Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 515 Tang Feng Shelter

After returning home in the evening, Luoyang showed off the ticket stubs for "Future Storm".

He commented on Weibo: "This is an excellent science fiction movie with great actors and a great director. I recommend everyone to watch it."

As a national writer with over 100 million followers, Luoyang doesn't easily advertise, but once he advertises for someone, the effect will be good. This can be seen from the fact that the number of comments on his meager account easily exceeded 10,000 in a short period of time. .

"Did Luo Da also watch "Future Storm"?"

"I also watched this movie. It's a very good movie. Tang Feng's big screen debut was very successful."

"I'm wondering what movie to watch on a date with my girlfriend tomorrow. Since Los Angeles University recommends "Future Storm", let's choose this one."

"Hey, are you sure you want to watch "Future Storm" upstairs? As far as I know, the breakup rate after watching this movie is very high, because the girls are calling Tang Feng husband after watching the movie."

"Hey, has "Future Storm" been released? This movie has been promoted before, but I have basically given up on Dragon Kingdom science fiction, so I don't plan to go see it. Since Bai Da recommended it and said it is good, then I will go Take a look."

Idols have a strong influence on fans. Although Luoyang cannot replace the fans' decisions, he can influence his fans from the side.

In order to get closer to their idols, many fans don't mind doing the same things as their idols - they also want to see what movies their idols have gone to, and they also want to read what books their idols have been reading recently.

This is also the reason why the net worth of those celebrity idols remains high.

In addition, some fans left a message: "If you think about it carefully, Luo Da did not help with advertising when Master Qin released his new album. This time when Tang Feng's new movie was released, Luo Da immediately took advantage of the meager profits - —Tsk, did I discover something?”

This message has many comments.

"It seems that facts have once again proved that Luo Da's heart has been given to Tang Feng."

"The truth is revealed upstairs. Sure enough, the girls' boyfriends are all in love. We, **Si, have another chance!"

"Speaking of it, isn't it normal for Luo Da to have a mouthful of Tang Feng? After all, Tang Feng is Luo Da's right-hand man!"

It seemed like he was getting a little off-kilter. This was not the first time that such comments appeared in Luoyang's meager comments. Luoyang couldn't help but laugh after reading it - as a public figure, of course he has to have some entertainment. Spirit.

After recommending movies, Luoyang took a shower and went to bed.

For him, recommending this movie is just a casual thing.

After all, Tang Feng is the male lead in this movie. As one of the only two artists of Shuimu Culture, there is nothing strange about Luoyang helping Tang Feng to cheer for him, because the better the results of this movie, the more Tang Feng gets. The greater the honor.

But what Luoyang didn't expect was that in the next few days...

This science fiction movie called "Future Storm" completely exploded at the box office!

On December 10, the box office of "Future Storm" successfully exceeded 200 million on its first day, starting a money-grabbing mode.

On December 15th, the ratings of "Future Storm" continued to rise, and the number of votes exceeded 800 million, exceeding the imagination of countless people.

On December 24, the box office of "Future Storm" has reached a total of 1.6 billion. Even if you go out to eat in Luoyang, you can hear people discussing this recently popular science fiction movie - the same period as "Future Storm" All the movies were reduced to cannon fodder.

The box office explosion of "Future Storm" shocked the industry and even Luoyang.

In his opinion, although the quality of this movie is indeed good, it should not be a phenomenon. How come it suddenly became a super hit, popular all over the country, and attracted movie fans across the country?

Luoyang couldn't think of the reason for a while.

But the impact of this movie is really growing.

The door of Shuimu Culture Company began to be crowded with reporters every day. These reporters had only one purpose, and that was to interview Tang Feng!

Yes, as "Future Storm" continues to be popular, in addition to becoming famous as a film director, Tang Feng, the film's leading actor, has also skyrocketed in popularity, causing countless reporters to chase him and even squat downstairs at Shuimu Culture Company. Don't leave.

On December 25th, Luoyang returned to the company.

As soon as he got off the bus, he encountered a group of gorgeous girls holding up signs saying "Tang Feng, I love you".

Just as Luoyang was about to go upstairs, a group of reporters who had been squatting downstairs of Shuimu Culture for a long time recognized Luoyang immediately. They gathered around him and asked countless questions in an instant, all about Tang Feng.

"Hello, Mr. Luo, can you allow Tang Feng to be interviewed by our Entertainment Weekly?"

"Hello, Mr. Luo, could you please comment on Tang Feng's performance in the movie "Future Storm"?"

"Excuse me, Mr. Luo, "Future Storm" has been a hit at the box office. As the boss of actor Tang Feng, do you have anything to say to Tang Feng's fans?"

Previously, Luoyang could only feel the popularity of "Future Storm" through the dazzling numbers exposed on the Internet, but now the enthusiasm of these reporters in front of them has allowed Luoyang to truly appreciate the power of this movie.

For a moment, he didn't know what to say, so he could only smile and say: "Tang Feng performed very well."

Long Wanchun, who drove Luoyang to the company, appeared. He saw that Luoyang was not ready to deal with reporters, so he stood between Luoyang and reporters with a cold face.

At this time, the elevator arrived and Luoyang ran away. The reporter wanted to chase but was stopped by Long Wanchun. They couldn't help but feel very annoyed - they wanted to break into the Twin Towers, but the security guards around them were also watching eagerly and there was no way they could get in with their cameras.

As soon as he entered the company, Luoyang met Hua Qi who was coming towards him: "Boss, Tang Feng is taking refuge in your office."

"Shelter?" Luoyang thought of the hungry reporters downstairs and suddenly couldn't help but laugh: "Oh, when did my office change its name to Tang Feng Shelter?"

Hua Qi curled her lips: "Anyway, boss, you can just have some fun. Tang Feng is now the star of our company."

No one expected that the box office of "Future Storm" would explode directly. You must know that this is obviously a science fiction movie. With the overall sluggishness of science fiction in Dragon Kingdom, how could the box office of this movie be so high?

But "Future Storm" happened to break out, and almost everyone couldn't understand it.

In short, with the popularity of the movie, Tang Feng's net worth is bound to take a leap, and his ability to make money for the company will also skyrocket. This is why Hua Qi said that Tang Feng is the meat and potatoes of Shuimu Culture.

"Well, I'll go in first."

After making an OK gesture to Hua Qi, Luoyang entered his office. As soon as he entered, he saw Tang Feng sitting on the sofa and staring at his mobile phone.

"Hello, boss." Seeing Luoyang come in, Tang Feng put away his phone and stood up.

"Take a seat first, congratulations on your box office success." Luoyang said with a smile.

It is indeed funny to say that other entertainment companies can't cultivate a superstar despite their hard work.

But Shuimu Culture just set up a nondescript and unprofessional entertainment department, and actually produced two superstars in succession - first Liu Qin, who became the youngest diva in the Dragon Country singing world, and now there is Tang Feng, who has expanded his territory in the film industry. .

As the boss, Luoyang didn't actually give them much help except money.

Regardless of whether Liu Qin or Tang Feng, they were able to reach their current status and achievements mostly because of themselves, which made Luoyang very emotional.

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