Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 643 Response (10100)

The person who said this was Tokiya, the senior master of the suspense house.

As a senior master, Shi Ye often publishes book reviews of mystery novels in the Suspense House. Because his book reviews are often to the point, many readers who hang out in the Suspense House are deeply impressed by this observant master.

Today, Shi also started his own speculation as to why Mr. Theking's "A Study in Scarlet" uses a British background.

“Have you noticed one thing? Neither Kadokawa Publishing House nor Mr. Theking himself has given any explanation on the issue of nationality. In the registration information on Twitter, Mr. Theking’s country cannot be seen at all. Certified!”

Shi Ye is worthy of being an observant master, and it arouses the thinking of other readers as soon as he comes up.

If you think about it carefully, this is really the case. Kadokawa Publishing House has never explained the nationality of Mr. Theking.

Teacher Theking himself has never stood up to prove anything. I didn’t think it was strange before. After all, Teacher Theking’s works would make people subconsciously think of him as a Japanese writer. But now that I think about it, there are many doubts——

"So I guess Teacher Theking may not be Japanese at all!"

"I know that this speculation is likely to shock countless fans of Teacher Theking, but I can only say with regret that this is probably true. I am not trying to flatter others. Why, please read my analysis below! "

Tokiya's language skills are also quite good, and people are immediately interested in his posts.

Then, he began to analyze: "First of all, let's review the history of Mr. Theking's fame. His first work was "White Night Walk". This work caused a great response as soon as it was released, and because of the It was suspected of provoking Mr. Endoma, so it attracted a lot of attention. At that time, many people were asking, who is Theking? This question has never been answered, including Kadokawa Publishing House."

"This is very suspicious."

"Second, Mr. Theking won't accept the Edogawa Ranpo Award."

"Some people say that this is the tradition of genius, but when we look back now, why don't we speculate on the reason? What if Teacher Theking is not Japanese at all? Because he is not Japanese, he has been reluctant to show up, because once he shows up , the identity will be completely dug out by the all-pervasive reporters.”

"Teacher Theking has always been mysterious. The biggest reason is this!"

"It's not the so-called physical disability, nor is it because he is too ugly to be seen. It's simply because his identity is inconvenient to be exposed. So I guess that Teacher Theking is not actually Japanese. According to the background in "A Study in Scarlet", it cannot be ruled out that Teacher Theking is Maybe it’s British, don’t forget that the pen name Theking is also in English.”

The post ends here.

But the discussion triggered by the post was extremely lively!

The moderator of Suspense House immediately refined the post.

Because this is not blackmail, this is real reasoning and discussion. Although every word Shiye said has the meaning of speculation, his reasons are all tenable. In addition, Shiye has made a big splash on the forum. As a result, the popularity of the post quickly reached the first place.

“The original poster is so imaginative!”

"But inexplicably, I feel that it makes sense!"

"Is it true? My king is not actually Japanese. God, I still can't believe it."

"The poster may have discovered something extraordinary. It is not rigorous to judge the author's nationality based on his works. Mr. Theking's first work was "White Night Walk", so everyone naturally thinks that he is Japanese, but if Teacher Theking’s first work is "A Study in Scarlet"?

"Holy crap, Teacher Theking is actually British? Suddenly, it feels like the whole world has changed..."

"I don't believe the nonsense that Teacher Theking is a citizen of another country. Just wait and see, Kadokawa Publishing House will come out to clarify it soon, or Teacher Theking will also stand up and speak. My king must be Japanese, he must be!"

The posts are getting hotter and hotter!

Many people simply did not believe the post.

Someone started tweeting at Aite Kadokawa Press, asking them to come forward and clarify.

However, unexpectedly, no matter how much netizens commented, Kadokawa Publishing House seemed to have not seen it and ignored it. So netizens and book fans went to Mr. Theking’s Twitter to ask, but Mr. Theking There was no movement at all.

Why is there no movement?

Many fans of the book firmly believed that Mr. Theking was Japanese at first!

In fact, what they didn't know was that Kadokawa Publishing House was better. They never expected that clever netizens would discover the truth!

Someone Aite, how do you respond? Could it be that Mr. Theking is us Japanese? Kadokawa Publishing House does not dare to respond like this, because the truth will come true one day, and they will be punished by the market for deceiving the public.

"What should we do, Teacher Theking?"

Yoshino immediately contacted Mr. Theking. Because of the issue of Mr. Theking's identity, Kadokawa Publishing House had already held an emergency meeting, and the result of the meeting was to ask Yoshino to go see Mr. Theking's reaction to the matter.

In fact, when Luoyang saw the post of Suspense House, he knew that the matter would cause discussion.

No one thought about this before, so Kadokawa Publishing House could continue to play dumb. But once someone raised this question and it aroused countless book fans to become curious about it, Kadokawa Publishing House had to answer it head-on.

"be honest."

Luoyang replied to Yoshino with such a message.

In fact, he concealed his identity not to pretend to be Japanese.

Because in his plan, Teacher Theking himself is a stateless existence.

He will use his free time to build this vest into a real literary god. Teacher Theking can easily pick up works of any country, background, and style. Many things that are inconvenient to write in Luoyang, this identity can write without any scruples. .

Of course, Teacher Theking’s vest is also related to a certain plan in Luoyang’s future.

Seeing Luoyang asking them to tell the truth, Yoshino worried: "But this will affect your popularity, Mr. Theking!"

When Luoyang saw Yoshino's words, he couldn't help but laugh: "Don't worry, even if it has an impact, it will only be temporary. When I win the World Mystery Competition, those who have lost their fans even because of their nationality will also I will continue to worship you.”

"Champion of the World Mystery Competition!?"

At that time, Yoshino was drinking tea to soothe his throat. When he heard this, a cup of tea squirted all over the computer screen.

The world-famous champion of the World Mystery Competition, some people guessed it was Gunn, some people guessed it was Olivia, some people guessed it was Manchester, but no one would ever guess it was Theking, because in front of the top masters in the world, Theking is unknown.

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