Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 552 Three Days Carnival (4)

"Wonderful, wonderful, "The Three-Body Problem" is the best science fiction novel ever written in Dragon Kingdom!"

"It's so happy. Tonight we are all ETOs, eradicating human tyranny, and the world belongs to the Trisolaris!"

"While other science fiction writers were still writing about aliens at will, The Three-Body Problem has already constructed a perfect alien civilization!"

"Using super technology to lock down the earth's basic science, assassinate the earth's technology bosses, and the game "Three-Body" reveals the changes in civilization. "Three-Body" gives a complete strategy for aliens to invade the earth!"

"My mother asked me why I was kneeling down to read a novel..."

"The law of the dark forest is the most shocking thing, and the sociology of the universe is like a miracle!"

"After watching the first part of "The Three-Body Problem", I knew that the true son of the Dragon Kingdom science fiction had appeared, and that person was Luoyang!"

"Proton information transmission, multi-dimensional expansion, guzheng action, technology lock, these settings and plots are really amazing. As a science student, when I saw Luo University playing science fiction like this, I peed at the moment! "

"The person upstairs didn't understand the brilliance of "The Three-Body Problem" at all. The fictional Cultural Revolution in the early stage was the most shocking part. It seemed that the real history made me forget to breathe. The description of human nature and society in the book, And the suspense part in the early stage is the essence of "The Three-Body Problem". Students in our entire department are discussing this novel. By the way, I am a liberal arts student. "

Liberal arts students and science students naturally have different understandings of the essence of "The Three-Body Problem".

For liberal arts students, Luoyang's fictional history of the Cultural Revolution in "The Three-Body Problem" is of great research significance.

It is precisely because there was no Cultural Revolution in the Dragon Kingdom, and Luoyang portrayed the Cultural Revolution so realistically, that liberal arts students were so excited after seeing this fictional history - because it was so shocking!

Luoyang, a place that was originally worried about affecting readers' reading, has become one of the shining points of "The Three-Body Problem" in this life!

No wonder, there are so many fictional stories these days, but they are obviously fictions. No matter how real they are, they lack a trace of charm. But the Cultural Revolution written in Luoyang is not a fictional history. It was in another world. The world, things that really happened.

Therefore, the biggest feeling this plot gives readers is that it is as if the Dragon Kingdom really had such a shocking history.

In addition, "The Three-Body Problem" contains both physical science and in-depth discussions on society and human nature, giving the novel a heavy texture. This heaviness creates the unparalleled texture of The Three-Body Problem.

It is not difficult to see from the comments of these netizens that the vast majority of people have just watched the first part of "The Three-Body Problem", and only a small number of people have watched the second part.

This is normal. After all, everyone reads books at different speeds. Netizens who saw the second part couldn't help but feel a deep sense of superiority when facing readers who had only finished the first part, because about "The Three-Body Problem" , the scenery they experienced was even more vast.

For example, someone mentioned "The Law of the Dark Forest" in the comments, which left many slow readers confused and asking what it meant.

They knew clearly that they would be spoiled if they asked, but when they saw the words "Law of the Dark Forest", everyone couldn't help but want to know what it was.

The law of the dark forest is actually not difficult to understand. Anyone who has watched the second part of "The Three-Body Problem" can understand: the universe is a dark forest, and every civilization is a hunter with a gun.

The hunter must be careful, because there are hunters like him everywhere in the forest.

If he discovers other life, there is only one thing he can do, and that is to shoot and eliminate it.

In this forest, other people are hell and an eternal threat. Any life that exposes its existence will be quickly wiped out.

When mentioning "The Three-Body Problem" in the previous life, everyone will think of the Dark Forest System. Some people even compared it to the famous Three Laws of Robotics. Although it is a bit exaggerated, this also proves the amazingness of the Dark Forest System from the side!

There are two other crucial axioms of the Dark Forest Law: survival is the first law of civilization; civilization continues to expand and develop, and the total amount of materials remains unchanged.

In the previous life, this was something that countless "Three-Body" superstitions picked up, but in this world, it also shocked the hearts of science fiction lovers - the sociology of the universe is the inescapable essence of "The Three-Body Problem".

Those with a determined mind decisively shut down the Internet.

Because if you continue to surf the Internet at this time, you will definitely be exposed to more and more spoilers.

It is undoubtedly a painful thing to be spoiled, which will affect the following reading.

Readers who have only read the first part will have completely different understandings of "The Three-Body Problem" than those who have read the second part.

While readers who have finished the first part are still reading "Eliminate human tyranny and the world belongs to the Three-Body Problem", many readers who have finished the second part are already discussing the chain of suspicion mentioned in "The Three-Body Problem".

One civilization cannot judge whether another civilization is good or evil.

After the chain of suspicion, these people also discussed the technological explosion written in "The Three-Body Problem": the technology of a civilization can show explosive development, and the technology of a weak civilization can quickly catch up with or even surpass the developed civilization.

Everyone is actively discussing the authenticity and feasibility of these theories.

After much discussion, readers were shocked to find that although these inferences could not be confirmed, they seemed to be unable to find a suitable reason to refute them.

In post bars, forums and other places, everyone is discussing the rhythm of the three-body system.

What about sophons, what about technological lock-ups, what about technological explosions, what about dark forests, "Three-Body" covers it all. These things that can be regarded as the core ideas in other science fiction novels are in "Three-Body". Everywhere……

In addition, there are mentions of the wall-facer and the wall-breaker, as well as Luo Ji, the protagonist of the second part of The Three-Body Problem, and so on.

As readers frantically discussed, "Three-Body Problem" became the most widely discussed topic on the Internet that night. There is no doubt that the number one keyword on the Qiandu search list has become Three-Body Problem.

The most exaggerated thing is the top five on the meager hot search list——

# Three-body #

# Ye Wenjie #

# Luoyang Three-Body Problem #

# Dark Forest #

# Destroy humanity**** #

Yes, "The Three-Body Problem" took the top five spots on the meager hot search list!

This is the first time in the ten years since Longguo Weibo was founded that a topic has occupied the top five hot searches!

In the past, when the news about Luoyang was the most popular, it only occupied the top three hot search topics.

Although this list is not official, it most intuitively reflects the crazy enthusiasm of readers for "The Three-Body Problem". All readers of "The Three-Body Problem" are honored to have it, and the screenshots record this historic moment.

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