Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 555 New Year’s Gift (Please subscribe)

That's right, it's the three-body phenomenon.

Now that "The Three-Body Problem" is a national hit, classic quotes from "The Three-Body Problem" can be seen everywhere on the Internet.

For example, after watching "The Three-Body Problem", many netizens changed their signatures to read: We are all bugs in the gutter, but someone still has to look up at the stars.

In the eyes of Trisolarans, people on Earth are indeed bugs.

Insects may be very weak, but the Trisolarans do not realize that insects have never been truly eliminated during the countless years they have been on the earth. Many readers like the meaning of this sentence. In addition, there are many classic quotations -

"What does destroying you have to do with you?"

"Don't return! This is not home!"

"Destroy human ****, and the world belongs to the Three-Body Problem!"

"Give time to civilization, not time to civilization."

"Don't ask where their world is. This is the basic etiquette of this universe."

"The city is the forest, every man is a hunter, every woman is a trap."

"First, survival is the first need of civilization; second, civilization continues to grow and expand, but the total amount of matter in the universe remains unchanged."

Zen-like or philosophical sentences like these all come from "The Three-Body Problem". For many people, science fiction has always been a long and complicated interweaving of physics and technological fantasy, and "The Three-Body Problem" has changed many people's views on science and technology. Sci-fi impression.

Even many readers who were not originally interested in science fiction novels fell in love with science fiction because of "The Three-Body Problem".

As a result, these sentences are all the rage on the Internet, and many netizens can quote them casually. The so-called three-body phenomenon was born from this. There is no doubt that this is the treatment that only phenomenal works can receive.

In addition, the three-body phenomenon also manifests itself in many aspects.

For example, the Dragon Kingdom Science Fiction Forum is a gathering place for Dragon Kingdom science fiction enthusiasts. When "The Three-Body Problem" became popular all over the country, it was also the place where the plot of "The Three-Body Problem" was discussed most enthusiastically.

On the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, a forum administrator made statistics on topics in the science fiction forum.

As a result, the administrator of the forum was stunned to find that the number of topics about "Three-Body" has exceeded 20 million, of which more than 8 million are the best answers, and the number of users paying attention to the topic of "Three-Body" is as many as 50 million. The number of views is frighteningly high.

You know, "The Three-Body Problem" has only been released for four days since its release today!

Besides "The Three-Body Problem", what other book can have such a terrifying influence within four days of its release?

No one says "science fiction is dead" anymore. Even if Dragon Kingdom's science fiction is indeed in a slump, the emergence of "The Three-Body Problem" is enough to support half of the Dragon Kingdom's science fiction community - Luoyang has fulfilled its promise to Lin Yifeng .

Think about the time when Luoyang told Lin Yifeng that he would support half of the Dragon Kingdom science fiction industry.

At that time, Lin Yifeng must have felt that Luoyang was overestimating its capabilities, because even the third generation of science fiction writers in the Dragon Kingdom would not dare to say such a sure thing. How dare a newcomer in the science fiction world in Luoyang dare to speak so brazenly?

But now when "The Three-Body Problem" sold tens of millions of copies in four days, how surprised and ashamed was Chairman Lin Yifeng?

Finally, there is an old friend that Luoyang has not forgotten, and that is Wei Long, the former president of the Science Fiction Association who is in prison.

In order to create a surprise, Luoyang personally came to the prison to visit Wei Long. At that time, Wei Long looked at Luoyang, who was wearing a white down jacket, through a thick layer of glass, with a trace of strong anger in his eyes.

Luoyang said: "This dress suits you very well."

Wei Long was wearing prison uniform and had a disheveled face. It was obvious that he was not living a very good life in prison.

Of course, no one living in prison would live a good life, so Wei Long immediately heard the ridicule in Luoyang's words.

His lips twitched slightly, and he stared at Luoyang and said: "You did it, you did it, right? I knew you must be the one who exposed everything. Although there is no evidence, my feeling is not wrong..."

The prisoner could refuse the request to visit the prison, but Wei Long did not refuse to meet with Luoyang just to confirm this matter.

Otherwise, I will be in prison for decades without knowing whose hands I fell into. That would be really painful.

Only Luoyang would be stupid to openly admit that he did it. The conversation between him and Wei Long was monitored, so he just smiled and said: "It doesn't matter who did it, because you deserve it."

Luoyang is not the Virgin. If Wei Long had not violated his own interests, he would not have let Hua Qi bother to collect evidence of Wei Long's crime.

However, Wei Long regarded himself as a thorn in his side and came to trouble him several times, and he was quite unyielding. That's why Luoyang finally took action so resolutely.

Wei Long kept staring at Luoyang.

When Luoyang said it didn't matter who did it, he was already sure!

Luoyang did this, and the reason why he fell was because of Luoyang's mischief!

Wei Long was convinced of his judgment, because Luoyang's expression at that moment could be easily recognized.

He was so angry that he wanted to rush out of the isolation glass and kill Luoyang, but he finally endured it because he understood that his anger could not cause any harm to the other party at all.

"So, you came to see my joke?"

He sneered, the nasolabial folds on his face were crisscrossed, and he looked stern.

Poor people must be hateful. Compared with Wei Long's previous harm to Longguo Science Fiction, he brought all the blame on himself, so Luoyang will not sympathize.

Taking out a brand new copy of "The Three-Body Problem", Luoyang said: "When a reporter interviewed you before, I could see that you were not optimistic about my new work, so I came here today to tell you some news."

Wei Long's expression was a little confused. In prison, he didn't know any news about "The Three-Body Problem" from the outside world.

Luoyang continued: "Today is the fourth day of the Lunar New Year. The sales volume of my new book is about 80 million. According to the current pace, it will not take long for this book to exceed 100 million, so I am sorry to disappoint you."

Wei Long's face suddenly became paler.

The whole person felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and became stiff on the spot.

"If you don't believe it, you can ask the prison guard or someone else - by the way, I used to watch movies and it seems that you can listen to the radio in prison. In order not to be out of touch with society, you should pay more attention to current affairs. This "Three-Body" is my new book, given to you as a New Year gift."

After saying that, Luoyang stood up and left.

The bad influence brought by Wei Long has been completely eliminated by "Three-Body", and everything has settled. From today on, Dragon Kingdom science fiction will be broken and reestablished!

(I recommend a new book written by a great master wearing a vest, "Sister, You Are So Awesome", an urban supernatural novel.)

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