Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 829 Scorpio Tower

Tiandu Lengyu District is a villa area that is not vast. The people who live here are either rich or noble. In the west part of Lengyu District is a villa that looks a little older, with street lights shining on it. During the process, a car drove into the villa and entered the independent parking lot.

After a while, Xiao Yan got out of the car.

After returning home, Xiao Yan was slightly startled as soon as he entered the living room.

On the bench, an old man was wearing glasses, holding a book in his hand and reading with gusto. He was so absorbed that he didn't hear the sound of Xiao Yan entering the door. Next to the old man, stood an upright man. The middle-aged man seemed to be observing the surroundings with his falcon-like eyes at all times. When he saw the person entering the door was Xiao Yan, the middle-aged man nodded lightly.

Xiao Yan nodded in response and said, "Grandpa, why are you here?"

Hearing this, the old man turned around and said with a smile: "Not only am I here, your cousin Xiao Yun and your cousin Xiao Hai are also here. They are probably playing games in the house right now."

After saying that, the old man put down the book in his hand. Xiao Yan realized that it was not a book, but a thick magazine "Jianghu". Isn't this a magazine from Luo University? Xiao Yan vaguely guessed the old man's purpose. He He smiled and said, "Grandpa, were you watching "Eternal Dragon Sword" just now?"

"Well, the serialization is too slow. I have to watch it a second time."

"This is easy to talk about. I'll go to Luo University and ask him to deposit the manuscript and show it to grandpa."

The old man touched his beard, shook his head and said: "This will lose some of the joy of chasing books. Being a pure reader is also quite interesting."

Xiao Yan laughed. He also likes Luoyang's martial arts novels, but in comparison, Xiao Yan still prefers Luoyang's Internet novels. The forms of Internet articles are changeable, unconstrained and eclectic, the plot is passionate, and the fast food can be swallowed whole. This is just the right way to read, so he doesn’t quite understand the joy of reading martial arts novels.

"Will you continue to cooperate on this novel?" The old man got down to business.

The management of the Xiao family is relatively loose, and there is almost no intrigue, so the relationship between Xiao Yan and the old man is quite in line with the standard of family happiness. While pouring the old man a cup of tea, he said: "Of course we will continue to cooperate, and because of a The reason for the bet is that I will get all the copyrights this time.”


The old man raised his eyebrows.

Xiao Yan said: "The thing is like this, Luo University planned a program..."

Xiao Yan told the old man about the content of his bet with Luoyang and the basic idea of ​​the show "Running Brothers": "At first, I thought this show would definitely be a hit, but after watching the finished product and communicating with the director, , I found that this program has the potential to become a hit.”

"It's interesting." The old man said, "If the show becomes popular, you will lose."

Xiao Yan spread his hands: "I have reservations about this, but there is the possibility of a big fire. Luo Da's standard for becoming a hit is on the same level as "The Voice of Dragon Kingdom". How can such a phenomenon be so simple? Take a step back Wanbu, even if he becomes popular, the worst he can do is give Luo Da what he wants."

"Favor investment?"

"That's right. Maybe grandpa doesn't like this method."

The old man laughed loudly: "I, Xiao Huanyu, have been in the business world all my life. I have experienced countless gambles and bets, but I rarely place my bets on a person's character, because I prefer to believe that human nature is evil. In the business world, I can The only one I believe in is myself, but there are no exceptions. I have also believed in others, made emotional investments, and received generous returns. "

"Grandpa is talking about Teacher Lu Bing?"

"It's her. The bet I placed on her back then was no less than yours."

There was a hint of recollection in Xiao Yan's eyes: "No wonder Lu Bing had five phenomenal books under his name back then. His strength is one aspect, and the support given by his grandfather is also another aspect. Nowadays, Lu Bing almost no longer publishes books, but the company behind him is developing smoothly. Along the way, joining the Shadow King can be regarded as a win-win situation for Grandpa and me.”

The old man sighed: "So you and Luoyang..."

Xiao Yan showed a wry smile and said: "History is always surprisingly similar."

The old man took a sip of tea and said, "Friendship is a relatively reliable form of cooperation. I can't teach you how to judge people, but your performance in the past few years since returning to China has not embarrassed me. This shows that the child and you get along very well. He He said that no matter whether he wins or loses in this bet, he will give you the copyright of "Eternal Dragon Sword", so no matter whether he wins or loses in this bet, you have to give him a generous gift. Gemini is a bit old, so give him Scorpio. "


The ground was like thunder.

Xiao Yan showed a look of surprise.

Many years ago, several big guys at the same level as Xiao Huanyu discussed building some landmark buildings in Tiandu, and finally decided to build twelve buildings named after the twelve constellations, with each building having a total area of ​​ten. About 10,000 square meters, the Twin Towers means Gemini and is the first twelve constellation series building to be completed in Tiandu. Recently, the Scorpio Tower, which means Scorpio, and the Mojie Tower, which means Capricorn, have also been renovated and are ready for occupancy at any time.

There are many companies bidding!

After all, a building of this level can serve as the headquarters of any company!

But now, Xiao Huanyu opened his mouth and actually wanted to give the Scorpio Building to Luoyang. This undoubtedly shocked Xiao Yan. In terms of generosity, he really couldn't compare with his wily grandpa!

The most important thing is, I really want to show off like my grandpa...

Xiao Huanyu didn't know what Xiao Yan was thinking at the moment, so he added: "If that guy is really upset, just ask him to hand over a series of copyrights of "Dragon Ball" to the Movie King for operation. The development progress of our national comics in Dragon Kingdom Slow down, we old guys were so shameless at the last meeting, maybe "Dragon Ball" is an opportunity."

"He will definitely agree."

Xiao Yan sighed, it's not that Luoyang can't afford a building of 100,000 square meters.

In fact, there are some things that cannot be exchanged for money. The Scorpio Building has become the headquarters of Shuimu Culture. This has invisibly established an extremely huge image for Shuimu. In the future, in terms of appearance alone, there will be almost no one in Longguo's publishing industry that can compare with it. There is a counterbalance between water and wood.

"Master, can we serve food?"

Outside the door, an old housekeeper knocked gently.

Xiao Huanyu nodded: "Well, let's serve. I'm a little hungry after talking for so long, so I'll call Xiaoyun and Xiaohai down for dinner."

The butler nodded and went. A few minutes later, the servants served the food. It was not an exaggeration, five dishes and one soup. The butler came back alone, bowed to Xiao Huanyu and said, "Miss Xiao Yun and the young master are here." I was watching TV on the third floor and said I didn’t want to eat tonight, so I asked Master and Young Master Xiao Yan to eat here first.”

"watch TV?"

Xiao Yanqi said: "Aren't they both not interested in TV series?"

The housekeeper shook his head and said: "I took a look just now. It's not a TV series, it's an entertainment program. It seems to be called "Running Brothers". Miss Xiao Yun and Young Master Xiao Hai are rarely so happy. They laughed all the time while watching the program. Stop, so I didn’t disturb them..."

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