Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 864 Daughter-in-law

Xiang Tao and Xiao Yuan got married, and the wedding ended perfectly.

But after the guests dispersed, Luoyang, Liu Qin, Hua Qi and Hu Hui gathered together for an extra meal. Without them, there was really too much socializing to deal with at the wedding banquet, and there was no time to eat, even if there was food everywhere. , several people's stomachs are still a little empty.

"Boss, why don't you have a wedding ceremony?"

Amber asked with a smile while eating.

Luoyang finished the food in his mouth and said with a smile: "I poured a lot of wine into him today. If we continue to have a wedding, I guess he really won't be able to bear it."

Because he is the groom's official, Xiang Tao cannot avoid drinking. This naturally gives Luoyang an opportunity to take advantage of it. He does not have much awareness of being the best man, so he takes the lead in pouring wine for Xiang Tao. Although Xiang Tao's drinking capacity is not bad, but Despite Luoyang's deliberate calculations, he was quickly defeated. When he entered the new house after the wedding, his steps were trembling. If the bridal chamber can be decorated under such circumstances, it can only be said that Xiang Tao is extremely talented. , or simply pretending to be drunk.

Amber squinted: "Aren't you afraid that he will come back with revenge in the future?"

Luoyang didn't care. His drinking capacity was much greater than Xiang Tao's, so there was room for recovery. What's more, Luoyang hadn't considered marriage for the time being.

Hua Qi, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said: "Speaking of which, the New Year will be here in a few days. It feels like this year is passing faster than in previous years. I wonder if it is because the company's development is too stable. I think every time in the future will be like this." The year goes by so fast, eh, the time that people think is still long will always pass by quietly when they think it is still long. "

Liu Qin clicked his tongue and said, "I didn't expect that our Hua Qi also has such a literary and youthful side."

"I'm probably homesick. Don't worry. I'll give you annual leave. You can go home at any time!" Luoyang said.

"What about boss, if I remember correctly, in previous years when the New Year was approaching, you would be urged to go home in a hurry by your parents on the phone. Why don't you seem to be in a hurry this year? You still say go home. The plane tickets have been purchased, are you going with your sister?”

Liu Qin said: "There is no need to go back this year."

The eyes of Hu Hue and Hua Qi became confused, and Luoyang smiled and explained: "It has been agreed that my parents will come to Tiandu this year to celebrate the New Year, so it will be a New Year's trip for the two old people, and they will take a look at the house I just bought. The older generation is still more concerned about these things.”

Hua Qi and Amber finally understood.


On the 14th, Shuimu Culture finally had a holiday.

To be precise, almost all companies of all sizes in Tiandu have started their annual holidays.

Hua Qi bought a plane ticket and left with Luoyang, Liu Qin and Hu Bo seeing her off. Hu Bo didn't have to leave. She and her brother were staying in Tiandu for two months this year.

On the 16th, Luoyang's parents came to Tiandu. Hua Qi went home for the holiday, and Liu Qin was responsible for driving. Luoyang never learned the driver's license, but Liu Qin learned the driver's license during his free period. Steadily, I drove Luoyang to the airport to pick up my parents.

It was the first time for Luo's father and Luo's mother to fly.

After arriving in Tiandu and walking out of the terminal, the two elders were seen by Luoyang and Liu Qin.

After getting in the car, Luo's father kept rubbing his head. After asking, he found out that it was his first time flying and he was a little airsick.

Liu Qin said: "It's okay, just go back and have a rest. When I fly next time, I will give my uncle an airsickness pill to take. I often fly when I work, and I have been airsick before, but there is a brand of Motion sickness medicine is very effective. Every time you take it in advance, the pain caused by motion sickness will be greatly relieved.”

"There's nothing wrong with me. The main thing is that your mother kept complaining that her ears hurt on the plane."

"Don't worry, Auntie, such incidents are prone to occur during short-distance airplane travel. The reason is that during short-distance travel, the plane is almost always in the state of takeoff and landing. The altitude difference causes the air pressure in the ear to change, causing eardrum pain. This situation This has happened to me too, just chew gum in advance and it’ll be fine.”

Because she often flies, Liu Qin has quite a lot of experience like this.

Mother Luo showed a satisfied smile: "Unlike you young people, we often fly. We used to take long-distance buses. It was common to sit for five or six hours at a time. I remember taking a train for three days and three nights before. The pain was harder than airsickness or something like that.”

Luoyang suggested: "You can take the high-speed rail when you go back. This is more than two hours slower than flying, but you won't feel dizzy or have earache."

Chatting all the way, Luoyang took Luo's father and Luo's mother into the newly bought house and showed them around inside and out. After seeing the new house, the second elder praised the house and said it was grand. The next day, Luoyang took the second elder again. Scorpio Building, because the company is on annual holiday, there are not many people in Scorpio Building, but it feels rare and peaceful.

Liu Qin naturally accompanied him throughout the whole process.

When they saw the true appearance of the Scorpio Building, a building that belonged entirely to Luoyang, Luo's father and mother were momentarily absent-minded.

Such a landmark building is actually the private property of their son. Although they have known this fact for a long time, they still cannot clearly understand its concept...

In the next few days, Luoyang and Liu Qin took their parents to visit a series of places of interest in Tiandu, such as the Forbidden City, the Great Wall, the Temple of Heaven, the Ming Tombs, Shichahai and other places.

Luo's father and Luo's mother stayed in Tiandu for a week in total.

This week, Luoyang and Liu Qin took them to various places in Tiandu.

When going back, the two elders really chose the high-speed rail. They didn't like the feeling of flying in the sky and felt insecure. Before leaving, Luo's mother didn't forget to talk about something that she had been talking about for a long time: "Luoyang, you are also The boss is not young anymore. When he graduates from college, he will marry Liu Qin! "

Luoyang was stunned for a moment.

Liu Qin didn't know what to do when he heard this.

Luo's father saw the awkwardness in the atmosphere and laughed and said, "Look, what are you doing in such a hurry? Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings. It's okay for us adults to worry about this kind of thing, but if you have to point fingers in every aspect, it will make you more helpful." The busier you are, right, Luoyang?”

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Luoyang's head feels like pounded garlic.

Mother Luo rolled her eyes at the father and son, took Liu Qin's hand and said: "Anyway, Xiaoqin, I have decided that you are the daughter-in-law of my Luo family. I hope you don't blame me for being abrupt. This kid from Luoyang likes you." Yes, I can tell, but his temper has not completely calmed down. If he dares to bully you, tell me and I will teach him a lesson. "

Liu Qin's face turned red and she said, "Thank you... thank you, auntie, it's not... it's nothing..."

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