Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 875 Suppressing the Little Queen (Part 1)

June 1st.

The world-famous Sherlock Holmes series serialized two stories: "The Lion's Mane" and "The Tenant with the Veil".

As exciting as ever, this is the fifth and sixth story in the new detective story, which is infinitely close to the scheduled ending; and in "Jiang Hu" magazine, the masterpiece "The Legend of the White-haired Witch" by a newcomer in martial arts, Qing Shi Zhan sword, has also entered In the final stage, the conflict between the male protagonist Zhuo Yihang and the female protagonist Jade Rakshasa deepened day by day, and they gradually drifted away, triggering countless heated discussions about the plot...

Of course, these are not the hottest current events.

Hongchenwu, the little romance queen of the Dragon Kingdom, released a new work "On the Water Side", which coincided with the launch of a new book by the national writer Luoyang on the same theme "The Legend of Zhen Huan". A gorgeous car crash of the same type and background, combined with the well-known "Persimmon" joke on the Internet, As soon as this unique book war started, it attracted widespread attention from the industry and outside the industry——

This is the hottest thing right now!

In major bookstores, posters for "The Legend of Zhen Huan" and "On the Water Side" stand side by side in an angle.

Yes, in the Dragon Kingdom romance market, although at first glance Hongchen Wu’s appeal is much stronger than that of Luoyang, which specializes in martial arts, national writers are national writers after all, and their fighting power of pure fans cannot be underestimated. Therefore, in addition to In addition to "On the Water Side", which opened to great popularity, there are also many people who bought "The Legend of Zhen Huan"...

Tang Jinxuan is one of Luoyang’s pure fans.

Because many people around me have said that it would not be inappropriate to use the name Tang Jinxuan as the heroine of a romance novel.

Therefore, Tang Jinxuan has formed an indissoluble bond with romance novels since she was very young. She has dabbled in the works of famous romance writers such as Lu Bing, Mi Hu, and Hongchen Wu. However, Tang Jinxuan’s favorite works are those written by Luoyang. "The First Intimate Contact", "The Days Living with the Stewardess", "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years" and even "Nirvana in Fire" and other works...

Lu Fei and Ran Jing.

Ke Jingteng and Shen Jiayi.

Qingwu Feiyang and ruffian Cai.

Qilin Talent Mei Changsu and Princess Nihuang...

The creation of these characters is very classic, and Tang Jinxuan has always liked it. Later, this sense of characters also spread to film and television works. The successful filmization of these works made Tang Jinxuan like Luoyang even more!

So as soon as "The Legend of Zhen Huan" was released today, she lined up at the bookstore to buy it.

Of course, Tang Jinxuan has also learned about the Internet rumors about Hongchenwu treating Luoyang as a "soft persimmon". It can be seen that most people do not think that Luoyang can defeat its rival Hongchenwu in the book market. However, in Tang Jinxuan's view, Hongchenwu But she may not be able to win over Luoyang. As an experienced romance reader, she has also read Hongchenwu's works. They are quite exciting, but not distracting.

It always feels like too much craftsmanship.

On the other hand, Luoyang is not a professional romance writer, but Luoyang's ability to write romance is absolutely unquestionable, and it is quite heart-warming and touching. After all, Luoyang also led the trend when he serialized romance novels on Weibo.

"A copy of "The Biography of Zhen Huan"."

"A copy of "On the Water Side"."

"I want a copy of By the Water."

"I want two copies of "The Legend of Zhen Huan" and "On the Water Side". Check out together."

The customers in front are queuing up to check out. Judging from the current situation, there are obviously more readers buying "On the Water Side" than "The Legend of Zhen Huan". After all, Luoyang's influence is more concentrated in martial arts and science fiction, but Tang Jinxuan also understands a little bit. Looking at the laws of the book market, she knows that it is not the first-day sales volume that determines the final performance of a book. When external factors are exhausted, it is word-of-mouth that determines the market for a work.

Moreover, although more people bought "On the Water Side"...

However, the sales volume of "The Legend of Zhen Huan" is not low. The gap is there, but it is not an exaggeration.

It was Tang Jinxuan's turn. Tang Jinxuan put the unpacked "The Legend of Zhen Huan" and "On the Water Side" on the cabinet together, and said to the waiter: "I want both of these books."

Yes, in addition to "The Legend of Zhen Huan", Tang Jinxuan also bought "On the Water Side".

She doesn't like to follow what others say. Which of the two books is stronger or weaker? She wants to make her own judgment instead of blindly following the trend.

After buying the book, Tang Jinxuan returned to her residence, lay down leisurely in the bedroom, and tore open the packaging of "The Legend of Zhen Huan". Compared with "On the Water Side", she was of course more looking forward to Luoyang's return to romance works after several years of absence.

Skipping the preface, Tang Jinxuan went directly to the first chapter: [The day I first entered the palace was a very sunny day. The 20th day of the eighth lunar month in the 12th year of Qianyuan was an auspicious day. Standing in the empty courtyard of the Forbidden City, you can see an extremely clear sky, as blue as a puddle of jasper, without a trace of cloud. Occasionally, wild geese fly by in groups...]

Tang Jinxuan was not slow in reading, and she finished the first chapter very quickly.

The plot of the first chapter tells the story of Zhen Huan's participation in the talent show. Zhen Huan is the daughter of Zhen Yuandao, the Minister of Civil Affairs. She does not want to enter the palace, but she is outstanding in talent and beauty, so she is selected by the emperor and becomes a member of the harem.

A decent start. The name of the heroine Zhen Huan can be regarded as explaining the origin of the title of the book "The Legend of Zhen Huan". At the beginning, the heroine's family, background, friends, personality and other factors are briefly introduced. The interesting part is the characters. The introduction is very well-founded, and the early characters must have their own image rather than a facial expression.

Tang Jinxuan continued to read.

As I read, the overall background of "The Legend of Zhen Huan" also began to unfold.

A gorgeous and bloody palace battle started extremely cruelly when Zhen Huan looked like the late Chun Yuan. Various typical characters also appeared on stage, including the proud and wanton Concubine Hua; An Lingrong, the daughter of the county magistrate; the duplicitous queen; the outspoken and chaste Shen Meizhuang; the scheming Cao Guiren; the mysterious and tragic Empress Duan...

Just like the composition of a hundred flowers, the ladies in the harem composed a song of great prosperity!

In this symphony, there are tears, blood, sweat, betrayal, warmth, indifference, cruelty, and infatuation. The scenes of joys and sorrows are all played out in Tang Jinxuan's heart.


The door opened.

The roommate who had just returned from a date with her boyfriend took the key and opened the door. When she returned home, she looked at the kitchen and shouted, "Tang Jinxuan, what are you doing? You are clearly at home and you haven't even cooked dinner?"

Only then did Tang Jinxuan stop reading.

She found that her eyes were extremely sore, her stomach was rumbling non-stop, and the feeling of hunger was all over her brain!

I checked the time and found that it was already half past ten in the evening. It turned out that I had been watching for nearly twelve hours without knowing it. I was really crazy. Not only did I forget to eat lunch, I even forgot to make dinner. Can not remember……

The last time I forgot to eat while reading a novel was a few years ago, right?

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