Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 524 Fishing in troubled waters

"So this is how so-called geniuses come from!"

"Is it important to have money? It's really funny to be a national writer."

"Haha, money clears the way. I don't know whether I should call you a writer or a businessman?"

"Fortunately, I didn't read "The Heartbreaker" and "Prisoner for a Day" that you wrote. Most of the good reviews are from fake actors. After all, you are rich and can afford them."

"Wouldn't it be nice to write your martial arts in peace and quiet? Why are you doing science fiction and jumping around? You still want to squeeze out Teacher Bai Yi's main position. Can your level be as high as Teacher Bai Yi?"

There is no need to be responsible when speaking on the Internet, so there are always some people who flaunt freedom of speech and then attack some things they don't understand without asking for explanations - they think they have the truth, but they don't know that they are just being used by people with malicious intentions.

Of course, there are also some people who simply want to protect their own idols.

When Bai Yi was in his prime, he had many fans. The old ghost's "revelation" and Bai Yi's meagerness ignited the anger of these people.

So after Lao Gui's revelations aroused repercussions, Luoyang's meager salary was immediately attacked by angry fans like Bai Yi, and the comment area was filled with trolls as soon as it was refreshed.

Fans in Luoyang didn't understand what was going on at first. The so-called popularity is high, but Luoyang's meager figure has no shortage of trolls, but usually trolls are only a few and appear sporadically. It's rare to see such a big one. Mass smear appears.

This is the rhythm when someone wants to cause trouble!

Fans in Luoyang soon learned the whole story through Lao Gui's revelation.

It was this kind of trumped-up charge again. A science fiction writer and an Internet celebrity broke the news without evidence, causing a bunch of people to rush to attack Luo University?

Fans in Luoyang did not accept this, and they would not doubt Luoyang because of such revelations. They immediately organized a counterattack, and some even ran under Bai Yi Weibo and sprayed him back. Within a moment, the two sides started fighting. group!

The result was a one-sided massacre!

There are one after another people who want to use Luoyang's fame as a hype.

Not to mention Bai Yi, even those popular superstars in the entertainment industry who are at odds with Luoyang are destined to be unhappy. The meaning of the four words "national writer" is more than just a title. Luoyang is proud of its huge fan base. capital!

Not to mention the terrifying cohesion of the White Clothes Alliance.

Even those fans in Luoyang who have not joined the White Clothes Alliance are quite powerful in combat.

It only took half an hour for Bai Yi fans' slander to be completely covered by the voices of Luoyang fans, who could only keep struggling.

Looking at the rapidly changing situation on the Internet, Bai Yi was already a little confused - what is going on? Did he get the wrong script? Why did someone suddenly reveal the whole story of the incident? It stands to reason that not many people know about this. Less?

Could it be that "Science Fiction World" created the hype itself for the sake of sales?

Bai Yi couldn't figure it out. On the occasion of the launch of the Galaxy Award, "Science Fiction World" didn't need any hype at all for its sales to skyrocket.

But one thing is certain, that is, he can no longer continue with his previous wishful thinking. He has been pushed to the forefront by the old ghost's revelations. The next thing to consider is how to play this card well and face Luoyang head-on!

"What exactly is going on!"

In the editorial department of "Science Fiction World", Xiang Rong was also furious.

Originally, this matter could have been dismissed. After all, although Bai Yifa's meager remarks were inappropriate, he did not name him by name, so no one knew who he was referring to.

"Now it seems that someone within us is passing the news to the outside." An Xiyan said with a cold face. Only Bai Yi, Luoyang, and the "Science Fiction Magazine" knew about the decision of the double protagonist. Neither Bai Yi nor Luoyang knew about it. Reasons make things so complicated.

Then the only explanation is that there is a problem with the editorial department itself.

Xiang Rong slapped his hand on the table: "Check, we must find out who it is, our editorial department doesn't need people like this who can't control their mouths!"

The editor-in-chief got angry and all the editors remained silent. At this critical moment of the Galaxy Awards, such a scandal in "Science Fiction World" will definitely affect the impression of science fiction writers on "Science Fiction World", which is extremely detrimental to the future development of the magazine.


Luoyang was a little surprised when he learned about this.

Opening the meager account, a fierce battle between fans on both sides was going on. Although my own fans had an absolute advantage in this fight, the outcome of this dispute was not determined by whoever had the best quarrels on the Internet.

"How can a magazine star be so vehement?"

Luoyang couldn't think clearly, but this incident did not affect his mood.

In fact, as he experienced more and more things, Luoyang's heart became stronger and stronger. He had encountered bigger battles than this several times before. Would he still care about this kind of itching like a cat's claw?

After thinking about it carefully, Luoyang could understand Bai Yi's thoughts. He was just pretending to be a senior in the industry.

With him as the main player, the other party may feel that he has been lowered in status. In a place like Dragon Kingdom that pays attention to seniority, it is completely normal for this kind of thing to happen.

Luoyang believes that whether there is a main position is not the decisive factor. If it occupies the main position, the evaluation and satisfaction of the work are exceeded by other works in the same period, that would be really shameful.

"But who is this whistleblower?"

Luoyang fell into thinking. He felt that there were other promoters in this matter.

The so-called revelations cannot be directed and acted by Bai Yi. There must be other forces behind it to fish in troubled waters.

So, who wants to watch the show?

While Luoyang was thinking, his cell phone suddenly rang.

Luoyang answered the phone and Hua Qi's voice rang: "Boss, have you noticed Xia Yi?"

Luoyang said favorably: "This Xia Yi is the first person to break the news, but I have no enmity with him, so why would he target me?"

Hua Qi reminded: "Boss, think about it, what enemies are there in the science fiction world?"

"Enemies in the science fiction world..." A name flashed in Luoyang's mind: "You mean... Wei Long?"

"Yes, as far as I know, Xia Yi is a famous third-generation science fiction author. He has always had a good relationship with Wei Long, the president of the Science Fiction Association. The two have had dinner together many times..."

No need for Hua Qi to continue, Luoyang already understood the whole story.

He said: "So, the person who pushed Bai Yi to fight me should be Wei Long."

"The answer is correct, but there is no reward." Hua Qi changed her voice: "So boss, do you want to solve Wei Long's problem?"

Luoyang was stunned for a moment: "Wei Long, the president of the Dragon Kingdom Science Fiction Association, carries a heavy weight. I'm afraid it won't be easy to solve, right?"

Hua Qixin said: "There is nothing difficult to solve. After all, not everyone is as stoic as the boss. I will leave Bai Yi to the boss. Wei Long will be given to me first. I will find his loopholes!"

"Then... leave Bai Yi to me." Luoyang said with a smile.

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