Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 807 The Legend of Wukong

In Luoyang's previous life, he also dabbled in several entertainment-related online novels.

Most of these online articles tell the story of the protagonist traveling to a plane with a completely different culture from the earth, and then relying on the knowledge of the earth to destroy gods and Buddhas in the other world. It is so yy that the most unified thing is that every book The protagonists of "The Legend of Wukong" all copied Jin Hezai's "The Legend of Wukong". If you think about it carefully, the reason is actually very simple, because "The Legend of Wukong" itself is not long, but the content is surprising and shocking enough, and it also has a certain level of style, and it is similar to Journey to the West. Because of the close relationship, it is appropriate to copy it.

Luoyang thinks so too.

Therefore, the brain circuit structures of time-travelers are always surprisingly similar...

Jin He Zai's "The Biography of Wukong" has a total of twelve chapters, about 100,000 words in length, and belongs to the category of novella. The book tells the story of the tragic hero Sun Wukong and Tang Monk and others' struggle against fate. The author reinterprets "Wukong" from a modern perspective. Certain plots of "Journey to the West" are full of the word "thinking". When Two Thousand Years was released, it directly aroused a reading craze among netizens across the country. In the following years, it won a series of rare and huge honors.

A considerable number of people even regard "The Legend of Wukong" as the number one book on the Internet!

At the same time, this book has also been adapted into comics and movies, and a series of peripheral developments have also been quite smooth.

As a derivative work of the Journey to the West theme, the charm of "The Legend of Wukong" is evident. In fact, Luoyang has seen countless works interpreting Journey to the West in his previous life, and some of the works that impressed Luoyang the most include this famous one. "The Legend of Wukong", he also recommended this work to many friends. However, those friends in his previous life did not trust Luoyang very much because Luoyang had recommended "The Legend of Wukong".

"Don't die, and don't live alone."

"What's the use of giving birth to me? You can't laugh. What's the use of destroying me? It won't reduce your arrogance."

"Would it mean that no matter which direction you choose, you will swim towards the same fate?"

"If the sky presses on me and splits the sky, if the earth restrains me and tramples the ground to pieces, we will be born free, who dares to be high above us!"

"I want this sky to no longer be able to cover my eyes, I want this earth to be able to bury my heart no longer, I want all living beings to understand my intentions, and I want all the Buddhas to disappear into thin air!"

"Perhaps when everyone is born, he will think that this world exists for him alone. When he finds out that he is wrong, he starts to grow up..."

"I had a dream. I thought that when I flew up, the day would clear the way for me. When I entered the sea, the water would also split into two sides. When the gods and immortals saw me, they would call me brother. I would be carefree and there would be no one to restrain me in the world. There is no one who can control me, there is no place that I cannot reach, there is nothing that I cannot do, and there is nothing that I cannot defeat.”

what is interesting is……

In the past life, there were many classic sentences that were circulated in major chicken soup articles and countless fantasy online articles. In fact, many of them came from this "The Legend of Wukong".

If the interpretation of the second brother Yang Jian in "Life and Hate Water Changdong" is extremely profound, then the interpretation of a series of characters in Journey to the West in "The Legend of Wukong" is shocking!

It is more appropriate to use this work as the sequel to "Life Is Ever Hateful". After all, the connection between Journey to the West and Fengshen is undeniable, and Luoyang believes that "The Legend of Wukong" will be more popular than "The Legend of Wukong". "Life is Long, Hate Water is Long East" comes even more violently, because today's meagerness, short stories themselves are easier to exert power than novels.

After making up his mind, Luoyang began to code.

[The four people walked here. There was a dense forest in front of them and there was no road.

"Wukong, I'm hungry. Let's find some food." Tang Monk sat down on the stone and said.

"I'm busy, you won't find it by yourself?...It's not like you don't have legs." Sun Wukong said, holding the stick.

"Are you busy? What are you busy with?"

"Don't you think this sunset is beautiful?" Sun Wukong said, still looking at the horizon. "Only by looking at this can I keep walking westward every day."

"You can look for it while looking, as long as you don't hit a big tree."

"I don't do anything while watching the sunset!"

"Sun Wukong, you can't do this, you can't bully Baldhead like this. If you starve him to death, we won't be able to find the West. If we can't find the West, the curse on us will never be lifted." Zhu Bajie said. ]

At first glance, "The Legend of Wukong" seems to be full of pranks.

I had the same feeling in Luoyang in my previous life, but as the plot progressed, I gradually changed my mind.

This seemingly parody writing style exactly sets off the tragic final progress of the story. Looking back at the careless language, there is even a sense of sadness.

In addition, in terms of writing techniques, "The Legend of Wukong" is also very clever. Its story does not follow the single narrative mode in "Journey to the West", but is narrated in three clues: First, the inseparability between Zhu Bajie and Ah Yue The second is the passionate but repressed relationship between Sun Wukong and Zixia, and the third is the sad affection between Tang Seng and Xiao Bailong. The story constantly switches between Zhu Bajie, Sun Wukong, and Tang Seng, and each chapter seems to be its own. stand alone, but together they splice into a complete story.

After a pause in his thoughts, Luoyang continued to code.

His speed is very fast, because the plot has been turned over in his mind thousands of times, so he can achieve the effect of writing as if he is a god between typing on the keyboard. It almost takes less than half an hour to complete "The Legend of Wukong". 》The first chapter has been written.

"Do you want to serialize it?"

After Luoyang thought for a moment, he gave up the idea.

Compared with the work "The Legend of Wukong", reading the series intermittently will undoubtedly greatly reduce its charm. This work requires readers to read it in one go, in order to appreciate the profound thoughts expressed in the story and to feel the inner reluctance of the characters. Resistance, this is the same as "First Intimate Contact". If you read it intermittently, the atmosphere created by the whole book will probably be lost.

Moreover, "The Legend of Wukong" only has twelve chapters in total, so there is no need to serialize it.

Instead of serializing it slowly, it is better to write the entire text of "The Legend of Wukong" in one go. Luoyang is very confident in his speed. Although "The Legend of Wukong" has a length of about 100,000 words, Luoyang can finish it in two days. ——

Crazy coding of 50,000 words a day?

In the past life, some big touches with fast enough hand speed could achieve it.

Obviously, Luoyang also had this kind of experience, so soon there was only the sound of typing on the keyboard in Luoyang's study. As for the trouble Liu Qin had caused him previously, Luoyang had selectively forgotten it. I have to say here Codewords are a great way to divert attention...

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