Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 558 The urge to travel far away

It was getting late, and my cousins ​​all went to bed.

Luoyang turned on the computer and started to update the online articles. After stopping for so many days, fans of Luoyang's online articles were already looking forward to seeing them.

In fact, Luoyang has no choice. In order to ensure that "Three-Body Problem" does not cause problems, online writing must give way. Now that "Three-Body Problem" has been successfully released, Luoyang is relieved and can focus on online writing again. .

His fingers tapped the keyboard dexterously, and the room resounded with a crackling sound.

No one will disturb Luoyang at this time. His cousins ​​have already fallen asleep, and his parents know Luoyang’s habits. Usually when Luoyang is coding, the two elders will have a tacit understanding to leave enough space for Luoyang, so Luoyang can enjoy it as much as he wants. Soak it up.

In fact, during the break in Luoyang, it caused a little disturbance——

Due to the discontinuation of the five books of Allure in White, the traffic of Huaxia.com has been reduced irresistibly. In contrast, the traffic of Fantasy Book League has increased.

This made the Fantasy Book Alliance excited for a while. Luoyang's interruption of updates for several days undoubtedly gave them a chance to counterattack, so in order to attract readers, they urged the top experts on the website to update more, and also launched a series of discounts for reading books. , these behaviors successfully attracted a lot of traffic for them.

But just when they were excited about this, Luoyang suddenly announced the release of his new science fiction book on Weibo.

As a result, the traffic of Huaxia.com unexpectedly began to recover rapidly - yes, it recovered. Although the Luoyang Five Books had no updates, the book review area was as lively as before.

Everyone is quite enthusiastically discussing what Luoyang's new science fiction book will be like. Even if some book fans will complain in the book review area, they also know that there is nothing they can do about it. Luoyang is not a god, so he cannot write a new science fiction book. Also taking into account the updating of online articles.

As a result, people in the Fantasy Book Alliance are a little confused. When did online readers become so tolerant?

In fact, in the literary world of Longguo.com, as long as the master dares to stop updating, no matter what the reason is, there will be a bunch of angry readers in the book review area. However, Luoyang created a big miracle - after stopping updating for such a long time, everyone actually They all showed great tolerance!

Not only were the senior executives of Fantasy Book Alliance disappointed, but even the editors at China.com never expected that the result would turn out like this.

This is unscientific - this is the voice of everyone in the Internet literary world. Fantasy Book Alliance was holding back its breath and wanted to make trouble, but now it turns out that it is all in vain. If you think about it carefully, the existence of Qingcheng in White is the most unscientific thing in itself. Place?

Therefore, if he is not convinced, Fantasy Book Alliance can only put down his thoughts of making trouble again and quietly withdraw his head, and become the second child under Huaxia.com for ten thousand years.

When the time reached ten o'clock in the evening, Luoyang had written a full 30,000 words, ensuring that each book would be updated with more than 4,000 words. Then Luoyang breathed a long sigh of relief and began to open the author's backend of the five books. Upload in sequence.

Just a few minutes after the release, Luoyang's five book review areas became popular at the same time——

"Updated, Bai Da has been updated!"

"Awesome! All five books have been updated!"

"Baida needs to update it. It has not been updated for so long, so the chapters that are owed must be paid back."

"It was a long wait. I was bored and even bought a copy of "The Three-Body Problem". Although I thought it was well written, I still didn't have the patience to read it. As expected, I am more suitable for online writing!"

"To add to the above, I also bought a copy of "The Three-Body Problem", but I gave up after reading two or three pages. The plots in it really didn't suit me. I still like fast-paced online novels, such as "Fights Break the Sphere" makes my blood boil with excitement!"

"Tastes are different. "The Three-Body Problem" itself is not written for us online readers. In fact, Baida has satisfied the tastes of most people. There are martial arts and science fiction in the physical world, and online and micro-texts on the Internet. With so many readers’ expectations, it’s actually very hard for Bai Da!”

"Yes, Bai Da is indeed very hard. If you think about it carefully, it seems that he has never stopped writing. Under such circumstances, he is always worried about Bai Da's health. In addition, I like Bai Da's "The Three-Body Problem" very much, although it is not the same as the Internet The refreshingness of the article is different, but the profound connotation of "The Three-Body Problem" makes me, a person who is used to reading online articles, also feel a kind of shock. You can be patient and take a look. All Bai Da's works are worth it. One reading.”

For the vast majority of online readers, "The Three-Body Problem" does not surpass the appeal of online articles.

Of course, this is an audience problem. Even Luoyang can only influence it but cannot change it. For example, some online readers will buy "The Three-Body Problem" because of Luoyang, but after buying it, they still can't stand "The Three-Body Problem". Even if It doesn’t matter if the author is Luoyang.

In addition, Luoyang also fully agrees with readers who say that he is too busy, because he is really too tired.

Even his hand with convulsions couldn't stand coding almost non-stop every day, or he should take a rest - Luoyang seriously thought about the feasibility of this matter.

High-intensity work for a long time will cause people to be mentally tense all the time, which has a negative impact on health. Luoyang is still young and there is no need to work so hard, so it is necessary to find time to rest.

"That impulse is coming again..."

Moving his fingers, which were slightly stiff from the continuous coding, a smile flashed across Luoyang's face.

He is an emotional and casual person. When he was in college in Luoyang in his previous life, what he yearned for the most was the life of "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence and leisurely seeing the southern mountains", so he liked traveling and lingering in famous mountains and rivers.

Even in his previous life in Luoyang, when he just graduated, he did a very stupid thing - randomly bought a bus ticket to an unknown destination and walked away.

Thinking about it, it seems that he has done the same thing in this life, that is, in the year when Liu Qin just won the championship of "Next Stop Queen", Luoyang resolutely put on his backpack and traveled around the country. He returned to Tiandu after a month.

And now, this impulse has come again. This time, Luoyang plans to see more beauty!

The world is so big, it would be a pity not to go and see it. The Dragon Kingdom is several times larger than China in the previous life, and there are naturally many places worth visiting.

But before going out to wander, Luoyang must make some preparations. He is no longer the lonely little writer he was back then. Now he is an indispensable spiritual totem of Shuimu Culture. If he disappears directly, the company may have big problems.

"Hua Qi, Hua Qi, it looks like I'm going to have to work hard for you again."

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