thousand Degrees list are still occupied by five of his books. Among them, "Back to the Ming Dynasty to Be a Prince" ranked fifth has 1.3 million views, directly beating the sixth place. In a small section, five carriages can be ridden in one fell swoop.

Not to mention "Fights Break the Sphere" which ranked first.

Continuing the passion and excitement that Luoyang had when he created "Wushuang" and "Coiling Dragon", this work lives up to expectations.

Among them, the one that has made the fastest progress is "The Story of a Mortal's Cultivation of Immortality". This kind of book, which becomes more and more interesting the more you read it, has great stamina. It has already entered the second place on the Thousand Degrees list. Although it cannot surpass "Fights Break the Sphere", it still has great potential. It's also very scary.

"Maybe we can wait until Celery and the others release a new book to threaten my position."

With a smile on his face, Luoyang taught creativity to Celery and the others. One of the reasons was to help Huaxia.com become a god, and the second reason was because Luoyang was interested in the Qiandu list.

Previously, Fantasy Book League occupied all the first to tenth places. Now five of my own books have taken over the top five positions. However, the works from sixth to tenth are still from Fantasy Book League. This has led to Fantasy Book League’s Baidu. The insect is dead but not stiff.

Luoyang is planning to let the website promote Celery's new book more.

By then, with their unique creativity and the talents of Celery and others, Huaxia.com has great hope of dominating the list!

It would be very interesting to kick out all Fantasy Book League works from sixth to tenth on the Thousand Degrees list.

When Huaxia.com occupies the top ten of the Qiandu Ranking, the Fantasy Book Alliance will be hit hard again, and their so-called Alliance of Gods will also exist in name only.

Celery's strength is not bad, Bichon Frize should be able to handle the transformation theme, White Horse and Not a Horse also has potential, the Blood Handwriting fandom is worth looking forward to.

Among the five Celery people, Luoyang is most optimistic about Tang Muling. As a female disciple, she has already established her status as a god with the "Doomsday Overlord". In the next book, she will continue to use the Doomsday Flow to expand territory and have a good chance of becoming the supreme god.

It’s been a long time since a supreme god appeared in the world of online literature.

The previous supreme gods were Allure in White, Rat Eating Cat and Stone Man.

Since "Coiling Dragon", Allure in White has actually surpassed the position of the Supreme God. Rats eating cats and stone men were completely beaten by Luoyang.

But the three words "Supreme God" are already the most top-notch title for the author of Internet articles in the Internet literature world. Therefore, the mouse eats the cat and the stone man can always achieve a nominal equivalence with Luoyang - only the name remains. It's equal.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that the status of the three people is completely different.

Two years ago, when Bai Yi Qingcheng wrote "Wushuang", Stone Man, Rat Eating Cat could barely compete with Bai Yi Qingcheng.

At that time, Baiyi Qingcheng had just arrived and had no background. He could only rely on the quality of "Wu Shuang" to gradually attract readers to condense their divine nature.

Two years later, Baiyi Qingcheng went crazy to suppress everything and dominate the rankings. The existence of the alliance of gods such as stone men, rats and cats can no longer be touched, and they can only compete with the disciples of Luoyang!

Luoyang even suspected that Stone Man and the others might not be Tang Muling's opponents.

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