Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 853: Relying on the Heaven and Slaying the Dragon (2)

RB fans like to call Mr. Theking my king.

However, in the Dragon Kingdom, because of the status of the Luoyang martial arts emperor, there are many die-hard fans jokingly shouting "Long live my king". Therefore, it does not make many associations among netizens. What fills the hearts of netizens is more about "Long Live My King". Looking forward to "Eternal Dragon Sword".

December 15th.

The final chapter of the Condor Trilogy, "The Legend of Heaven and Dragon Sword", is officially on the shelves!

Major bookstores were overcrowded, and almost everyone came here just for the book "The Legend of Heaven and Dragon Sword". The bookstore clerks were busy handling the steady flow of orders. According to real-time news reports, a bookstore in Tiandu was overcrowded by customers because of the large number of people. situation occurred, the grand opening of the painting can be seen.

Of course, sales are something...

It is definitely impossible to calculate intuitively in the short term.

The relevant staff of Shuimu Culture can only carefully speculate on the sales of "The Legend of Heaven and Dragon Sword" through the situation of major bookstores. Generally speaking, the performance is quite optimistic. There will be almost no one in Dragon Kingdom that can compete with the opening of "The Legend of Heaven and Dragon Sword" this year. The grand works include the previously famous "Blue Flower Pond".

And in the capital of Liao Province, inside a star-rated hotel.

A young man was waiting for something slightly nervously.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and the young man said eagerly: "Please come in, the door is unlocked."

As he finished speaking, an ordinary-looking mature woman wearing a scarf entered the room. As soon as the woman entered the door, the young man couldn't help but said: "Sister Zhang, didn't I ask you to buy a book? Why did it take you so long to come back?"

The woman who was called Sister Zhang by the young man smiled bitterly and said: "You think I am thinking that the bookstore is overcrowded. In order to buy you this copy of "The Legend of Heaven and Sword of the Dragon", I queued for more than an hour to check the weather. 》Phenomenal performance is unstoppable, he is worthy of being a martial arts emperor!”

The young man said a little excitedly: "Where is the book?"

Sister Zhang handed the beautifully packaged "Eternal Dragon Sword" to the young man, and said helplessly: "I am an agent who works hard, and I haven't even had a bite to eat after queuing up."

The young man took the book and couldn't wait to open the package. When he heard Sister Zhang's words, he immediately stopped and said with some guilt: "I'm sorry, Sister Zhang. Why don't you, Sister Zhang, go to the hotel catering department to eat something first? Their self-service That’s right, don’t worry about me, I’ve pushed out all the announcements these days anyway, just stay in the hotel and read a book.”

The woman named Sister Zhang nodded and prepared to open the door and go out.

But when she walked to the door, she couldn't help but turn around and said: "Zhou Xuan, don't have too much hope. Luoyang said on Weibo last year that he wanted you to play Zeng Aniu. It was probably just a casual joke, because As far as I know, the protagonist of "Eternal Dragon Sword" is named Zhang Wuji, not Zeng Aniu. To say the least, Luoyang himself may have forgotten what he said about Zeng Aniu..."

Yes, this young man is actor Zhou Xuan.

Now he is no longer the young star competing for the role of Mei Changsu.

Now Zhou Xuan is gradually getting closer to the old bacon. Last year, during the casting selection for "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", Zhou Xuan's agency was running around to build momentum, hoping to win the role of Yang Guo for Zhou Xuan.

Unfortunately, Zhou Xuan did not catch Luoyang's attention, and the role of Yang Guo was eventually taken over by Luoyang's favorite general Tang Feng. As a result, "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", like its predecessor "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", became a huge hit upon its release and received high ratings. It has broken records continuously, and the number of clicks on video websites is still high. Tang Feng, who plays Yang Guo, has solidified his foundation with this role, becoming so popular that it almost exploded, and has become the goal of almost all young actors.

Zhou Xuan felt regretful, heartbroken, helpless, and all kinds of emotions.

It’s really not that he doesn’t have enough vision, it’s just a lack of luck, because whether it’s the role of Mei Changsu or the role of Yang Guo, he has tried hard to get it. Unfortunately, the results seem to be destined. Almost any actor's role could be fulfilled, but in the end they all fell into the hands of Tang Feng.

"You can clearly see Mei Changsu's potential..."

"I also clearly know that the divine eagle will create a miracle in the ratings of the Condor Shooting..."

"Obviously my vision is better than most actors of my generation, but I was unlucky both times..."

Zhou Xuan felt miserable. He had fantasized countless times about what heights he would reach if he won the roles of Mei Changsu and Yang Guo. Even if he couldn't match Tang Feng, he might not be far behind...

Unfortunately, there is no if in reality, but now there is a glimmer of hope in front of Zhou Xuan, that is, at the end of the casting of the divine eagle last year, Luoyang once went to Aite to meet Zhou Xuan for a small amount, and said inexplicably, "Maybe next time I asked you to play the role of Zeng Aniu." Many people only regarded it as a joke from Luoyang, but Zhou Xuan secretly remembered it in his heart.

He has been waiting for Luoyang's new martial arts work.

When "Eternal Dragon Sword" was serialized in "Jiang Hu", he couldn't wait to click on it and read it.

As a result, after following several issues in a row, Zhou Xuan found out helplessly that a character named "Zeng Aniu" did not appear in it. The real protagonist was named Zhang Wuji.

Yes, only a noble name like "Zhang Wuji" should be the name of the protagonist. A name like "Zeng Aniu" that sounds very earthy may not even be considered a supporting role in the book, at most it can be regarded as a supporting role. Just a sidekick, Zhou Xuan was extremely disappointed. He just said that he was unlucky and had no connection with the Luo family martial arts...

Even so, he still asked his agent to buy "Eternal Dragon Sword" on the first day it was put on sale. Sure enough, he still had hope.

At this moment, hearing the reminder from his manager Sister Zhang, Zhou Xuan smiled gently and said: "It's okay, Sister Zhang, even if I am not the protagonist in Luo Da's heart, I can still try hard to fight for it. After reading "The Legend of Heaven and Dragon Sword", Book talent is more competitive. As far as I know, Luo University never uses actors who have never read the original work as the protagonist. I will ask you to talk to the agency for me when the time comes. "

Sister Zhang nodded and sighed: "Hey, the company's scale is limited, and Sister Zhang doesn't have many resources. It's been holding you back over the years."

Zhou Xuan waved his hands repeatedly: "No, no, no, Sister Zhang, I have always felt that it all depends on human factors. The reason why I didn't get the leading role before was because of my lack of acting skills. It has nothing to do with Sister Zhang and the company."

After hearing this, Sister Zhang nodded and left the room silently. In fact, Zhou Xuan was very popular when he was a young boy. Therefore, after the first contract expired, major entertainment companies took notice and wanted to sign Zhou Xuan. However, Zhou Xuan's He has a good nature and knows how to repay kindness. He always thinks about the good of the company and is not as far-sighted as ordinary actors. He still foolishly renewed his contract with his original company. In this way, the small scale of the company actually restricted Zhou Xuan. The development in the past few years is a pity to say that he could have gone further.

Now I can't forget the name Zeng Aniu that Luoyang mentioned casually...

Isn’t it just because I want to use my own efforts to break the shackles of the company’s resources and go one step further...

After Sister Zhang left, Zhou Xuan started reading "Eternal Dragon Sword". He started reading it from the eleventh episode because he had read the first ten episodes in "Jianghu" magazine. Luoyang also said that the physical book contained the first ten episodes. There is no difference from the serialized version.

Unlike many celebrities who say they like Luoyang's works, Zhou Xuan really has a soft spot for Luoyang's works. When he competed for the role of Mei Changsu, it was because he read the meagerly serialized "Langya Bang" novel, and Although the protagonist of "Eternal Dragon Sword" is not Zeng Aniu, Zhou Xuan still enjoys watching it.

He actually reads very slowly.

It wasn't until twelve o'clock in the evening that Zhou Xuan read Chapter 16, "Stripping the Extremes and Returning to Nine Yangs".

In this chapter, Zhang Wuji fell off the cliff and learned the "Nine Yang Divine Art". Zhou Xuan felt similar to Xiang Tao's feelings -

"Falling off a cliff, surviving a catastrophe, and then getting a treasure. This would have been a very clichéd plot in other martial arts novels, but under Luo Da's hands, it not only perfectly filled the pit of "Jing in Oil", It also gives the most appropriate explanation for Zhang Wuji's acquisition of "Nine Yang Magic" and fills readers' hearts with expectations, which is really awesome."

With emotion, Zhou Xuan continued to read.

The original text reads: [The girl stared at him for a long time, but seeing that the expression on his face was calm and relaxed, she felt a little strange and asked: "What is your name? Why are you here?" Zhang Wuji thought to himself: "When I arrived in China, everyone immediately asked me about the whereabouts of my adoptive father. They used threats and deceptions, and used all possible means, so that I suffered a lot. From now on, 'Zhang Wuji' is considered dead. No one knows the whereabouts of the Golden Retriever Lion King Xie Xun. Even if he meets someone ten times more powerful than Zhu Changling in the future, he will not be afraid of falling into his trap and inadvertently killing my adoptive father. "He said, "My name is. A Niu.”]

Ah Niu!

Zhou Xuan's body trembled slightly.

A certain fire that had been hidden deep in my heart suddenly started to burn.

He had given up hope, so he suppressed his rapidly beating heart and continued reading with wide eyes: [The girl smiled slightly and said, "What's your last name?" Zhang Wuji thought to himself: "I said my last name is Zhang. The surnames "Yin" and "Xie" are not good. The pronunciation of the two characters "Zhang" and "Yin" is "Zeng". "My... my surname is Zeng."

Surnamed Zeng?

Name... A Niu!

It turns out that Zeng Aniu is Zhang Wuji!

It turns out that Zhang Wuji is the person Luo Da talks about...Zeng Aniu!

Zhou Xuan could no longer hold back his excitement. The calmness and elegance that a star should have had disappeared. He suddenly jumped up from the hotel bed and immediately called his manager, Sister Zhang. Sister Zhang seemed to be ready to fall asleep. , answered the phone, and said in a somewhat confused tone: "Zhou Xuan, you're still up so late, go to bed early..."

"No, Sister Zhang, listen to me, Zeng Aniu is the protagonist!"

"He is Zhang Wuji, and he is the protagonist of "The Legend of Heaven and Dragon Sword"!"

Zhou Xuan's voice resounded throughout the hotel room, and Sister Zhang on the other end of the phone quickly dispelled her heavy sleepiness, her face full of surprise!

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