Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 548 Huanghuang's

"Red Guards, are you making excuses..."

Lin Yifeng was curious while watching the beginning of "The Three-Body Problem".

The story begins with a battle scene involving the Red Guards. According to the original text, it should be:

[The Red Alliance's attack on the headquarters building of the 428th Corps has lasted for two days. Their flags are flying restlessly around the building, as if they are eager for dry firewood. The commander of the Red Alliance is extremely anxious...]

However, because what Luoyang did was a fiction, the beginning was refined and briefly introduced that crazy era.

Luoyang's writing skills are very good at arousing readers' emotions. As the first plot slowly unfolded, Lin Yifeng suddenly had a strange feeling, as if there really was a crazy era in history...

Especially when a physicist was beaten to death in front of everyone, that feeling was even more intense and left a trace in Lin Yifeng's heart, making him suddenly unbearable - Luoyang's style of writing was very cold, but it was this kind of indifference. , but instead stimulated Lin Yifeng's sense of empathy to the greatest extent, making him subconsciously sympathize with the physicist who had just begun to die.

Then, the perspective shifted to a little girl named Ye Wenjie.

The physicist who had just died in the battle was the little girl's father, and the person who betrayed his father was the little girl's mother who had nearly collapsed. As for the girl who died first, she was Ye Wenjie's sister...

At this moment, Ye Wenjie seemed to have become the most pitiable little girl in the world.

Lin Yifeng tried to grasp the context: "Is this little girl the protagonist of "The Three-Body Problem"? According to the current development, how will the science fiction plot unfold in Luoyang?"

In the end, he failed to catch Luoyang's intention, so Lin Yifeng continued to watch the plot.

He was eager to know what happened to Ye Wenjie, so he was led out of Hong'an Base as a matter of course - Ye Wenjie entered Hong'an Base, a somewhat mysterious-sounding organization.

Immediately afterwards, the timeline began to jump for the second time, traveling to thirty-eight years later in one breath!

This made Lin Yifeng a little unexpected. It seemed that Ye Wenjie was not the heroine. After all, according to this timeline, Ye Wenjie had already become a middle-aged woman in her forties.

"She should be an extremely important clue. There is no doubt about it..."

After Lin Yifeng finished speaking, he continued to read. The timeline returned to the present. Hong'an Base gradually surfaced, Ye Wenjie uncovered the dusty history, a ghost countdown was printed in Wang Miao's pupils, and the "Three Body" game appeared!

This game has the same title as the book, so only a fool would really think of this game as an ordinary game!

The settings of King Zhou Wen, Chao Ge, and King Zhou were thrown out one by one, and then the dehydrated person appeared in the game, which made Lin Yifeng speechless in shock - a dehydrated human skin was still alive!

The book describes the "Three-Body" game in several consecutive chapters, which further strengthens Lin Yifeng's idea that "this game is not simple."

The game designer seems to have thousands of words hidden in this game. The Warring States Period, Eastern Han Dynasty, different civilizations evolved, and even Qin Shihuang, Einstein and others appeared one after another. The game and reality are interspersed, and it is confusing but teasing. mind.

And when the game ended, the final scene also made Lin Yifeng feel an inexplicable chill all over his body.

The Trisolaran starship team is heading towards the distant earth at one-tenth the speed of light. This picture is obviously just the final scene of the game in the book, but it makes Lin Yifeng feel something!

"Didi didi..."

Just when many science fiction writers are immersed in their books.

Wu Qin's cell phone rang suddenly, and Wu Qin hung up the phone without even looking at who was calling.

She was now eagerly attracted by the plot of "The Three-Body Problem" and had no intention of answering the phone. But soon, Wu Qin's phone rang again.

Wu Qin frowned and chose to turn off the phone this time. The science fiction writers around him raised their heads and looked at Wu Qin, their eyes seeming to be dissatisfied with being disturbed.

Luoyang coughed at the right time: "Well, everyone, it's getting late."

After Luoyang's voice fell, someone suddenly shouted: "Ah, no, it's already ten o'clock in the evening. I guess my wife will scold me again when I go back!"

Then, a sci-fi writer who looked like a strict wife quickly stood up, and everyone gradually realized it, with very surprised expressions on their faces: "Time flies so fast, it's already ten o'clock?"

It is not difficult to tell from their reactions that just now, these people were all caught up in the plot of "The Three-Body Problem"!

If the plot of "The Three-Body Problem" were not exciting enough, how could these people be immersed in the book and forget about the passage of time?

"Luoyang, this science fiction novel of yours shocked me so much. I have only experienced this amazing feeling in some foreign science fiction novels - I won't talk about it anymore. I will go back and read it again when I finish it." We must talk alone, don’t refuse when the time comes!”

The hen-pecked science fiction writer excitedly held Luoyang's hand and hurried out of the door after speaking.

The remaining science fiction writers looked at each other first, then turned their heads at the same time, staring at Luoyang with burning eyes.

Finally, Lin Yifeng took the lead and said: "It gets better and better, and the more I read, the more exciting it becomes. Luoyang, this science fiction novel is written in the style of a news report. It is really unique, and there are many settings in it..."

"Everyone, you should hide the questions in your heart at this time."

Luoyang smiled and interrupted Lin Yifeng's words, because he knew that Lin Yifeng must want to ask about some doubtful points in the book.

However, if he said it now, these people would lose a lot of fun reading it, so Luoyang chose to let this group of science fiction writers go home and continue reading. Anyway, the "Three Body" trilogy is 900,000 words long. , they have just seen the beginning.

"I saw the prototype of a masterpiece!"

One of the oldest science fiction writers among the crowd suddenly stood up.

Then, he bowed seriously to Luoyang: "Although I have only read more than half of the first part of this novel, I am sure that its quality will not disappoint anyone. It will be a masterpiece in the science fiction world." Wellbeing.”

Luoyang quickly helped the other person up and said with a smile: "It's too early to conclude. You should go home and read it again."

"Sure, let's go back first and contact you later!"

"Luoyang, let's go out for a meal and chat together when we have time."

"Luoyang, what's your number? Let's discuss it later, okay?"

A group of science fiction writers spoke in all directions, and their attitudes were completely different from before.

Before, they came here purely for the sake of Lin Yifeng and Wu Qin. Although their attitude towards Luoyang was polite, they were not enthusiastic. But after watching part of "The Three-Body Problem", these people's attitudes have changed a hundred times. An eighty-degree turn——

Huanghuang's "Three-Body Problem" has made its debut!

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