Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 563 Women conquer the world, men conquer women

A netizen named Bai Yuhan gave a coherent refutation of this.

"There is a saying that I don't know if you have heard of it. You can judge a person's level by looking at the kind of friends he has."

"The character Jiang Feng is not mentioned much in the novel, but the character Yan Nantian is described a lot by Luo Da - Yan Nantian is a real hero, with great justice and unparalleled martial arts skills, and such a martial arts man He is a figure that everyone admires, but he and Jiang Feng are brothers. Do you think Jiang Feng will be a pretty boy who only has good looks? "

"In addition, Jiang Feng's character is also described in the book. What is his character? Whether he himself did it or Yan Nantian mentioned it, he can be described as a decent and good person. In addition to his good qualities, his demeanor His appearance is also peerless. Not only that, but on top of these advantages, he also has the courage of a man to not give in to external forces. I don’t think any woman would not love such a man. Later, Xiao Yuer and Hua Wuque, They all have perfect genes, which also reflects Jiang Feng’s excellence.”

"At this time, let's take a look at Palace Master Yaoyue and Palace Master Lianxing."

"If we put these two people in modern times, they would be top-notch white, rich and beautiful people. They have successful careers and have everything they want. The only thing missing is a husband."

"Then if you analyze Jiang Feng, you will find that this person has almost no shortcomings except for his poor martial arts. Under such circumstances, isn't it normal for Yao Yue and Lian Xing to like him? Besides, who stipulates that Yao Yue Lianxing likes this person? Aren’t ancient goddesses capable of controlling their appearance?”

"Finally, we don't know whether Luo University is Jiang Feng in YY. What we can know is that in reality, Luo University is indeed a heartthrob. He is handsome and unrestrained, has great literary talent, and has fans all over the country. Although it’s not as exaggerated as Jiang Feng, it’s not that long ago, right?”

This post by Bai Yuhan has become the backbone of the "anti-bug theory" and received a lot of likes.

However, the classmate Mo Ran Hongchen who said that Jiang Feng was a big bug in "Peerless Two Prouds" did not intend to surrender. He compared Jiang Feng with Bai Yuhan's arguments and also analyzed Jiang Feng, and his analysis also won a Applause from netizens:

"Yan Nantian and Jiang Feng are different. Yan Nantian is a hero, but Jiang Feng is not!"

"Just because they are sworn brothers does not mean that they are the same person. There are many people who have always been sworn brothers with different senses of responsibility, such as Lin Chong and Lu Zhishen."

"It wouldn't be a problem if Jiang Feng ran away with Hua Yuenu because he didn't like the system of Yihua Palace, but he slept with Hua Yuenu first, got pregnant with Hua Yuenu, and then eloped. This is It’s not a righteous act, it’s just that I can’t control my lower body.”

"Actually, it was this move that led to all the tragedies. If Huayue Nu was still a virgin when Yao Yue Lianxing caught Jiang Feng, everyone would still have a chance to reconcile. Of course, there might be a solution. Then It was Jiang Feng who told Yao Yue Lianxing that he was actually gay and that he and Yan Nantian were a gay couple. Then he begged Yao Yue to give Hua Yuenu to him so that he could show off to the world and preserve the relationship between himself and Yan Nantian. In name, Yao Yue would probably be too embarrassed to compete with Yan Nantian for a man at that time..."

Mo Ranhongchen’s post made many people smile, especially the gay guy at the end was very funny.

Bai Yuhan also couldn't laugh or cry. In fact, the argument was already going wrong, because Mo Ran Hongchen had forgotten his original intention. At first, Mo Ran Hongchen said that it was a bug for Yao Yue to love Jiang Feng, but later he argued that Jiang Feng was a scumbag.

This shows that Mo Ran Hongchen has admitted that inviting Yue Lianxing to fall in love with Jiang Feng at the same time is not an unreasonable bug, and he has won.

Just when he was about to quit the "Peerless Two Prides" forum, Bai Yuhan suddenly received a friend request, and the person who sent the friend request was Mo Ranhongchen, who had been arguing with him for a long time - Bai Yuhan clicked Agree. .

Many years later, when Bai Yuhan and Mo Ran Hongchen recalled this incident, they both thanked Luoyang in their hearts for making their fate happen.

At that time, Bai Yuhan had already changed his online name to Handsome Jiang Feng, while Mo Ranhongchen had changed his online name to Hero Yan Nantian, ahem...


Luoyang is not in a position to comment on this debate.

He has no consciousness of being an author, but finds this kind of debate quite lively.

In fact, many people have discussed this issue in the past life. Everyone said they didn't understand. They didn't understand why a goddess like Yao Yue would like a pretty boy like Jiang Feng?

Well, in the eyes of many avid fans of Yao Yue and Lian Xing, Jiang Feng is a complete and utter pretty boy. Even if Yao Yue likes Yan Nantian, they can accept it, but they only dislike Jiang Feng.

It is worth mentioning that in the Luoyang world, Lin Zhiying's version of "The Two Prides", Yao Yue did like Yan Nantian, not Jiang Feng. In the TV series, the screenwriter is the author.

In fact, the answer to "Yao Yue Ai Jiang Feng" is really simple, because the author of "Peerless Two Prides" is Gu Long - Gu Long's novels always have a kind of intoxicating romanticism. Others write that men conquer the world and women conquer the world. man……

He likes to write about women conquering the world and men conquering women.

Therefore, it is not difficult to understand that Yaoyue and Lianxing fell in love with a character like Jiang Feng at the same time.

Because Yaoyue and Lianxing are almost invincible, at this time, letting a man with mediocre martial arts but unique charm to conquer them both at the same time can better satisfy Gu Long's inner feelings, or... bad taste.

Gu Long's Jianghu, there are too many unexplained things. Those who understand love it to madness, and those who don't understand think it is full of bugs.

Luoyang's status in the martial arts world of Longguo is also affected by these novels with unique styles. Although he is the first person in the martial arts world of Longguo, there are still many martial arts novel lovers who are not interested in Luoyang. They think that Luoyang's martial arts cannot stand scrutiny, too much imagination, and many characters serve the plot, and even their personalities are inconsistent.

Luoyang himself knows these things. Gu Long's creative environment in his previous life is different from Jin Yong, because Gu Long wrote many martial arts novels for money.

He had to earn money to drink, so he often wrote hastily. As a result, the overall setting of the novel was definitely not complete, and it was normal to have bugs. Under such circumstances, he was able to write so many works. Gu Long was already the most talented among martial arts authors.

On this point, even his rival Jin Yong praised him highly.

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